- composition and properties of black currant
- Contraindications
- Currant tea - help immunity
- Useful blank blackcurrant
It just so happened that a black currant - is widespread in Russia and berry crops. It is even called the symbol of the Russian estate. Probably, A.P.Czechs could instead of "Gooseberries" write a heartfelt story about that bush, or a writer led some other ideals. ..
Currants, by the way, a relative of gooseberry bushes, comes from a family of saxifrage. If you look closely, then the shape of the leaves, the way the fruits are arranged, the abundance of bones in berries, you can guess about it.
According to the most common version, the name "currant" goes back to the ancient "smar", meaning "smell, heavy spirit".Indeed, the aroma of her blue-black berries, leaves is specific, someone may even seem sharp. In Slavic mythology, there is its "namesake" - the river Smorodina, which separates the world of the living from the world of the dead. Thus, the main sign according to which the ancient man distinguished this culture from many is its smell.
However, some researchers show some "linguistic optimism", believing that the original word "samorodina" dropped the letter A. That is, a currant is a fruit that "self-generated."In this version, too, there is a rational grain - flowers on bushes plain-looking, green, which does not even believe that such an inconspicuous flowering will yield a plentiful harvest. Look at the photo of the flowering black currant and see for yourself!
The main value of this berry bush is the combination of valuable nutritional properties and the stability of biologically active substances and vitamins contained in black currant, to destruction. Therefore, conservation and ready-made meals with its sweet and sour aromatic berries are practically not inferior to the valuable qualities of fresh product.
Berries blackcurrant should be removed from the bush just as soon as they ripen, otherwise valuable vitamin C begins to break down - in overripe fruits of his loss up to 70%.
Composition and properties of blackcurrant
This horticultural crops rich in mineral substances, most important of which are:
- ascorbic acid( up to 180 mg per 100 g of berries), vitamins E, B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, D, K, betacarotene( 9 mg);
- sugar( glucose, fructose and sucrose - up to 95% easily digestible monosugars)
- organic acids that favorably affect digestion( eg, omega-6);
- pectin substances that have the property of removing them from the body of toxic elements and compounds;
- polyphenols, which possess P-vitamin activity, are necessary for strengthening capillaries, removing toxins and heavy metal ions from the body.
addition, the composition berries present water( up to 82%), tannins and nitrogen compounds, trace elements, minerals( potassium - 322 mg, calcium, molybdenum, boron, iodine, cobalt, sodium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, copper,manganese, zinc), phytoncides, essential oils.
The use of black currant for health
This berry shrub is an acknowledged multivitamin and fortifying agent for maintaining the body in tone. Useful properties of black currant, used in traditional and folk medicine due to its rich chemical composition and the ability to have a beneficial effect on many body systems:
- prophylaxis of hypo and avitaminosis;
- regulation of oxidation-reduction processes;
- treatment and prevention of colds, respiratory diseases;
- increased appetite and digestibility of other nutrients( eg, proteins);
- prevention of oncological diseases;
- prophylaxis of scurvy, low blood clotting;
- prevention of diseases of the cardiovascular system, atherosclerosis, weakening of mental abilities in the elderly;
- prophylaxis with a tendency to develop diabetes;treatment of liver diseases, lowering cholesterol;
- increased secretion of the glands of the stomach, activation of gastric juice, treatment of ulcers and gastritis;
- increased intestinal peristalsis;the obstruction of the flow of putrefactive and inflammatory processes in its mucosa;
- increase of resistance to allergy;
- restoration of protective functions of an organism after illnesses, operations;
- increase the working capacity of the organism, its resistance to infections and various adverse environmental conditions.
There are significant contraindications for taking black medicine. Because of the high content of vitamin K and phenolic compounds, black currants can not be used for thrombophlebitis and a tendency to thrombosis. The ban on drinking juice from berries concerns those who suffered a heart attack and stroke, is a carrier of hepatitis, suffers from stomach diseases associated with high acidity. Among those who are not recommended freshly squeezed juice from black currant, also children( you can provoke an allergy), pregnant and lactating women. However, tea from the leaves of black currant can be taken by future mothers and mothers of infants during breastfeeding.
Caution: Do not be addicted to delicious berries and products from them, as this can cause an increase in blood clotting and change the acidity of the stomach towards exacerbation of gastritis.
So, despite the considerable benefits, the use of blackcurrant can bring and irreparable harm, so if you want to try a delicious berry, juice or tea from it, it is better to listen to your health and visit for a specialist's advice.
Currant tea - aid to immunity
Black currant is an excellent antiviral and immunity-strengthening agent. Due to the fact that various drugs from it are safe enough, but have valuable multivitamin qualities, black currant is suitable for use during pregnancy.
Currant tea recipe for ARVI
It will be required: 1 tbsp.fresh or frozen currant berries, boiling water( 250 ml).
Preparation: Mash the berries with a spoon and pour them with boiling water over the dining room, allow to stand under the lid for 15 minutes, strain. This tea is better not to sweeten.
The recipe for "classic" tea from currant leaves
It is required: 1 tbsp.currant leaves, boiling water( 500 ml).
Preparation: Fresh leaves should be covered with boiling water. If used dry, immediately put in the teapot, pour water and insist 15 minutes. Strain and drink as usual tea, you can add honey to taste.
The recipe for multivitamin tea during pregnancy
It will be required: 1 tbsp.dry raw leaves of black currant leaves and hips, boiling water( 500 ml).
Preparation: Since the rosehip requires a long brewing, it is more convenient to use a thermos or a closing jar: sprinkle raw materials, pour boiling water and leave for 1-2 hours, you can longer. Such tea is taken in pregnancy at 100-150 ml after eating, you can 3-4 times a day.
Useful billet of black currant
Due to the fact that very little oxidative enzymes are contained in the blackcurrant, this contributes to the preservation of vitamin C. Due to this quality, delicious berries and products from them are an inexhaustible source of ascorbic acid all year round.
The most progressive and reliable method of preserving the perishable crop of berries is freezing. With the help of this method of conservation oxidation-reduction processes are blocked, the vital activity of organisms and pathogenic microflora is neutralized. You can, of course, buy a finished product. If opportunities allow, it is better to prepare berries yourself. How to properly freeze black currant to preserve all those valuable useful properties that it is famous for?
Tip: You need to take the necessary amount of raw materials, thoroughly wash it and clean it from the petioles. In mature berries, the green tails are separated well, without damaging the berry. Next, you need to dry the black currant, laying it on paper or fabric towels. Modern freezers allow you to harvest fruits by "quick" or "instantaneous" freezing, so you can put the prepared berries in a container and send them to the freezer.
Black currant leaves: application and billet
In addition to berries, valuable benefits are also found in the leaves of blackcurrants. According to scientists, the concentration of vitamin C in them is even higher than in ripe fruits. As a rule, tea, decoctions, tinctures, which have a fortifying effect, are prepared from the leaves. Also, these drugs are indicated in the treatment of inflammation of the urinary tract, kidney disease. They act gently, so they are safe for pregnant women.
There are at least two ways to prepare the leaves for future use - to dry and prepare a concentrated infusion.
Tip: Collect the leaves better in summer, in June, at the beginning of the flowering shrub. These leaves are still young and juicy, so they are best used for tea for 2-3 days after collection. In August-September, currant leaves accumulate useful substances, so they become more fragrant. They can be used immediately or harvested for the winter. Broken and washed leaves should be dried with a towel, spread on paper( for example, in wooden boxes) and left in the shade, in a ventilated place.
Recipe for infusion-concentrate from black currant leaves
Collect leaves, thoroughly wash them and finely cut with a knife. Fold the prepared raw materials in a jar, tightly stacking so that the pot was filled almost to the top. Pour the leaves with boiling water, add 1 tsp.lemon juice, close the lid. Set the jar in a dark place for 1 day, then strain the resulting infusion. Keep it in the refrigerator in a closed container until spring. Take 1-2 tsp, adding to warm tea, you can with honey.
Sweet drinks and preserves
From berries of black currant can be prepared juice, compote, jelly, syrup, jam, jam, jelly, mousse, various fillings for pies. Liqueurs and wines also insist on currants. The berries are added to various sauces for meat and fish, as well as for baking. A popular seasonal drink is compote. How to cook it? Very simple!
. Recipe for black currant compote
. It is required: 500 g of black currant berries, 150 g of sugar, 1-1.5 l of water.
Preparation: Boil water, dissolve sugar in it and add currant. Boil in boiling water for 5 minutes, turn off the heat and leave under the lid until it cools.
Tip: The taste of this compote can be varied by adding apples, raspberries, lemon zest.
Black currant recipe, wiped with sugar
It is required: washed black currant and sugar sanded in twigs in proportions of 2: 3( for example, 1 kg of berries per 1.5 kgSahara).
Preparation: Prepared currant in a bowl or any other suitable dishes and knead well, you can use a blender. Add sugar, mix and cover. Keep 2-3 days, stirring occasionally, until the sugar is completely dissolved. Dispense in sterilized cans, close with lids, store in refrigerator.
Tip: If you boil the sweet berry mixture for 5 minutes and spread it over the prepared jars and roll up, you get a useful jam-five-minute snack that can be stored without a refrigerator.