- Chemical composition of
- The whole secret is in valuable acids
- The medicinal qualities of the drink
- Health recipes
- Application in cosmetology
- How to make a drink
- Harmful. Contraindications
Seabuckthorn can be called a berry of health, because it masterfully solves all problems with well-being and is a champion in the content of nutrients. Recipes based on it, juices and oils heal all the sores of the body, every time, brilliantly coping with the tasks. And if the berries are not quite pleasant to eat because of their sour taste, then the sea-buckthorn juice wants to drink again and again.
In addition, it is considered multivitamin, since it includes all the elements necessary for the body. Consider what is the benefit and harm of sea buckthorn juice and tell you how to cook it yourself.
Chemical Composition
Seabuckthorn is one of the few berries, under the skin of which lies the greatest concentration of all nutrients. The chemical content of the juice is represented by:
- proteins, fats and carbohydrates;
- with dietary fiber;
- phytoncides and flavonoids;
- with organic acids;
- coumarins, sterols;
- with saturated and unsaturated fatty acids;
- with vitamins A, B, C, E, H, F, PP;
- beta-carotene;
- minerals: potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, calcium, sodium, zinc, boron, etc.
Attention! To strengthen the body and protect it from the onslaught of insidious diseases, it will be enough 2-3 tbsp.spoonfuls of freshly squeezed sea buckthorn juice or a glass of berries a day.
Healing sea buckthorn juice is quite caloric - 82 kcal / 100 g. This is explained by the presence of fatty acids.
The whole secret is in valuable acids
The valuable acids that enter the sea buckthorn are its main medicinal "host".Thus, ursulic acid is endowed with strong healing and anti-inflammatory properties, which makes the product indispensable in the treatment of ulcers, erosions, inflammations and skin lesions. It is ursulic acid that alleviates the symptoms of Addison's disease( adrenal disease).
Berry also contains rare succinic acid, which forms useful properties of sea buckthorn juice. It protects the human body from the harmful effects of the strongest drugs, X-rays and toxic substances. Saves from stress and high blood pressure, helps with diseases of the nervous system, liver, atherosclerosis. Her presence makes the drink especially useful for people of the age.
No less significant role is played by oleic acid contained in sea-buckthorn. It has an anti-cancer, antiviral, tonic, vasodilating effect. He is responsible for blood coagulability, normalization of blood circulation and can even suppress the AIDS virus.
Healing qualities of the drink
What is useful about sea buckthorn juice? The drink is indicated if there is a malfunction in the digestive system, metabolic disorders, gout, rheumatism, as an additional remedy for healing tumors. He perfectly copes with avitaminosis, hypovitaminosis, skin and liver diseases.
The product treats almost all ailments of the gastrointestinal tract, female and male diseases, including a decrease in potency;throat diseases( even throat cancer), diseases of the central nervous and cardiovascular systems. Juice effectively cope with inflammatory processes, quickly heals wounds, strengthens immunity and saturates the person with energy.
Attention! Sea buckthorn juice is highly recommended to women in the position and nursing mothers.
You can drink even babies when they reach their monthly age( 2-3 drops, mixed with breast milk).This will help strengthen their immune system. Daily intake of juice( 0.5 cup) by a pregnant woman, will facilitate delivery and save the fetus from pathologies in development.
Health Recipes
Consider a few recipes based on sea buckthorn juice.
With cardiovascular diseases
Patients suffering from ailments of the cardiovascular system, it is necessary to drink sea-buckthorn juice daily for 0,5 glasses( in several receptions).This will help dilute too thick blood, prevent formation of cholesterol plaques, normalizes blood flow, stabilizes blood pressure and heartbeat.
For rheumatism, gout, arthritis, polyarthritis
For these diseases, the remedy is used as compresses and for rubbing joints. To do this, the juice is heated by means of a water bath, it is moistened with a cotton cloth and applied to the affected parts of the body. On top of the cloth put the film and wrap the wrap with a warm kerchief. The procedure should be carried out every day for a dream to come and endure for 2 hours.
With inflammation of the throat and oral cavity
With stomatitis, angina, pharyngitis, gingivitis, laryngitis, sea buckthorn juice is used for rinses. Freshly squeezed nectar is mixed with warm boiled water in a ratio of 1: 2.The received liquid rinse the mouth and throat 3-4 times a day. In addition, you can lubricate sore spots with sea buckthorn oil.
With colds, coughing, bronchitis, pneumonia
started. In these cases, folk healers recommend drinking sea buckthorn oil or juice during the day. Take the drug every day until the disease recedes. The berry is rich in natural antibiotics, which ruthlessly deal with pathogenic bacteria, so recovery will come much faster than in the case of other drugs.
An excellent expectorant is sea buckthorn juice. Useful properties of it can be strengthened by adding honey, fruit or vegetable juices, herbal decoctions.
Application in cosmetology
Sea-buckthorn nectar bears the honorary title of elixir of female beauty due to the presence in it of vitamin E, which gives the skin youth, and the woman - beauty. The agent can be used singly, or in a mix with other curative products.
Nourishing mask
To prepare the mask you will need the following ingredients:
- honey - 1 tsp;
- yolk of one egg;
- cream - 0,5 tsp.
- sea buckthorn juice - ¼ cup.
Mix thoroughly all the ingredients until a uniform mush is formed and apply to the face for 15 minutes, after cleaning the skin. It is necessary to wash with contrasting water. The moisturizing cream completes the procedure.
For dry skin
Make dry skin silky and soft will help regular facial rubs with sea buckthorn juice. To do this, moisten in it a cotton pad and generously moisten the skin. After just 2-3 minutes, wash with cool water.
For problematic skin
When expanded pores on problem skin use nectar sea buckthorn with cottage cheese( 1: 1).Instead of cottage cheese, you can attract cream. The mass is applied to the face for 15 minutes.
Warning! To enhance the beneficial properties of the sea-buckthorn juice, it is necessary to apply it both externally and inward.
Ice cubes
Ice cubes made from sea-buckthorn liquid are widely used for cosmetic purposes. To do this, it is diluted with water( in a ratio of 1: 2), poured into ice molds and placed in a freezer. Finished cubes are wiped face in the morning. Similar procedures tonify and freshen the skin, make it silky and supple, and the face acquires an even color.
How to make a drink
Sea buckthorn nectar can be made from both fresh and frozen fruits. The scheme of the preparation of the drink is as follows:
- The berries are washed, dried and chopped using a blender or a grinder. There is another way: mash fruits with an ordinary bottle, putting them on a wooden board.
- Put the mass in an enameled container, fill with water( preferably warm), heat up to 50 degrees, remove from heat. From the formed slurry squeeze with the help of the press juice. For 1 kg of berries you need 200 ml of water.
- Filter the liquid through several layers of gauze fabric, heat up to 90 degrees, pour over dry jars, close the lids and boil: containers, 0.5 l - 10 min, 1 l - 15 min. Ready-made sea-buckthorn juice tightly sealed.
Warning! Do not put cans of beverage in boiling water, but bring it along with them to a boil. The initial water temperature should be around 70 degrees.
There is an easier way: prepare juice with a juicer, filter, remove the cake. Add sugar to the drink, stir, pour over the sterilized containers and determine into a cool room. Sugar sand is taken in the same proportion as the juice.
To the benefit and harm of sea buckthorn juice are not manifested in equal measure, it is important to observe the conditions of preparation and storage of nectar, the rules of its reception, contraindications.
The drug is prohibited for use:
- for pancreas ailments( pancreatitis, etc.);
- in diseases of the gallbladder and liver;
- with acute cholecystitis;
- with gastritis with increased acidity of the digestive juice;
- for individual intolerance to sea-buckthorn berries;
- when allergic to carotene.
Due to its high acid content, sea-buckthorn nectar is harmful for patients with hyperacid gastritis and ulcer diseases. And choleretic action makes its reception impossible with cholelithiasis.
It is important to know what is useful about sea buckthorn juice and what is harmful in order not to put your health at risk and not exacerbate existing problems. In addition, before you start using, you just need to get permission from a doctor.