- Composition and calorie content of
- Strawberries or still strawberries?
- Why is the strawberry white?
- Effects on the body
- Strawberries in cosmetology
- Freezing strawberries correctly
Forest strawberries have long won fame among the people due to their taste and useful properties. And all parts of this plant are curative, but today the conversation will be about juicy red fruits. From the point of view of traditional medicine, strawberries are a natural multivitamin product that can be useful for prevention, but with an integrated approach and for the treatment of many diseases.
Composition and caloric content of
The strawberry berries are rich in valuable substances that help the human body resist some diseases. Among them:
- vitamins - A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, C, E;
- macronutrients - calcium, sodium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus;
- microelements - iron, manganese, copper, zinc.
Please note! According to the content of iron strawberries are twice as fast as plums and 40 times as much grapes! And calcium in its composition is more than in any other berries and fruits!
Nutritional value per 100 g of this product will be as follows:
- 2 g of fiber;
- 7.7 g of carbohydrates;
- 0.7 g of proteins;
- 0.3 g of fat;
- 85 g of water;
- calorie content of strawberries - 32 kcal.
Strawberries or still strawberries?
The confusion in the names of these plants occurs quite often. Let's see how the strawberries differ from strawberries.
First of all, it should be said that both plants belong to the genus Zemlyanik and belong to the Rosy family. But on this their similarities end. And then we will look for differences.
- Stem of strawberry can reach a height of 32 cm, strawberries - 25 cm.
- Strawberry inflorescences are bisexual, strawberries are same-sex.
- Strawberries have light green corrugated leaves, strawberry leaves are darker, and veins are less pronounced.
- Stems of strawberries are much shorter than strawberry.
- And the last difference between forest strawberries and strawberries is the high yield of the first, although they will grow under the same conditions.
In the next photo you can see the main differences between the strawberry and strawberry bushes.
Why strawberry white?
At the mention of strawberries, many are bright red berries with a rich aroma. But some varieties of this plant are characterized by white fruits. What is a white strawberry?
The variety of this plant is called "White Soul" - a high-yielding variety, the berries are rather small, painted in a cream-white color. The period of fruiting of this plant is long: it starts in spring and ends in late autumn. Over this period, from one bush alone, you can harvest up to 500 grams of harvest.
Note! There is an opinion that the allergy to strawberries causes a special protein, which takes part in the ripening of fruits. And in white berries this protein is not contained, because of what they do not become red. And for allergy sufferers this variant of strawberry becomes acceptable for consumption.
In its useful properties, white strawberries are in no way inferior to red. And we will talk about this further.
Effects on the body
The benefits of strawberries for our body is incredibly great. Substances in its composition, have a multilateral impact and are able to help in the treatment of virtually all organs and systems:
- the use of this berry beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system, while improving the performance and endurance of the heart, and cholesterol is excreted. Fresh fruits are very useful in hypertension and atherosclerosis, and their infusion is often recommended at high blood pressure - after its use, heart muscle contractions slow down and intensify;
- wild strawberry shows healing properties in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract - it normalizes the activity of the intestines and improves digestion. With the help of berries this plant can stimulate the appetite, quench your thirst, it is beneficial to affect the motility and secretion of the digestive system. Its use becomes relevant for ulcer stomach, hemorrhoids, constipation, gastritis, colitis and intestinal parasites;
- thanks to the fruits of strawberries, the endocrine system works better, and using them in large amounts, it is possible to contribute to a decrease in thyroid absorption of iodine;
- normalizes the function of the genitourinary system, kidneys, spleen;
Note! Known to the whole world, the naturalist Karl Liney got rid of gout with strawberries. He only consumed them in large quantities and the disease soon receded!
- this berry is an excellent fortifying agent, especially when used in its raw form. If in the season of strawberries to eat a lot of fruits, then you can perfectly prepare your body for the off-season and winter, and forget about scurvy and vitamin deficiency;
- folk medicine recommends these berries as a good drug against angina, laryngitis, jaundice, uterine bleeding, childhood diarrhea and chronic fatigue;
- consumption of strawberries fully justifies itself for colds, which are accompanied by a runny nose and high fever;
- besides strawberries shows useful properties in violation of salt, lipid and mineral metabolism, laryngeal cancer, asthma, sclerosis, hepatitis, leukemia, tuberculosis, neurasthenia and insomnia.
Strawberry berries can be used externally. They help:
- with acne;
- from pigmented spots;
- with purulent and bleeding wounds;
- from eczema.
Note! Folk remedy against eczema - fresh berries to grind to the state of gruel, apply on a linen cloth a thick layer and attach to a sore spot. Within four days of such treatment, scabbing occurs, and the wound itself is somewhat dried.
When Pregnant
Can I consume strawberries during pregnancy? This question is of interest to many women in the situation, so today we will try to give him the maximally detailed answer.
Strawberries are known as a storehouse of nutrients that can compensate for the lack of important minerals, trace elements and vitamins. But this is what the body of a pregnant woman needs. But in the case of this berry should be very careful, since it is the strongest allergen.
Important! Even if the earlier reaction to strawberries was not observed, it may well manifest during pregnancy, because during this period the body will react to allergens in an absolutely different way.
An allergic reaction may appear externally, most often a rash on the skin. However, allergies can affect internal organs and systems, and this is much more dangerous.
Important! Sometimes during pregnancy, the body can react very violently even to the smell of strawberries and it will manifest itself in the form of itching, swelling and urticaria!
Pregnant women of strawberries are categorically contraindicated in the following cases:
- of biliary dyskinesia;
- chronic gastroduodenitis;
- pancreatitis;
- increased secretion of the stomach.
But it can not be said that strawberries are contraindicated in pregnancy categorically. It is very useful, and if you do not overdo it with absorption, then you can and improve your body. It is best to start using it from a few berries a day and follow the reaction of your body. And if any slight signs of allergy are noticed, then strawberries for the next nine months will have to be abandoned. If the reaction is not followed, then you may well continue to enjoy her taste.
However, not only during pregnancy, when eating strawberries, you should observe the measure. Useful properties of this berry come to nothing when there are the following contraindications:
- hyperacid gastritis;
- open duodenal ulcer;
- gastroduodenitis in chronic form;
- dyskinesia of the biliary tract;
- appendicitis;
- prolonged hepatic and renal colic;
- increased gastric secretion;
- individual intolerance;
- allergy;
- pancreatitis.
In addition, eating fresh strawberries on an empty stomach can cause nausea and abdominal pain. And that this does not happen, it is recommended to use it not earlier than 30 minutes after eating. Best with sour cream or fresh cream.
Strawberries in cosmetology
This fragrant and incredibly useful berry has found its application not only in the field of medicine, but also in the cosmetology sphere. Face masks from strawberries were popular in the old days. They helped to eliminate freckles, acne, wrinkles, and made the skin supple.
So, let's look at a few mask recipes from strawberry for the face.
- For combination skin. Crush fresh berries with a mortar and apply mass to the face. After 15 minutes rinse with warm water.
- For oily skin. Combine two tablespoons of strawberry puree and raw egg white protein, mix and apply to the skin with a cotton pad. Leave until completely dry and rinse.
- With extended pores. Mix two tablespoons of strawberry gruel, one whipped protein and a teaspoon of lemon juice. Apply to face and rinse after 20 minutes with cool water.
Recommendation! This same mask can be used to lighten freckles and pigmented spots!
- For dry skin. In equal proportions mix the strawberry puree and liquid honey, mix and apply to the face. After 20 minutes, wash off the mask, dry the face with a dry towel and apply a moisturizer.
- Nourishing mask. From 6 strawberry berries make a mash and add to it 30 ml of milk, mix, apply on the skin, after 20 minutes wash off.
- From wrinkles. When the first wrinkles appear, you should compress: mix in equal proportions milk and freshly squeezed strawberry juice, moisten a piece of gauze in this liquid and apply a compress on the face. After 20 minutes, remove and rinse the skin with warm water.
Note! Beauties of ancient Rome took baths with the addition of strawberry juice - they made the skin smooth and incredibly beautiful.
Free strawberries correctly
To keep the berries the maximum amount of valuable substances you need to know how to freeze strawberries. At home, this can be done in two ways.
Whole Berries
- Fruits rinse and dry.
- The shelf of the freezer is covered with food film.
- Put on strawberries so that the berries do not come in contact with each other.
- Close the freezer and set the temperature from -28 ° C to -30 ° C.
- When the strawberries completely freeze it must be placed in a plastic container or in a normal bag and stored at -18 ° C.
Berries in syrup
- In a saucepan, combine 200 g of sugar, 1 liter of water and 1 g of ascorbic acid.
- Boil the syrup and cool to room temperature.
- Glass jars, in which strawberries will be stored, syrup and berries themselves put for half an hour in the refrigerator for cooling.
- After the strawberries are spread over the jars and pour the syrup.
- Place the containers in the freezer and set the temperature from -28 ° C to -30 ° C.
- After a day, cover the jars with berries and store at -18 ° C.