Pomegranate juice, according to dieticians, is considered one of the most valuable food products. It contains a lot of useful for human health substances - vitamins, minerals, organic acids, bioflavonoids.
It is used to treat a number of diseases associated with the digestive system, for colds, beriberi, cardiovascular diseases. And among other things, it is very tasty and perfectly quenches thirst.
Composition of pomegranate
What is so useful about pomegranate juice? Let's look at its composition in more detail.
Chemical composition of pomegranate:
- vitamins;
- micro and macro elements;
- organic acids;
- of sugar;
- tanning agents;
- pectin.
Of vitamins, it is especially worth noting ascorbic acid and retinol, which are antioxidants. There are also niacin, tocopherol, beta-carotene, B-group vitamins.
Microelements are mainly iron, which is part of hemoglobin in the blood and is necessary for the organs of hematopoiesis. Of the macroelements, pomegranate juice is particularly rich in potassium. Its amount can reach 102 mg / 100 g. Potassium regulates water-salt balance, normalizes the work of the heart muscle. There are also sodium, phosphorus, magnesium and calcium.
Pomegranate protein consists of 16 amino acids. Of these, 7 are irreplaceable. They are involved in protein synthesis and are necessary for cell growth. Citric acid, the amount of which can reach up to 10%, has an antioxidant and bactericidal effect. Wine helps to renew cells and reduce wrinkles.
Sugars contain glucose and fructose. They give the drink a sweetish taste and are easily absorbed by the body, making up for energy costs. Tannins, pectin normalize the activity of the digestive tract, have an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect.
An interesting fact! Pomegranate juice was used as a healing agent Avicenna and Hippocrates. They offered to treat them with fever, dysentery, and also nervous disorders.
Useful properties of pomegranate juice has the following useful properties:
- anti
- antioxidant
- restorative
- immunostimulatory
- hematopoietic
- astringent diuretic choleretic
- antiseptic
- tonic
- antidepressant.
Pomegranate juice will help reduce the amount of cholesterol, strengthen the heart muscle, increase appetite, restore lost health, protect against infection, radiation, cancer. It can neutralize pomegranate juice and pressure. This is facilitated by a large amount of potassium, which removes excess water from the body and strengthens the walls of blood vessels.
Great use of pomegranate juice for women. It hinders the development of breast cancer, normalizes the function of the ovaries, promotes rejuvenation and enhancement of female sexuality.
Pomegranate juice is also recommended for men. The benefit of this drink for the stronger sex is its ability to increase testosterone levels in the blood, increase potency. In addition, it prevents the development of prostate adenoma and is used to prevent prostatitis.
Can pomegranate juice be pregnant? Not only it is possible, but also it is necessary! It will help to cope with such troubles as leg swelling, toxicosis, nausea. In addition, it has in its composition folic acid, which is necessary for the future baby for cerebral circulation.
Application of
Pomegranate juice is useful for adults and children. It will help cope with many colds, strengthen health, increase immunity. However, it should be noted that pomegranate juice is diluted, since drinking it in its pure form is unsafe for health. It contains too much acid, which corrodes the wall of the stomach. There are other contraindications to this drink.
Indications for use
The healing properties of pomegranate juice help with the following diseases:
- anemia
- atherosclerosis
- hypertension
- diarrhea
- oncology
- immunodeficiency
- depression
- prostatitis
- impotence
- bronchial asthma
- stomatitis
- angina
- cystitis.
And this is not yet a complete list of diseases with which this useful drink helps to cope! It is used for infarction, stroke, radiation sickness, general decline of strength. Pomegranate juice is also used in the treatment of inflammatory diseases.
Apply pomegranate juice and for weight loss. It promotes fat burning, strengthens metabolism, tones up, replenishes the lack of vitamins and minerals.
Tip! After pomegranate juice, the mouth should be rinsed, since the acids contained in it, contribute to the destruction of tooth enamel.
How to use
How useful pomegranate juice is, use it with caution, especially if there is any history of chronic illness. Before treatment, it is advisable to consult a doctor, to check whether there is an allergy. It is also necessary to find out exactly how to take pomegranate juice, since the benefits and possible harm will depend on the amount consumed and the way of consumption.
The following application schemes are recommended:
Pomegranate juice in pregnancy should be diluted with water or vegetable juice in a 1: 3 ratio. You can use carrots, beets or any other vegetables and fruits. Do not take more than a glass a day.
To increase appetite take half a glass of drink for 20 minutes.before meals.
In menstrual disorders, a glass of freshly squeezed juice should be drunk daily for a week after the onset of menstruation.
For the treatment of gastrointestinal disorders and anemia it is taken in half a glass for 30 minutes.before meals.
Pomegranate juice for weight loss drink on an empty stomach, once a day in the morning, half an hour before breakfast. During the diet should be excluded from their diet of sweets, salinity, smoked products, bread and flour products.
With edema, 80 ml of juice is drunk daily.
Pomegranate juice has the following contraindications:
- gastritis of increased acidity;
- hemorrhoids;
- peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum;
- constipation;
- pancreatitis;
- hypotension.
Pomegranate juice is not recommended for breastfeeding, as it can cause allergies in the baby. To abuse it during pregnancy is also not worth it. It is undesirable to drink it at night, since then there will be difficulties with falling asleep.
Interesting information about pomegranate juice can also be found from this video: