Features of the diet - the process of eating
Nutrition for yogis is only a pledge of good health, high mental and physical performance. The desire to receive only pleasure from food leads to the use of sophisticated culinary techniques for cooking, which in the vast majority are harmful to health. Thermal and other types of processing products leads to deprivation of their original natural properties and qualities that are necessary for human health. In nature, there is already ready to eat food in the form of plant foods, which practically does not require treatment.
Followers of yoga affirm the importance of not only choosing a diet, but the very process of eating. They are recommended to continue chewing movements until the food is completely chopped, will not dissolve by saliva, and imperceptibly for a person, gradually it will not swallow, That is, chewing should be active, and the process of swallowing - passive. In most cases, the person does exactly the opposite - immediately swallow food, almost without chewing. Also, solid and liquid foods( for example, sandwiches with tea) are used. Yogis are not recommended to drink food with liquids, as this facilitates rapid swallowing, almost eliminating the process of chewing. Taking food "on dry" harms the body only in cases when a person chews food poorly. Inadequately chewed food contributes to the development of various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. It is recommended that you do not swallow liquid food and water, but pre-mix it with your tongue in your mouth for some time, making chewing movements, thereby extracting from it so-called energy( prana).There is a motto of yoga - "to drink solid food( bringing it to the consistency of saliva) and chew liquid."
The physiologists have proved that the process of chewing food reflexively prepares the gastrointestinal tract for digestion, enhances the intestinal and stomach motility, initiates the active release of digestive juices and enzymes, which improves digestion, helping to extract the maximum benefit from food. Such diseases of the gastrointestinal tract as gastritis, colitis, etc. can be cured by following a diet of yogis and following recommendations for thorough chewing food. It is noted that the process of active chewing improves the condition of the tonsils, ears and eyes as a result of the normalization of blood circulation in these areas of the head. Also, teeth are strengthened, the improvement of which is directly related to the consumption of solid foods( turnips, carrots, apples, nuts).The process of chewing in this case must start with incisors, gradually moving the food to the molars. Also, in case of a thorough chewing, the question of the amount of food intake is automatically removed at a time, due to the feeling of satiety coming up. Overeating is harmful to the body, it is better to eat less than to overeat. Followers of yoga recommend to rise from the table with a feeling of easy hunger. In particular, this applies to fast-eating and poor chewing people, whose satiety is late because of the delay of the chewing reflex, although the volumes of food consumed are very significant.
Used materials:
Shilov VN, Mits'yo VP«Healthy food»