Application of cardamom grains in cooking and medicine

Cardamom is a spice with a sharp, sweetish taste and a spicy aroma. It is added to almost all culinary dishes - meat, vegetable, desserts and pastries. Often this seasoning is a part of hot and sweet sauces and gravies. About the use of cardamom in medicine, the Europeans know little, the eastern same people have long used its grains in the treatment of many diseases.

Cardamom in medicine

Cardamom in medicine has been used since ancient times. The Romans used it to stimulate the stomach. The Chinese used it in the treatment of intestinal disorders. In the Middle East, women fascinated him with men. Modern medicine uses this seasoning for the treatment of colds, neuroses and many other diseases.

Application as a medicine

For medical purposes, as a rule, grains are used, however, sometimes the leaves, bark and flowers of the plant are used. Seeds are used as a powder, infusions. The remaining parts are in tinctures and broths.

Cardamom has the widest application, it is used for colds, as an anti-inflammatory, immunostimulating, diaphoretic, restorative. Often it is prescribed for the complex treatment of cardiovascular, nervous, gastric diseases. It is also used as a diuretic in diseases of the bladder and kidneys.

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Diseases in which applies cardamom:

Cardamom helps with headaches, migraines
  • bronchitis
  • laryngitis
  • flu
  • stomatitis
  • asthma
  • cystitis
  • jade
  • epilepsy
  • depression
  • neuroses
  • rheumatism
  • impotence
  • toxicosis
  • insomnia
  • dystonia
  • myocardial
  • stroke.

And this is not yet a complete list of diseases in which this spice is applied. Often it is used as a tonic and anesthetic for migraines, painful menstruation. Infusion of grains helps to improve digestion. Seeds with honey improve eyesight. Milk with cardamom helps to normalize the work of the heart, cope with stress and get rid of insomnia. For men, a milk drink is especially useful, since it cures impotence and increases sexual desire.


Not all and not always useful cardamom. The use and contraindications for its use depend on the patient's condition. For example, it is not recommended to use seasoning:

  • during pregnancy;
  • exacerbation of gastric ulcer;
  • in the presence of allergy to spices.

Important! Caution should be used cardamom in hypertension, as it increases the strength of the blood flow. It is better to give up spice for gastritis and heartburn.

Application in cosmetology

Cardamom promotes skin rejuvenation and is often used for

masks. For cosmetic purposes, cardamom is used for toning, cleansing, and rejuvenating the skin. Essential oil is used in the manufacture of perfume, soap, cosmetics. Incorporate cardamom and in the composition of massage mixtures, as it has a warming effect and helps to relax the muscles.

To maintain youth skin cardamom use as a part of masks, scrubs, tonics, creams. It is noteworthy that the oil is hypoallergenic and, as a rule, does not cause allergic reactions.

For weight loss

Despite its fairly high caloric value - 311 kcal, cardamom is used for weight loss. This is explained by the fact that this spice accelerates the metabolism and, consequently, enhances the breakdown of fats. In addition, it helps to remove harmful substances and toxins from the body, which is especially important in losing weight.

Coffee with cardamom is not only fragrant, but also promotes weight loss

As a rule, to reduce weight, cardamom is added to morning coffee, tea, or prepare infusions, in which pepper, cinnamon and other condiments are added. Such drinks have a noticeable warming effect, which increases blood circulation and, therefore, accelerates metabolism. Cardamom also reduces the harmful effects of coffee on the heart and gives the drink flavor. To reduce weight, cardamom is also recommended to be added to food in the form of a powder from ground beans.

Using cardamom in cooking

Perhaps there are no dishes where cardamom can not be put. Its use in cooking is so wide that one can call this seasoning the king of spices. It gives sharpness to meat and vegetable dishes. Baking with it acquires a delicious aroma, and desserts are especially delicious. It is put in soups, vegetable stew, pilaf, fruit dishes, salads, sauces and gravies. In the food industry seasoning is used in the manufacture of sausage, confectionery, alcohol products.

Cardamom fits absolutely all dishes, both vegetable and meat.

Spice is added most often in the form of powder or grains, but sometimes pods are put. They do not eat, but the fragrance from them turns out to be especially strong. Culinary uses also fresh or dried leaves of the plant.

All information on cardamom application can also be found from this video:

  • Mar 08, 2018
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