Lentil - all legumes Empress

What products are we used to seeing daily on our desk? Most often it is buckwheat, rice, pasta and, of course, potatoes. When it comes to lentils, many just shrug their shoulders - they know, but did not have to try. And those who are familiar with the properties of this cereal, and are at all one. Today we want to tell you what the product is, what sorts of varieties exist, and what are the benefits and harms of lentils.

Lentil is very useful and appreciated in many countries of the world

Composition and nutritional value of the product

Lentil is rightly considered to be a dietary food, due to its composition, in which 100 g of cereals are:

  • 25 g of vegetable protein;
  • 54 g of carbohydrates;
  • 14 g of water;
  • is only 1 g fat.

Please note! As can be seen from these indicators, a portion of lentil is able to replace a similar amount of meat, and at the same time croup is assimilated by the body much better.

Lentil is incredibly nutritious, it quickly quenches the hunger and, what is characteristic, for a long time retains a sense of satiety. And a small amount of fats, allows dieticians to recommend this rump to those who watch their figure or want to lose weight. Nutritional value of lentils depends on its grade, but at the same time any of them contains a large amount of starch, fatty acids and natural sugars. A high concentration of soluble fiber helps to improve digestion and prevents the development of malignant tumors of the intestine.

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Eating one serving of this cereal per day, you can provide your body with a daily amount of folic acid. Therefore, lentils are recommended for use in planning and throughout the gestation period. In addition, it saturates the body with vitamins, minerals and trace elements, helps normalize the levels of iron and potassium.

Lentil calories - 100 grams of raw product account for about 300 kcal, and in boiled form - no more than 110 kcal per 100 g.

Useful properties of

Due to its rich composition and high protein content, lentils perfectly nourish the body, it is easily digested and shows massuseful properties. Its use has a beneficial effect on the work of the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular, hematopoietic and central nervous systems.

In complex treatment, this product helps suppress breast cancer. It is not so important in what form you will purchase this product - canned or dried.

Note! The fact is that the substances that contribute to the treatment of this type of disease are completely preserved after any kind of treatment and have the opportunity to show their useful properties to the fullest.

What else is useful for lentils? It is able to reduce blood sugar, and therefore is indicated for patients suffering from diabetes mellitus. With peptic ulcer and colitis, it is recommended to include in your daily diet puree from this cereal.

Lentil dishes are not very presentable, but they have a pleasant taste and a subtle aroma of

. After cooking, lentils do not lose their usefulness and have a strong enough therapeutic effect. It is recommended for use to restore mental balance, strengthen the immune system and the walls of blood vessels, and also to normalize the functioning of the heart muscle. This croup helps to cope with climacteric syndrome and the consequences that it brings.

If we talk about the benefits of lentils for men, then a number of studies have shown that it is effective in sexual impotence. In addition, since the strong half of humanity is more prone to the development of cardiovascular diseases, and this groats has the property to lower the level of cholesterol and normalize the work of the myocardium, it is men who are recommended to enter this product as often as possible into their menus.

Which lentil is better: red or green?

Many people are interested in the question of what is the difference between red and green lentils. In fact, all varieties of this cereal, of which there are about 10, have the same characteristic flavor - nutty, but differ somewhat in their useful properties.

And since the red and green varieties are the most popular, we will talk about them in more detail.


Green lentil seeds perfectly retain their shape during heat treatment, as they are not completely ripe fruits. This variety is convenient for preparing salads, side dishes and snacks. But it is brewed much longer than lentils in red and requires about 1-1.5 hours. The taste of green cereals is more intense and pleasant, and if you combine it with whole grains or sprouted grains, you will get an incredibly useful dietary dish.

To accelerate the process of preparing this cereal, it must be pre-soaked for several hours.

The useful properties of green lentils were appreciated by our distant ancestors, and to this day their relevance is not lost. Traditional healers use it as a remedy for constipation, diabetes and for lowering cholesterol. This cereal is useful in the complex treatment of diseases such as:

  • hepatitis;
  • rheumatism;
  • cholecystitis;
  • ulcer;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • hypertension.

This variety contains a large amount of fiber and effectively lowers blood glucose levels.


Red lentil quickly boils down, as the shell with its grains is removed, and is ideal for purees and soups. This variety is more piquant taste, but it absolutely does not affect the quality of the prepared dish.

Red lentils are incredibly popular in Asian cuisine.

Croup of red color is rich in protein and iron, so it is recommended for anemia and various blood diseases. It is perfectly absorbed by the body, especially if it is flavored with aromatic spices such as caraway, curry or red pepper.


Along with the useful properties of lentils there are also contraindications, which you should know about in advance.

  1. Since it is a legume crop, it can lead to increased gas production, so it is not recommended to use it for dysbacteriosis and bowel diseases.
  2. This groats are rather slow and difficult to digest, so when stomach diseases it can be consumed only as a puree.
  3. Contraindications include gout, as well as chronic diseases of internal organs.

Therefore, before you include this rump in your diet, it is advisable to consult your doctor or dietitian.

  • Mar 08, 2018
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