- Production and production method
- Scope of use
- Composition
- Useful properties
- Usage rules
Agar-agar properties are many times superior to gelatin and are increasingly replacing it in many culinary recipes. But this is not the only way to use it. With his help, you can perform the procedure of laminating hair at home, get rid of joint pain and even lose excess pounds.
This article will tell you how to use this gelling agent for various purposes, what is its usefulness, and whether it can have side effects if mistreated.Production and production method
And do you know what agar-agar is produced from? This natural plant product is made from red and brown algae that grow in the depths of the Pacific and the White Sea, so it is exported mainly to Japan and California. The extraction of raw materials for this gelling agent begins in May and lasts until November. Experienced divers, "armed" with nets and special rakes, sink to the seabed and collect the source of agar - brown and red algae.
The collected thallus undergoes several processing steps. Immediately after extraction, they are spread on a dense sub-structure and several times thoroughly washed with water. Further, the raw material succumbs to drying, during which the algae for agar agar are turned over several times until they become completely dry, clean and do not acquire a white color. Dried raw materials are placed in huge vats, add alkali and digest. After that, the mixture is filtered from the sediment and cooled until it is completely solidified. The final stage of the production is drying, which takes place by freezing and under the influence of high temperatures.
Agar-agar, obtained from algae, eventually has the appearance of a powder, the color of which can vary from light yellow to light brown tone or thin plates. And when interacting with sufficiently hot water, this product acquires a gelatinous structure.
Depending on the color that can be seen in the photo above, agar-agar is divided into varieties. The substance of a white and light yellow color belongs to the higher one, and the first one contains a dark yellow or light brown powder.
The unique physical and chemical properties of this substance allow it to be used in various spheres of human activity. At a temperature of + 90 ° C, the agar-agar dissolves and, after cooling, becomes a dense, strong gel.
Note! Unlike gelatin, this gelling agent is thermo-reversible, that is, it can be reheated and after cooling to + 40 ° C it will again acquire a jelly structure. Moreover, such transformations can be carried out repeatedly.
Thanks to its unique gelling properties, agar-agar has found the widest application in the field of cooking. In addition, in our country it has received the status of a food additive - E406, which is not capable of exerting any harmful effect on the human body. In cooking, it is used as a stabilizer or thickener in the production of various confectionery products.
Note! In addition to the field of cooking, agar-agar is used in the pharmaceutical field, as well as in cosmetology to give the hair a natural shine and strength, and even in microbiology. With it, you can heal wounds, relieve pain and get rid of varicose veins.
The following properties of agar-agar are used in cosmetology:
- moisturizing - this substance forms a thin film on the skin, which prevents evaporation of moisture and increases its intake, eliminates peeling, and the skin itself becomes soft;
- cleansing - this product as a sponge absorbs all the pollution, removes excess fat and helps in combating comedones;
- anti-inflammatory - eliminates acne and acne, effective for allergic reactions that occur on the skin;
- stabilizing - thickens cosmetic products and makes them resistant to temperature changes;
- strengthening - prevents hair follicles from falling out, strengthens the structure of hair and nails.
Special attention should be paid to the use of agar-agar for hair. On its basis at home, you can prepare a medical mask, the substances which will penetrate into the deep layers of each hair, restore damaged areas, nourish and shine.
The recipe is quite simple: combine mineral water and agar-agar in a ratio of 3: 1, put in a water bath and cook until the agar is completely dissolved, cool and applyon damp hair along the entire length of the strands. Head warm and wash off the remedy after 40 minutes. The result will surprise you, since this procedure is akin to laminating hair.
Composition of
Agar-agar has the following composition:
- water ~ 20%;
- mineral salts ~ 4%;
- polysaccharides ~ 80%, among which galactose, pyruvic and glucuronic acids, pentose, agarose, angirogalactose and agaropectin;
- soluble fiber is about 95%, which saturates the body with calcium, iron, iodine, magnesium and potassium;
- folic acid, which shows antibacterial effect, promotes the removal of toxins from the body, reduces cholesterol, reduces the absorption of sugar, cleanses the liver and normalizes its work;
- is a vitamin PP.
Important! The only negative is agar-agar - it is hard to digest, as it has a coarse fiber in its composition. But this property has also found its application. Getting into the gastrointestinal tract, this gelling agent stimulates the work of the intestines, which makes it possible to use it as a soft laxative.
Useful properties
Agar-agar, in the first place, is a prebiotic that provides nutrition to microorganisms in the intestine. There, it is processed into substances useful to the human body, such as vitamins and amino acids, and helps to suppress harmful microflora and pathogenic infections.
In addition, agar-agar exhibits the following useful properties:
- helps reduce cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood;
- normalizes the glucose level;
- enveloping the stomach, reduces the acidity of its juice;
- stimulates intestinal peristalsis and causes mild indulgence;
- releases the body from toxins and salts of heavy metals;
- supplies the body with folate, micro- and macronutrients.
An interesting fact! The Japanese add agar-agar to the morning tea, as they know about its high cleansing properties.
This substance, being a product made from algae, is rich in iodine, so it is recommended to add it to daily meals in order to normalize the thyroid gland, which in turn helps accelerate metabolic processes and prevents the accumulation of fat stores.For joints
Joint pains are often the result of injuries, age changes in the body, and also occur after muscle overstrain, dislocations and sprains. If you do not consult a doctor in time for timely treatment, complications that require surgical intervention may occur. Today, you can find many tools that will prevent the occurrence of painful sensations, caused by the deterioration of connective tissue and cartilage. Agar-agar can also be used for joints as a connecting and reducing substance.
It is recommended to take it as a jelly or a warm solution. To fix the result, the course is repeated after 3 months. Agar-agar makes the joints strong, contributing to the regeneration of connective tissue.
Important! Remember that the daily dose of agar-agar should not exceed 4 g, as its overdose will induce intestinal relaxation.
For weight loss
The fact that agar-agar is not digested in the intestines makes it an ideal product for weight loss. Having a neutral taste and aroma, it can not spoil your favorite dishes, so the process of liberation from extra pounds will not be overshadowed by anything.
This substance will adjust the work of the gastrointestinal tract, increase the useful microflora and purify the liver of harmful substances. Agar-agar makes the dishes very nutritious, which prevents overeating and promotes rapid weight loss.
Advice! This plant product can also be used as an external agent. Many women have already managed to evaluate anti-cellulite wraps with its use. After a few sessions, the volume of the abdomen and thighs significantly decreases, and besides, the hateful "orange crust" disappears.
Caution - side effect!
The benefits of agar agar are obvious, but if used incorrectly, it can cause harm. Before consuming products for medicinal purposes, which include this substance, you should consult your physician in advance. The fact is that even pharmacy drugs, used in combination with irritating substances in the intestines, often lead to an allergic reaction and reddening of the skin.
It is also not recommended to take agar-agar with such products:
- sorrel;
- spinach;
- rhubarb;
- chard;
- chocolate;
- black tea.
In case of chronic diarrhea, agar-agar should be excluded from the diet at all.
Rules for using
Now you should consider how to use agar agar. On sale you can find this product in the form of tablets, thin plates, powder, flakes and threads. Flakes and powder are the two most convenient forms of its use, since they are distinguished by a high content of valuable fibers, concentration and purity. This form of output is most often used in cooking for desserts. And threads and plates after preliminary soaking add in salads.
Depending on the time of collection, maturity, growth area and type of agar-agar, its gelling abilities and how to grow it will depend:
- for use in kind agar dissolve in water and leave for 20 minutes to get a fibrous structure, and for 3 hours to achieve a gelatinous mass;
- for use as a jelly agar can be dissolved in water or fruit juice or in broth while preparing the jellied. Bring the solution to a boil, boil for 4-5 minutes and cool.
How and in what proportions to apply agar agar to achieve a different jelly structure:
- for 500 ml of liquid 0.8 g of substance to achieve a very soft structure;
- for 500 ml of liquid 5 g of substance to achieve a dense structure;
- for 500 ml of liquid 7 g of substance to achieve a very dense structure.
Now you know absolutely everything about agar-agar. Apply this natural product correctly, and it will certainly help you in preparing various dishes, when combating excess weight, and also will benefit from using it for cosmetic and therapeutic purposes.