The effect of coffee on the human body

The effect of coffee on the human body

The mechanism of the peculiar effect of coffee on the mood, mental activity did not receive a final explanation. University scientists in Baltimore( USA), for example, believe that it is associated with a complex substance - adenosine, whose molecules and caffeine molecules have a similar structure. Adenosine inhibits the spread of excitation processes along nerve fibers and therefore has calming properties. When caffeine replaces adenosine, the hindrances that restrain these processes are temporarily eliminated, and hence - the invigorating effect of each drink of a cup of coffee, cocoa, strong tea. This can also explain the ability of coffee to eliminate the residual effect of hypnotic pharmaceuticals."But if you are annoyed over trifles," writes Doctor of Medical Sciences VB Prozorovsky, "if you can not calmly stand in line for an evening newspaper, if you are lost in the face of difficulties, it is better not to drink coffee at all."

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There is information that frequent use of black coffee does not stimulate, even in small portions, but, on the contrary, reduces appetite, while also contributing to more intensive use of own body fat. Approximately the same mobilization of fat takes place when smoking. In some cases, drinking coffee leads to a state close to the pre-stress and even to the stress of the central nervous system's overstrain. Of course, this is the case in this case about the excessive use of coffee.

Caffeine also contributes to the accumulation in the blood of a complex substance - serotonin, which excites the nerve centers that regulate blood circulation. As a result, according to many scientists, the heart muscle begins to decrease more and more violently and blood pressure rises. So with hypertension, and if you sometimes worry about pain in the heart, you should abstain from drinking coffee.

It is not always advisable to refer to coffee and as a remedy for a headache. If its cause is a spasm of altered atherosclerosis blood vessels of the brain, then coffee can not help. Moreover, a rather sharp rise in blood pressure can aggravate malaise. It is not recommended to drink coffee to pregnant women, children. You can not drink coffee with alcohol and smoking. One of the severe defeats of the cardiac muscle has received in medicine the name of alcohol-caffeine cardiomyopathy.

It has long been established that a person gradually gets used to the invigorating effect of tea or coffee. And so that it does not decrease, it is necessary to increase the dose of tea leaves or the number of doses. Sometimes this ends with coffee or theism, that is, a harmful habit to the excessive use of coffee or tea.

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