To the means of internal cleansing of the body is also fasting. Fasting is divided into a long one, which lasts from 2 to 6 weeks and for a short duration, which lasts 24 or 36 hours. Blood, which under normal conditions performs the transport function of transfer to the cells of nutrients that enter the digestive tract, during the period of fasting, is released from this function and takes a greater part in the purifying and regenerative processes of the body. In addition, fasting causes a stressful physiological reaction within safe limits. This stressful physiological reaction puts the organism in a dangerous position, because the food intake from outside is stopped. The organism responds to this by a wide range of protective reactions, such as increased immunity, activation of restorative processes, i.e.begins the transfer of all cells of the body to a more economical mode of absorbing oxygen and nutrients that are available in the body of the body.
Loss of appetite, usually occurs during a person's illness. Thanks to nature, a person knows how to be treated. A good example, in this respect, are animals. They in the period of illness refuse completely from food. The body mobilizes its defenses during the period of fasting. Therefore, forcibly forced to eat during the period of illness - not physiological. The organism will "wake up" from hunger on its own when it gets better. Yogis advise a short-term fast to regain lost health and not bring the matter to an illness. Short-term fasting of yoga is recommended for use in such diseases as various allergic and nervous diseases, peptic ulcer and other diseases of the digestive system. Doing self-sustained fasting is not advised. Such starvation is carried out only under the guidance of a mentor, in medical institutions.
Yoga is considered a prerequisite, without which you can not start fasting, daily consumption of 10-12 glasses of water. Even 24-hour fasting should not be started until the technique of drinking water is mastered. Otherwise, self-poisoning by metabolic products is possible, which must be excreted from the body with water through the lungs, kidneys, skin, during fasting. Headache is one of the signs of self-poisoning during the period of fasting.
Compliance with the yoga diet is the second condition for fasting. After cleansing the body of starvation, consumption of products of animal origin, flour products on yeast, sugar, alcohol causes negative reactions. Because of this, the effectiveness of starvation treatment in clinics is often unstable and short-lived. When switching to an ordinary unbalanced diet with a large number of products of animal origin, the diseases immediately begin to return.
Weekly 36-hour fasting is necessary for every person. The elderly or weakened people are recommended 24-hour fasting. People with reduced weight, children and adolescents under 18 years of age are not allowed to fast.
Materials used:
Shilov VN, Mits'yo VP"Healthy food"