We choose children's toothpaste: review, reviews of dentists and parents

On the right choice of such a hygienic product, as a children's toothpaste for cleaning teeth, it is necessary to think about already since the baby has the first milk tooth.

Many parents, unfortunately, are approaching the choice of children's toothpaste without due responsibility. Often pasta for babies is bought only by the criterion of "child".

But hygiene products for babies have many differences that can positively or detrimentally affect a child's health. That's why you need to choose the toothpaste for cleaning your baby's teeth, as well as the brush, very carefully, beforehand with the necessary information.

Contents of

  • What factors should be considered?
    • Attention to fluoride content
    • No calcium possible
    • Salt content
    • Coming of other components
    • Taste, color and frothiness of paste
  • Selection of paste for the youngest
    • Doctor's and parents' opinion
  • Recommended remedies for children from 3 to 7 years
    • The word to parents andspecialists
  • instagram viewer
  • What is suitable for children from 7 to 12 years
    • Dental advice
  • Having studied the opinion of hundreds of dentists. ..

What factors should be considered?

What can you say about children's hygiene products, such as toothpastes, besides the fact that they differ in taste and smell? Some parents when choosing a paste pay attention to this criterion.

Pastes, which contain fragrances, dyes and flavors, are really more attractive for small users, since "tasty" pasta is much more interesting.

But, in fact, about such criteria as the color and smell of products, when choosing a paste, you need to think in the last place.

Let's pay attention to the fluoride content

Fluorine is a substance that protects the tooth surface from small damages and prevents the penetration of bacteria under the tooth enamel. Many people mistakenly believe that the higher the concentration of fluoride in the paste, the better this product is suitable for the child.

In fact, children's toothpaste should be with a low concentration of fluoride or even without it. Small children when brushing their teeth, as a rule, swallow the paste with water, and getting into the body of a large amount of fluoride provokes the development of fluorosis.

The smallest children are advised to buy a paste without containing such a substance.

There are exceptions when children's dentists advise buying toothpaste with fluoride for those kids who live in areas where this element is absent in water.

Without calcium, you can not do it

But without what component really does not have to do pasta, it's calcium. But it is important to take into account its concentration.

Do not be zealous, and buy a paste with the highest percentage of calcium, if the child has no problems with the teeth. Calcium positively affects not only the tooth enamel, but also affects the inner layers of the dental tissue.

Calcium in pastes, including children's, is found in various compounds.

Do not buy the paste, which contains both calcium and fluoride. These two substances neutralize each other's actions and are mutually exclusive. When they are combined during the cleaning of teeth, calcium fortifying ions are not released.

High calcium pastes are recommended for children who have problems with tooth enamel( crumbling teeth, brown or white spots on the tooth surface).

Salt content

Baby toothpaste should be carefully cleaned and protect the tooth surface. Salt refers to abrasive substances to which some are attributed whitening and cleaning properties.

The most radical abrasive substances, such as salt, soda and chalk, have a detrimental effect on children's thin tooth enamel, so do not buy pasta with a high concentration of these components.

As a rule, you can determine the level of abrasiveness by the index RDA, which in children's pastes should not exceed 20 units.

Entering other components of

Many parents, wanting to show the highest degree of care for a child, buy a paste with a high concentration of antibacterial substances. Typically, such substances in most tubes are presented in the form of Triclosan, Metronidazole and Chlorhexidine.

The problem is that with their radical impact they kill not only harmful, but also necessary bacteria in the oral cavity. In case the child does not have obvious problems with the teeth, it is better to give preference to pastes that do not contain antibacterial substances.

As a part of children's toothpastes, dairy enzymes must be present in the form of Lactoferrin, Lactoperoxidase, Lysozyme, Glucose Oxide. Their function is to strengthen the immunity of the baby and strengthen the protective properties of saliva.

It is remarkable, if in the paste there is casein - a substance that maximally contributes to strengthening of enamel.

The aftertaste, color and frothiness of

paste. As much as one would like to please a child with a paste, it is worth remembering that flavoring fillers and fragrances are harmful not only for the health of teeth and gums, but also for the body as a whole. At expensive and qualitative pastes, as a rule, there is no sucrose. But often you can find in the composition of flavors and dyes.

You can not buy pastes that contain chlorhexidine and sodium lauryl sulfate. These substances contribute to frothiness, but they have a very detrimental effect on health, therefore they are banned in many countries.

Many manufacturers of pastes, even when manufacturing children's products, neglect this rule.

to the procedure of cleaning teeth were not for you and the child's painful pastime, it is better to buy a paste, which is not very pleasant aroma active substances overlaps light mint or menthol flavor.

not recommended to purchase colored pastes, as any dye devastating effect on tooth enamel, but also - and on the walls of the digestive organs, as part of the paste when using a child swallows.

Selecting a paste for the smallest

Toothpaste for the youngest children from 1 year should contain a minimum concentration of fluoride, but it is better if it is not at all in the composition. The level of abrasiveness of such a paste should not exceed 20 units.

Suitable products for use in this period of the baby's life can be called:

  1. PRESIDENT Baby is an Italian product with the active ingredients of which is calcium glycerophosphate and xylitol. In paste there are no fluorides, sodium lauryl sulfate, parabens, PEG.The pasta is characterized by a light crimson aroma, it is safe to swallow. The composition contains calcium glycerophosphate, which protects tooth enamel from damage.
  2. LACALUT baby - Germanic paste with a minimum content of fluorine and an acceptable norm of abrasiveness, active substances are amino fluoride, as well as vitamins A and E.
  3. Calendula gel "Weleda" is also produced in Germany. Active ingredients are marigold extract, mint oil and fennel, alginate. The product does not contain fluoride, it is safe to swallow, gently and gently cleans the milk teeth.

The opinion of the doctor and parents

According to dentists, the best baby toothpaste for the smallest Weleda, which is confirmed by the reviews.

To the smallest patients I recommend dental gel with calendula "Weleda".What is important is that in this gel the active ingredient is a natural component, and not a chemical compound, the effect of which at an early age is not desirable. A good, effective and proven tool.

Alexander Semenovich, dentist, Moscow

Daughters are 2 years old, since recently they began to buy "LACALUT baby" pasta. I trust German products, and this paste justified the trust. Pleasant, subtle fragrance, good effect, soft effect. I am glad that I managed to find a quality pasta for my child.

Alena Pavlovna, Moscow

Recommended remedies for children from 3 to 7 years old

Children at this age should buy a paste containing fluorine and calcium, but make sure that the level of concentration of these substances is not very high.

A necessary component is lactic acid, because at that age teeth change which need to be strengthened at the earliest stages.

Baby tooth pastes that are suitable for this age:

  1. Split junior west .The paste has a gel base and a pleasant apple flavor. The paste contains dairy enzymes( lysozyme, casein and others).Due to the aminofluoride in the oral cavity tissues are rapidly regenerated, which are damaged during the process of the dentition. The paste contains calcium, which helps to strengthen the permanent teeth
  2. Pasta EAST from Lakalut .Bioactive paste contains a whole complex of dairy enzymes, the main component is hydrolyzed casein. The paste carefully cleans the first permanent teeth and strengthens the immunity in general.
  3. SPLAT JUNIOR 3-8 is an Italian toothpaste, the active substances of which are sodium fluoride, monofluorophosphate, xylitol. Excellent protection against caries and neutralizes excess acids in the mouth. Has a pleasant smell of cola.

The word to parents and specialists

Recommendations of dentists and consumers.

I recommend children from 3 to 8 years of age apply paste "Splat junior West".The casein contained in the composition contributes to the maximum level of protection and strengthening of the teeth. Proven product.

Sergey Nikolaevich, children's dentist, Perm

I could not find a paste for a long time, which would have pleased my seven-year-old son. Has got «SPLAT JUNIOR 3-8» with a smack and a smell of a cola, now the child runs to clean a teeth without reminders. There are no problems with teeth, effective paste.

Elena, Sochi

What is suitable for children from 7 to 12 years old

At this age, the formation and active growth of permanent teeth occurs, because the mouth and tooth enamel must be protected from bacteria.

Best remedies:

  1. SILCA Putzi - orange - Germanic paste, active substances of which are sodium fluoride and vitamin E. promotes strengthening of tooth enamel and maximum protection against caries.
  2. LACALUT teens 8+ is a paste from Germany that protects against caries and is pleasant to use due to microcapsules with citrus and mint flavor. Active components are sodium fluoride and aminofluoride.
  3. ELMEX junior, Colgate-Palmolive .Contains amino fluoride, which protects tooth enamel and more deep layers of dental tissue from caries. Does not contain colorants, flavors and harmful preservatives.

Tips for the dentist

For children aged 8 to 12 years, I would advise you to apply the paste "ELMEX junior" from Colgate, because it contributes not only to the general strengthening of teeth, but also the treatment of caries in the early stages. The same good and proven product is the paste "LACALUT teens 8+".

Thanks to the aroma and flavor it is pleasant to use, besides the active substances in its composition perfectly cope with the function of protecting tooth enamel.

Svetlana Yurievna, children's dentist, Moscow

Having studied the opinion of hundreds of dentists. ..

Today on the shelves of shops a lot of children's toothpastes. It is often difficult to make a choice, because people prefer to use doctors' advice.

So, the best toothpastes are according to the dentists according to the age of the children:

  1. 0 to 3 years old : PRESIDENT Baby 0-3, ROCS - PRO Baby, ROCS Baby - fragrant daisy, calendula gel Weleda, LACALUT baby.
  2. Among the toothpastes for children from 3 to 8 years old the leading positions in the ratings are held by: paste-gel PRESIDENT Kids, SPLAT JUNIOR 3-8, "ROCS kids - barberry.
  3. Children aged from 8 to 12 years, according to dentists, are ideally suited pasta LACALUT teens 8+, ELMEX junior from Colgate, PresiDENT Junior 6+.

It is very important to choose a suitable toothpaste for a child, because each age is characterized by its specific characteristics.

Knowledge of the composition and actions of different pastes is necessary for parents who have children of different ages in order to buy exactly the products that best correspond to the needs of the child's organism at this or that stage of development.

  • Mar 07, 2018
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