Radish with honey from cough is a folk remedy for the prevention and treatment of diseases of the respiratory system, which cures cough perfectly and is used for decades to treat patients.
. Recipes
- Take one black radish of medium size, carefully wash it and cut off the top, which later will serve as a lid. To do this, a thin and sharp knife is used, which not only removes the tip, but also extracts from the middle part of the pulp.
As a result, a small bowl is formed inside the vegetable, which is filled with two teaspoons of honey. Top covered with a radish with honey lid.
Honey should be taken a little, so that it does not cover the whole groove and left free space for the formed juice. Then wait about twelve hours. This time is enough to isolate the juice from the root. Usually, the remedy is taken in the evening before going to bed, and in the morning it is used.
Adults take black radish juice with honey three times a day before eating one tablespoon. For children, the therapeutic dose of such a drug is one teaspoon. The procedure of preparation is repeated every night before going to bed, adding a new portion of honey. A new root is taken in three days. - An easier way to prepare a remedy for cough from black radish with honey: take a large black radish, wash it and clean it, then rub it on a large grater, squeeze the juice through the gauze and mix with two tablespoons of honey. The product is almost immediately ready for use, as honey dissolves quickly and mixes with the juice.
- Take a few medium fruits, wash, clean and cut into small slices. Then put in a pot and pour honey. In twelve hours from the vegetable will be a lot of juice, which is consumed before meals on a tablespoon three times a day.
This method is economical, since the root crop does not dry out.
- For people who are allergic to honey, the radish is covered with sugar and a cough remedy is prepared in the same way or baked in the oven. To do this, take root, wash, clean and cut it into small pieces, sprinkle sugar on top and put in a pan with a lid. Bake at one hundred degrees for about two hours. When the dish has cooled, collect the juice, and the rest is thrown away. Take the remedy for two teaspoons three times daily before meals.
- Treatment of radish children with honey is very careful. Begin treatment with one drop three times a day. With a normal reaction add one drop every day, bringing to a tablespoon a day.
- Fresh juice of black radish mixed with honey in equal proportions and take first on the fourth part of the glass, and then on the third part up to six times a day. This remedy is effective for bronchitis, pertussis, acute respiratory diseases and tuberculosis. It has expectorant, anti-inflammatory and soothing effects.
Useful properties of radish with honey
This cough savior is natural, does not contain chemical additives and has no side effects. This is why radish with honey can be used even for pregnant women and children.
It is known that a black radish is used for the preparation of a medicinal product, since it contains the maximum quantity of essential oils and vitamins in comparison with other varieties.
- Essential oils have a bactericidal action similar to that of antibiotics.
- Vitamins of various groups help to cope with the human body with a variety of inflammatory processes. So, in root vegetables contains a lot of vitamin C, which contributes to the rapid recovery of the body after the disease.
Honey is indispensable in the treatment of cough due to its special properties:
- antibacterial,
- immunostimulating,
- anti-inflammatory,
- restorative.
It saturates the body with energy and vitamins to fight infection.
You can take honey to make medicine. However, experts argue that the best medicine for cough is May honey, because it has a pronounced anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect.
Interaction of the main components of the drug enhances its therapeutic effect in dozens of times. Whatever the recipe for preparation of radish and honey means, the admission scheme remains this: three times a day, before meals, an adult - a tablespoon, a child - a tea.
This miracle mixture has a curative effect on anemia, dropsy, kidney and bladder stones, liver disease, gout, flatulence and malignant tumors. Radish juice with honey is used as a lacteal and anthelmintic.
Treatment of cough radish with honey is one of the most common folk antitussive methods. In addition, this drug is very tasty and cheap. For its preparation use only black radish, harvested in a new crop and not having any diseases.
You should buy root crops in rural markets, since such a vegetable is likely grown without the use of harmful chemical fertilizers.
If coughing becomes painful and does not go away for a long time, then such folk medication is unlikely to help. In this case, you should consult a doctor and take all the necessary measures in time to not aggravate the course of the disease, because cough is a symptom that indicates serious violations in the respiratory system.