Doctors about coffee

Doctors about coffee

There are few drinks that could be compared to natural coffee by popularity.

Italian physician Prosper Alstinus, accompanying the Venice Senate Embassy in Egypt in 1543, wrote about coffee as follows: ".. they drink it instead of wine, sell it as wine, and call it a cafe. This infusion is used to strengthen the stomach, to induce digestion, from blockages and tumors of the liver and spleen. "

After 162 years, Carl Linnaeus in the book "Plant Species" also pointed out the medicinal properties of coffee: ".. this drink strengthens the resistance of the intestines, promotes digestion and the timely release of the intestine."

But as long ago they talk about the undesirable influence of coffee on the human body. One of the results of this controversy about this was the original experiment, which for three hundred years has been wandering from article to article about coffee. To compare the "virulence" of his and his tea, three cups of decoction of them were given daily to criminals sentenced to life imprisonment. Despite the severe prison regime, a person who systematically consumed coffee lived 70 years, and consumed tea - 80 years. The experimenter himself lived for 62 years, although he refrained from both.

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Of course, such a curious study is strictly scientific to consider difficult. For decades it has been thought that coffee has a beneficial effect on the function of the brain. The well-known Soviet pharmacologist VB Prozorovsky, as if summing up numerous statements on this subject, writes: "The awakening of the central nervous system is the main thing for the sake of what millions of tons of coffee and tea are annually grown and consumed in the world."

Opponents of coffee no less insistently accuse coffee of premature death of the writer Honore de Balzac. Wrote and that coffee can cause "boils and burns" of the stomach, can cause malignant tumors of the skin. According to the Harvard School of Public Health in the United States, more than 50% of malignant neoplasms of the stomach and pancreas really are the result of excessive consumption of coffee.

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