- Small, yes remote
- When is cowberry tea necessary?
- Recipes of lingonberry tea
- Cowberry for expectant mothers
- Contraindications
Cowberry tea has long been used to treat a variety of diseases. A healing decoction was prepared in Russia long before the appearance of Chinese and Japanese fashion drinks that are now fashionable. Especially delicious brewing was obtained from a mixture of berries and dried leaves. And today, continuing the traditions of our ancestors and appreciating the accumulated experience, we drink, maybe not very tasty, but such a useful tea.
Small, yes remote
Cowberry, being a resident of the highland and tundra zone, does not grow more than 17-20 cm. Preferred to settle in coniferous and mixed fir groves, marshes and loaches. It also occurs in dense thickets of bush.
Forest berry, like other inhabitants of the thicket, has a unique chemical composition:
- benzoic acid;
- vitamins A, E and C;
- sugar, carotene, pectin;
- tanning compounds;
- minerals and organic acids.
When is a cowberry tea necessary?
To whom and what is useful for cowberry tea? Therapeutic decoction, as a rule, is prescribed for diseases of the urinary system. Contained in the leaves of arbutin( and it's almost 10%), it perfectly disinfects the urinary tract. In folk medicine infusion of shoots is used to combat night enuresis in children.
Cowberry tea is useful for other diseases:
- respiratory infections with temperature;
- anemia;
- vitamin deficiency;
- neuroses;
- rheumatism;
- atherosclerosis;
- general weakness of the body, loss of strength;
- diabetes mellitus;
- gastritis with low acidity.
An infusion of cranberry leaf is useful for patients with stones in the bladder and kidneys. Regular reception of the drink helps to break up the stones and remove from the body. There is tea and salt, so recommended for use by patients with gout.
Caution. Folk healers believe that the brewing of leaves and branches of red whortleberries is an excellent preventive measure of cancer of the stomach and intestines.
Vitamin infusion perfectly restores the strength after the diseases, increases immunity and strengthens health. Patients with problems with the eyes, note that regular intake of medicinal tea significantly improves vision and stops the development of cataracts. Especially useful drink to people of elderly and senile age as a curative and preventive agent.
Recipes for tea from cowberry
To get a really healing drink, you need to use the "right" raw material for its preparation. Unlike berries, which are harvested in August-September, the leaves are harvested in the early spring, immediately after melting snow. Drying is carried out in a well-ventilated, warm room, constantly spouting shoots.
It is recommended to drink tea from the leaves of cranberries for 10 days with a break of at least a month. Finished raw materials can be bought at the pharmacy. The plant is sold crushed in cardboard boxes or in the form of separate bags for brewing.
Cowberry tea from all diseases
Such a drink is prepared simply. In the brew fill 2-3 tbsp.l.dry leaves and pour steep boiling water. The kettle is wrapped for 12 minutes, then the infusion is filtered and added to taste sugar or honey. Accept warm.
For pains in the stomach, you can recommend another recipe:
- 2 spoons of crushed leaves;
- 500 ml of water.
Raw materials are poured with boiling water, stand for 40 minutes and take before meals 50-70 ml. The broth is useful for gastritis with low acidity and manifestations of dyspepsia.
If there is time, prepare a more serious drink. For 250 ml of water take a spoonful of dry leaves and place on a slow fire. Hold for 15 minutes, cool and filter. The resulting broth is added to the original volume and consumed as regular tea.Cystitis infusion
Cowberry leaf is considered an excellent diuretic. The drug is used for nephropathy and other pathologies of the kidneys and urinary tract.
To prepare the infusion take:
- 2 tbsp.l.cranberry leaves;
- 2 cups of boiling water.
Dry raw material is poured in liquid and insist for an hour. Then filter and take 100 ml twice a day on an empty stomach.
With cystitis and pyelonephritis, you can prepare another therapeutic tea with a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. Its composition is slightly wider:
- spoon of rose hips;
- spoon of cranberry leaves;
- 250 ml of liquid.
Components are filled with water, heated slowly over a 5-minute period, cooled to room temperature. Use as a regular tea.
Cowberry from edema
Many women face such an unpleasant phenomenon as swelling. The pathological condition can be caused by diseases of the heart, liver or kidneys. Local fluid accumulation is often observed with thrombophlebitis and various inflammations. Cowberry tea will help cope with swelling of any nature.
The drink is prepared from a glass of boiling water and a spoonful of crushed leaves. The mixture is recommended to stand on a water bath for 10-11 minutes, cool and strain. In a ready-made broth it is good to add a spoon of mashed bilberry berries.
Caution. This tea perfectly removes swelling and fights with infections of the urinary tract. However, if serious illnesses are the cause of the pathological condition, consult a doctor before taking a medicinal decoction.
For diseased kidneys
With the help of leaves of cranberries, it is possible to eliminate or alleviate the symptoms of kidney disease. Often, medicinal teas are taken as an effective preventive remedy for relapses and exacerbations.
Substances contained in leaves are able not only to dissolve stones, but also to prevent the appearance of new calculi in the kidneys and bladder. In addition, cowberry broth with regular application has the following curative effect:
- eliminates pain;
- softens stones;
- relieves inflammation;
- removes urate salts and excess fluid from the body.
Alternative medicine offers to prepare for sick kidneys a decoction of 2 liters of water and 3 tbsp.l.dried leaves. The mixture is kept on low heat for 30-35 minutes. Then the drink is filtered and added to the former volume.
Take tea after each meal of 100 ml. The finished product is stored in the refrigerator. Loose leaves can be replaced with filter bags, each containing 1.5 grams of crushed raw materials.
Lose weight with cowberry
What woman does not dream to lose a couple of unnecessary kilograms. It is not so easy to do, but if the excess weight appeared against the background of excess fluid in the body, tea from the leaves of cranberries will help get rid of it.
Prepare it this way:
- Five tablespoons of dry raw material is poured with a liter of boiling water.
- The mixture is heated in a water bath for 20-25 minutes.
- The prepared broth is cooled and filtered.
The therapeutic drink is stored in the refrigerator. Use up to three times a day before meals.
Warning. When you are going to take a leaf of cranberries for weight loss, you must remember the length of the course. Using diuretic decoctions and infusions for more than 10 days can lead to dehydration and heart problems.
Cowberry for expectant mothers
The use of cranberry tea during pregnancy gives rise to a lot of controversy among doctors. Some believe that the drink can not be used categorically. Allegedly, it is harmful to the mother and the baby. Another group of specialists argues that the broth is not only safe, but also useful to pregnant women.
. What is good is cowberry tea:
- increases immunity;
- saturates the body with vitamins and microelements;
- lowers the temperature;
- reduces the amount of sugar in the blood;
- has anti-inflammatory and bactericidal action;
- has a diuretic effect.
The last point is especially important for pregnant women. A rare woman in the period of bearing a baby does not suffer from the accumulation of excess fluid.
Decongestion is prepared from a spoon of crushed leaves and a glass of liquid. The mixture is boiled on low heat for at least 30 minutes. Then filter, add water and add a spoonful of honey. The daily dose is 200 ml. It is divided into three portions and drunk during the day.
Warning. It is not recommended to take a cowberry leaf in the first weeks of pregnancy. The plant can increase the tone of the uterus and cause bleeding, which is far from tender for the expectant mother. It is better to start drinking diuretic teas from the 2nd trimester.
The combination of cranberry leaf and medicines with a diuretic effect can provoke large losses of fluids and nutrients that the mother and child need. Therefore, the pregnant woman should make a choice between medicines and medicinal drink.
The benefits of cranberry leaf are undeniable. And can a plant do harm and when should one be more careful with it? Consider the main contraindications:
- gastritis with high acidity;
- peptic ulcer in the stage of exacerbation;
- individual intolerance;
- low blood pressure.
Children under 12 years of age are also considered a restriction to admission, although there is no unanimous opinion among pediatricians about the benefits and harms of cranberry tea.
And in conclusion I want to say that lingonberry is one of the best medicinal plants. With proper use, it heals the body and is useful to everyone without exception.
Warning. The article is for informational purposes only. Consultation of the doctor is necessary.