What is the difference between fish and fish oil?

Fish and fish oil - what is the difference and is it there? Until recently, many did not even suspect the existence of two types of product. There was always only fish oil on hearing. He was given to children as a fortifying aid and drank themselves. Now on the shelves of pharmacies there is a new dietary supplements - fish oil. How is it different from fish and what is more useful? We'll figure out.

Fat of marine fish should be taken by courses

About fish oil

People of the older generation perfectly remember the spoon with an oily, odorous liquid that was forced to drink at home, in kindergarten and school. It was believed that the product is very useful, because it has immunostimulating and restorative action.

However, studies have shown that excessive use of such an additive can cause liver and kidney disease. Therefore, recently on the shelves of pharmacies appeared fish oil, devoid of all the defects of its predecessor. Obtain it from carcasses of salmonids.

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Warning. Thus, today there are two forms of fish oil that need to be delimited.

What's the difference?

What is the difference between fish oil and fish oil? So it turned out that these additives, despite the general raw materials, have a different, it is possible to say a mirror, composition. Accordingly, the impact on the body will be different. This is the main difference.

Fish oil

Every known product contains a large amount of vitamins A and D, but Omega-3 is not enough, about 10-13%.It is recommended to take fish oil in short courses( not more than 1 month) and only in the autumn-winter period. However, it is undesirable to combine it with other vitamin supplements and dietary supplements.

Fish product is necessary for kids to prevent rickets and vitamin deficiency.

What is fish oil made from? To produce the remedy, the liver of large cod, herring, mackerel and other fatty fish is used.

Additive is used to treat and prevent the following pathological conditions:

  • rickets;
  • anemia;
  • vitamin deficiency;
  • depletion of the body after the disease;
  • of night blindness.

Often cod liver oil is prescribed to raise the overall nutritional value of the diet.

Warning. With the use of an additive on an empty stomach, digestive disorders, diarrhea may occur. When catarrhal lesions often develop exacerbations.

The disadvantage of fish oil is a high probability of getting a decent dose of harmful substances in the liver of the fish along with a spoonful of vitamins. Especially relevant is the problem today, when the seas are polluted with various wastes of human production and life. It is for this reason that the intake of fish oil is restricted to pregnant women.

Fish fat

The product is made from the pulp of salmon fish. Therefore, there are few vitamins in it, but the content of Omega-3 fish oil is clearly in the lead.

Fish fat is the champion in content of Omega-3

Due to this composition, the additive is used for the prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis and cardiovascular diseases. Supplements well reduces cholesterol, increases immunity, improves performance and endurance, strengthens the body. But in the fight against beriberi it will not be effective enough. Take the drug can be a long time.

It should be separately told about Omega-3, which is the main component of fish oil. The substance is classified as polyunsaturated acids, which are recommended to be included in nutrition of people of any age. PUFA is needed to improve mental development and memory, improve learning - this is about children.

Attention. The use for adults is to improve blood circulation, clean blood vessels, normalize blood pressure and maintain blood sugar levels. Omega-3 will help to maintain health and beauty for many years.

Omega-3 is necessary for normal functioning of the body.

. It is customary to separate fat from waste fish into a separate group. Obtain it by the method of processing whole carcasses without evisceration. This product contains a little bit of everything and does not have high quality.

How to make the right choice?

Before buying fish oil, you need to decide what kind of dietary supplement you need - the same one from childhood, or fish with Omega-3.After deciding on the choice and coming to the pharmacy, you should carefully read the labels on all the products offered.

What you need to look at first:

  • content of Omega-3.In fish oil, the proportion of PUFAs can not exceed 15%, and in fish oil - 30%.If the indicators are greater, the product is most likely created chemically;
  • manufacturing method. The method of molecular differentiation indicates a high quality of dietary supplements;
  • filling or encapsulated. The liquid product should be sealed in dark glass bottles;
  • material from which capsules are made. Fish gelatin is more useful.

When choosing a quality and useful product, you need to pay attention to the manufacturer. Abroad, the best is Norway, we, in Russia - Arkhangelsk and Murmansk.

So, what is better - fish or cod liver oil? It is definitely impossible to answer this question. These are two different means and each of them is good in its own way. Everything depends on the goal that the person pursues. For the prevention and treatment of vitamin deficiency or rickets, fish oil is suitable. But the main thing here is not to overdo it. With a shortage of polyunsaturated acids, it is more useful to take fish oil.

Caution. Fat-soluble vitamins are able to accumulate in the liver and have a toxic effect on the body.

It is better to consult with a doctor before buying an additive, especially for young children. A specialist will select a tool that will be most useful and suitable for solving a specific problem. It is necessary to avoid questionable sellers offering dietary supplements at low prices. The benefits of neither fish nor from fish counterfeiting will not be.

Warning. The article is for informational purposes only. Consultation of a specialist is necessary.

  • Mar 08, 2018
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