Excellent recipes of blanks from honeysuckle - we make reserves for the whole year

  1. Honeysuckle for health
  2. Recipes for every taste of honeysuckle blanks for autumn and winter

Day feeds, we all know this expression. Especially it is applicable to winter twists, what we can do from vegetables, berries, herbs. After all, if you try one day or a little more, then for a whole year you can make supplies that will become food, and a treat, and additional help to the immune system. Today we will tell you the recipes of the honeysuckle blanks for the winter. You will definitely like them, as stocks can be made completely different, and we are sure that they will please you in the winter. Let's get going.

This is what honeysuckle looks like

Honeysuckle for health

The first thing that I would like to note by tradition is the useful properties of fruits, because food should be not only simple food, but also a natural medicine and vitamin complex. If we talk about honeysuckle, then it has everything we need. Dozens of folk recipes include its fruits in the composition, many doctors are aware of the benefits. In the composition of B vitamins, as well as vitamin C, A, minerals - copper, potassium, manganese, iodine, calcium, sodium, iron and magnesium, there is silicon and a lot of sugars.

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Growing the culture is simple, but the benefits are colossal

For information! Billets for winter honeysuckle can be not only in the form of berries, but also curative leaves, bark. The most useful variety is the Far East. The bush grows and fructifies perfectly in all regions of the country.

Such a composition makes berries uniquely useful for those people who suffer from avitaminosis, frequent colds - a finding in the autumn-winter period, skin diseases, including depriving, gastrointestinal disorders, helps preventively from diseases of the cardiovascular, respiratory and urogenital system. Use fruits and those who want to lose weight.

Recipes for every taste of honeysuckle blanks for autumn and winter

Dried Berries

Let's start with the simplest and most useful option. Why? Because everyone can dry up the dumps, even the youngest and inexperienced mistress, a man, and everyone who can not or does not have much time to turn pickles and jam. In addition, if we talk about the benefits of such winter reserves, then they will be leaders, because heat treatment with high temperatures and freezing play a significant role in the loss of some of the components we need.

Honeysuckle can be used for a variety of culinary masterpieces

Drying options:

  • If you have an attic room where it is dry and warm or sunshade under the sun and time, then spread the honeysuckle on parchment, cover with insect gauze and dry. Of course, the berry must first be washed and dried on a towel. If the weather is hot and windy, the honeysuckle will dry for 3-5 days, in simple days for 7-10.Remember that the fruits must be turned over so that mold does not appear;
  • if the first option is too troublesome, then simply heat the oven to 40-45 degrees, but no more and dry until ready for a clean berry;
  • dryer. Now the housewives are increasingly purchasing very simple, inexpensive household appliances. Dryers allow you to make different supplies, including pastilles, while maintaining the maximum benefit. In the dryer dried berries according to the instructions for this model.

It's so simple you can dry honeysuckle for the winter, after making broths, infusions, compotes. Well, we turn to sweet desserts, as without them in the winter cold.

Berry Jam


  • fresh berries should be washed and dried on a towel, prepare the sugar - 1/1.After that we pour sand with honeysuckle, wait about three hours until the juice is abundantly allocated. Next, we put our pelvis or pot on the stove, and when the jam boils, cook for only three minutes. Now stand up to eight hours, you can leave for the night and set again on a slow fire to languish. Jam is kept for 10 minutes or more, depending on what consistency you like it;
  • the second option will also be prepared from the proportion of berries and sugar 1/1, only now you must chop the honeysuckle through a meat grinder or blender. Then you can wipe the mass through a sieve, so that there are no bones and skins. Fill the mass with granulated sugar, let stand for three hours and, then, boil until boiling. After that it can be screwed into cans;
  • 1 kg of granulated sugar pour a glass of water, bring to a boil, weighed 7-10 minutes, after that we pour out 1 kg of fruit, wait for the boil and turn off. Jam should stand in the cool for 8 hours, then put the pelvis on the stove and boil for 10-13 minutes. You need to remove the foam. Jam is ready and can be rolled;
  • we take on 0.5 kg of honeysuckle and strawberries, you can replace it with strawberries or raspberries. Sahara is three times more. Clean berries grind blender, fall asleep for the night with sugar, in the morning cook on low heat after boiling for 5-7 minutes. Further, we roll in banks;
  • for this recipe, you make a jam for 10 minutes without cooking. Take a clean berry, dried after washing, covered with 1/1 granulated sugar, after which you must all blend with a blender, pour 2 grams of citric acid. Next, put the dessert in sterile jars and put it in the refrigerator. Fast and useful.

Tip! To keep jam better, banks should always be sterilized over boiling water, in an oven or microwave. And that the dessert is not candied, add a gram of citric acid for about a liter.

Jam is one of the most favorite desserts of

. How else can you prepare honeysuckle for the winter? There are ways to read about them as well. Each hostess will cope with the task.


What can be simpler than putting clean berries in the freezer and in the winter of them cooking compotes or jam. Also, you can twist the honeysuckle through a meat grinder, fill it with sugar and add everything to bags or plastic containers. Further, the delicacy can be frosted. To make a more useful dessert, you can berry, milled or fresh, store without sugar, and in winter put honey to all tastes.

The easiest way to store

Tip! It is very convenient to make billets for compote of berry assortment. Spread a few kinds of berries along the packages and put them in the freezer. In winter, you just take a bag and pour it into boiling water, and after 10 minutes the delicious compote is ready.

Pastille and jam

Recipes of pastilles:

  • how to please children with dessert? Simply - you can buy sweets in the store, but how much will be useful in them, it is difficult to say. But she was enjoying the baby and will give his immunity good protection during the cold season. Make it simple - take the berry and squeeze out the juice from it, after which the cake is filled with sugar 1/1.The whole mass costs up to five hours, so that the sugar is dissolved, you can use the oven to speed up the process. After the honeysuckle is rolled out in a thin layer, again dried in the oven until cooked and cut;

    Tip! To make a treat as useful as possible, it is better to use raw brown cane sugar. To taste it is no different.

  • remember the dryer? In it, you can also prepare a pastille. The cake is mixed with sugar or honey 1/1.Also pour shredded nuts here. The mass should stand until the sand dissolves, after which it must be rolled out, sprinkled with coconut chips and cooked at 70 degrees in the dryer until ready;
Pastila very long time can be stored

Jam Recipe:

  • jam can be liquid and thicker, which one to choose, it's up to you, and so much it will languish on the stove. To make it, you need to mix two kilograms of honeysuckle with sugar 1-1.5 kg and 250 grams of water. Brewed to the desired consistency over low heat with stirring;
  • we take 1 kg of honeysuckle, mine, dry, grind, put on a plate in a basin, fall asleep on top of 10 grams of gelatin and two tablespoons of sugar. After boiling, pour out all the sugar and weigh for 10-15 minutes with stirring over low heat.

Tip! If you have a multivarker, then for the same proportions you can do jam on the "Quenching" mode in 40 minutes. Sugar all at once and let it completely dissolve before cooking.

You can make these preparations with honeysuckle billets for these recipes, but you can also make changes to the composition - often, you put jam, cinnamon, cardamom, mint or lemon balm in the jam. More benefit from dessert will be when it has nuts. Also fruits can be taken not only one honeysuckle, but mixed for desserts with raspberries, strawberries, currants, blackberries. Experiment and you will discover many new tasty combinations.


About the fact that you can make a delicious drink from a frozen berry, we already told you, let's cook more and compotes that will be stored until winter.

What kind of winter blanks without compotes


  • per liter of water, we need 500 grams of fruit and 250 grams of granulated sugar. First you need to make a syrup, mixing sugar and water, after boiling for 10 minutes, here we put honeysuckle and cook as much as the same. After that, we close the compote in a sterile can under the iron lid;
  • take a liter jar, mine, warm up in the oven with water. On each such jar of berries you need to take a little more than half or, so to speak, on the shoulders. Pour all the boiling water, let stand for 10 minutes, wrapped in a towel. After that, with each jar, the water is poured into one pan and sugar is poured - 150 grams for each fused liter. The syrup should be boiled and pour the honeysuckle, twist. The billets should stand until they cool down under a warm towel, upstairs;
  • very tasty compote can be made with apples. We take 1 kg of honeysuckle and apples, mine, the second cut into slices. Cook the syrup from 1.5 kg of granulated sugar and two liters of water. We fill the cans with our cans, let them stand, after which we again boil the syrup for 10 minutes and fill the fruit, spin it.

Also we would like to tell you a recipe of a very useful compote or infusion, its charm is that it will be made without sugar. For a drink, it's better to take sweet varieties of honeysuckle. Such compote does not harm small children that have an allergy to the sweet and those who suffer from diabetes. Compote can be closed equally, as well as drink it freshly brewed. The recipe is simple - you need to boil water and pour 350 grams of honeysuckle. If the drink is sour, you can add honey.

For information! Not all honeysuckle can be edible, if you want to plant that shrubbery, which will make it possible to make reserves, then take a closer look at the varieties - Vasyuganskaya, Tomichka, Bluebird, Pavlovskaya, Blue Spindle.

Rich juice

You already know the recipes of different blanks. But what about juice without honeysuckle for the winter, and it can also be done.


  • the berry should be well washed and dried, then chopped in a meat grinder or blender. If you took a kilo of honeysuckle, then you need to pour 150 ml of pure water. Now the mass should be heated, but do not boil - about 65-70 degrees. Next, the juice must be filtered through a sieve, gauze. Again put on the fire, bring to a boil and wait 3-5 minutes. Sugar you sypet to taste or about 100-150 grams per liter, then roll into sterile jars;
  • if you have a juicer, then just squeeze a kilogram or more of honeysuckle, pour 150 grams of sugar per liter to it and boil 3-4 minutes. Juice can be made with other berries;
  • some housewives harvest honeysuckle for the winter in the form of fresh juice. It is simply squeezed and poured into sterile cans or bottles with sugar or without it, storing such a drink better in the refrigerator.

Tip! To juice was more delicious, choose only ripe berries and without damage, and to make it possible to squeeze more, scald the berries with boiling water.

Gourmet Sauce

Compotes, jam often make mistresses from berries, fruits, but what about a new recipe? This will be a sauce of honeysuckle for the winter. Very unusual in color, taste, aroma, it will conquer your heart and surprise the guests at the festive table. Suitable for meat and fish dishes.

Sauce is often compared with tkemali


  • 500 grams of berries are filled with 350 grams of tomato paste or ketchup. After that, we place 4 cloves of garlic, greens - dill, coriander( if desired), parsley, pepper in a pot or ground. We put everything in the bowl of the blender and crush it. To make the sauce not very sour, you can add sugar to taste. You can also experiment with the recipe by placing cumin seeds, dry spices, herbs. The sauce can be eaten fresh or boil it over low heat for five minutes and roll up;
  • 250 grams of honeysuckle grind sugar - about two tablespoons. Place a piece of ground ginger root and 3-4 cloves of garlic. The mass should be brought to a boil over low heat, after which the starch solution - a spoon to 50 ml of water should be affected. Now the sauce needs to be stoked for another 1-2 minutes, and it's ready. You can and fresh, and roll into the jars.

Here you have learned how to preserve the berries of honeysuckle for the winter. Recipes are simple, but everything turns out tasty, useful. Keep the blanks in a cool room can be up to two years, the very same culture is easy to grow in the country, but remember about the variety. Bon Appetit!

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