Carrots, nuts, eggs and honey Vision will improve for years to come!

Proper nutrition improves eyesight and avoids certain eye diseases. The main principles of the eye diet are: moderation;full and varied food;the use of foods with a high content of vitamins A, E and C. Products to improve the eyesight should be easily digestible, natural, mostly of vegetable origin.

Products that contain large amounts of antioxidants, vitamins and trace elements help to restore poor eyesight and cope with everyday stress. These substances are necessary to fight free radicals, which are very damaging not only for sight, but for the body as a whole.
In addition to proper nutrition, there are other folk ways to improve eyesight. These include special exercises for the eyes, compresses and lotions, decoctions and infusions of medicinal herbs.

Essential food products that improve vision

To restore vision and prevent disruption, you must consume healthy foods of the two primary colors - orange and dark green. Orange products contain a lot of carotene, which has an antioxidant effect. Lutein and zeaxatin are found in large amounts in dark green foods, namely spinach, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, beans, peas, zucchini, potatoes, grapes, kiwi, mango, sweet pepper.

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All these products are needed to improve vision at home. You can eat them both in raw form and in processed food.

Raw vegetables and fruits contain more useful substances, and processed are much easier to digest.

Vegetables and greens

  • Carrots are a source of vitamin A, which is simply essential for eye health. This vegetable contains many antioxidants that support visual acuity. In carrots are also many vitamins C, B, D, E and trace elements: potassium, calcium, sodium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, copper, fluorine. Beta-carotene - the main agent for the prevention of degeneration and deterioration of vision with age.
    Carrot juice well nourishes the organs of vision. It is rich in vitamin A, quickly and well absorbed. You can eat it whenever you want, and people who have vision problems need to drink it twice a year. As a medicine to take carrot juice should be one glass each morning on an empty stomach for a month.

  • Beets cleans the blood and refreshes the eyes and the whole body. A couple of tablespoons of beet juice are added to the juice of carrots and parsley. The resulting vitamin "bomb" is useful not only for the eyes, but for the entire body.
  • Pumpkin is rich in carotene. It is necessary for people with impaired vision. Use pumpkin by adding to salads, soups, mashed potatoes.
  • Parsley juice is very effective in diseases of the optic nerve, conjunctivitis and cataracts. You should take this juice one tablespoon per day, mixing it with water or other vegetable juice. For example, a mixture of parsley and carrot juice is very useful, which restores vision after prolonged hard eye work.
  • Spinach is a nutritious food containing all the necessary vitamins to improve vision. Lutein, contained in spinach, protects the eyes from such a serious disease as cataracts. In addition to vitamins, spinach contains many trace elements - copper, zinc, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, as well as protein and fatty acids. Spinach lovers have a 90% reduction in the risk of developing eye diseases.
  • Garlic and onions contain a lot of sulfur, which has a positive effect on vision.
  • Broccoli is a product that prevents the development of cataracts. Lutein and zeaxatin, contained in broccoli, are useful for ophthalmic lenses, and carotene is a real eye protection against free radicals.

Berries and fruit

  • Blueberries are the most important summer berry for eyesight. In the season it is recommended to eat at least ten glasses of blueberries. Raw jam from blueberries well preserves the healing and vitamin properties of berries. To prepare it, grate the blueberries with sugar in a ratio of one to one. In bilberry, there are many antioxidants, acids, microelements, as well as vitamins A, C, B and PP.Lutein is found in large quantities in blueberries. This pigment preserves the eyesight and protects the eyes from harmful environmental factors. Only fresh blueberries are effective for the eyes, frozen berries lose their medicinal properties. Substances contained in blueberries relieve fatigue from the eyes and increase visual acuity. These berries are useful for drivers, pilots, programmers.
  • Apricots have a positive effect on the eyes, and in different forms - dried apricots, juice, apricots.
  • Rosehip is a product containing the maximum amount of vitamin C. Daily use of rose hips provides elasticity and strength of the vessels of the eyes.
  • Hawthorn helps with short-sightedness, since it contains a lot of carotene and ascorbic acid.
  • Kiwi and oranges are rich in vitamin C. They strengthen the walls of blood vessels, improve blood circulation in the organs of vision, which reduces the risk of eye diseases.
  • In melons, there is a lot of antioxidant beta-carotene, which is provitamin A and prevents the development of night blindness.

Eggs, fish oil and bitter chocolate

  • Eggs contain sulfur, lutein and amino acids that prevent the development of cataracts. Quail eggs in comparison with chicken richer vitamins A and B group. They contain more copper, iron and glycine. All these biologically active substances improve metabolism in the eyes, and their deficiency leads to the development of the following diseases: dryness of the cornea, conjunctivitis, barley.
  • In black chocolate, there are many flavonoids that protect the blood vessels of the eyes and strengthen the cornea. It should be remembered that only pure black chocolate is effective.
  • Fish oil can prevent macular degeneration and the development of other eye pathologies. Fish is a source of omega-fatty acids, which have a positive effect on vision. Their deficiency often leads to dry eyes.

Rational nutrition for vision improvement should consist mainly of the above products. This is of great importance for the treatment and prevention of eye diseases.
With the help of a specially selected diet, early aging of the eye can be prevented. To do this, you must use these products regularly and in a variety of combinations. You should alternate products useful for vision, combine them, and not choose a particular product you like.

Virtually any disease in the eyes can lead to blindness, so the consultation of an ophthalmologist is mandatory, despite the effectiveness and uniqueness of existing traditional medicine methods.

. Additional food products useful for the eyes.

  • Unclean whole grain is good for the eyes. It is recommended that poorly seeing patients regularly eat oatmeal, bran bread, and products from wholemeal flour.
  • Beans contain a large amount of zinc and minerals, the most important for eye health. The optimal content of zinc allows you to see well at night and prevents cataract development.
  • Nuts and seeds contain a lot of vitamin E, which protects the human body, including the eyes, from the harmful effects of free radicals. Forest and walnuts, peanuts, almonds prevent the progression of cataracts and the degradation of the retina.

Folk remedies for eye improvement include decoctions and infusions of medicinal herbs or so-called phytotherapy.
Eye is useful for eyes, or rather a tincture from it. Regular reception of such tinctures guarantees the improvement of vision.
Overcoming hyperopia or nearsightedness helps infusion of bilberry leaves or Chinese magnolia vine. Such alcoholic tincture not only improves vision, but also invigorates all day long.
Broth from the leaves of the nettle helps to stop the progression of myopia. Simultaneously with broth recommend to take barley flour. To stabilize the condition, you must complete the entire course of treatment. Contraindication to such therapy is increased thrombosis.
To grasses, improving sight, is wheatgrass. Decoction from the root of wheatgrass increases visual acuity.
The above decoctions and tinctures can be taken or used as solutions for washing the eyes, lotions, compresses.

In addition to using the right products, it will be useful to perform eye exercises to improve vision. After all, in the struggle for health, as in many other issues, the best result is provided by an integrated approach!

  • Mar 08, 2018
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