Homemade jam from honeysuckle: original ideas

  1. Simple recipes
  2. Aromatic variations on the theme "Assorted"

The greatest benefit is, of course, fresh honeysuckle, but you want the berry to be on tables and in winter. What to do in this case? Make jam! Moreover, there are quite a few recipes for preparing such a preparation. Jam from honeysuckle can be closed after heat treatment and in raw form, it is cooked on the stove and in the multivark. Dark blue slightly tart fruits taste very delicious in combination with other berries, citrus and rhubarb, and if you do not have time, then a special recipe comes to the rescue, which you will spend no more than five minutes.

Homemade jam will please you with your taste all year round

Simple recipes

This chapter was dedicated to the classic recipes of honeysuckle jam. Such desserts do not include any additional ingredients - only honeysuckle berries and sugar. But despite the fact that the dish consists of only two components, there are several ways to prepare it.

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Homemade jam traditional

The most popular homemade recipe for honeysuckle jam for winter is as follows: for a kilo of fruit, you need to take a similar amount of sugar and a glass of water. Let's go to the preparation.

  1. We sorted the fruits, washed and left in a colander for 10 minutes.

    Advice! Before you send the berries in a saucepan, we advise you to check them for taste. And if the fruits will be bitter in raw form, then you risk ruining the dessert, since it will also be bitter, no matter how much sugar is added!

  2. In a large saucepan or in a basin in which you are going to cook a dessert, combine sugar and water. We turn on the fire and let the mass boil, then reduce the gas supply and leave the syrup cook for about 10 minutes.
  3. Pure and slightly dried honeysuckle we lower in a syrup, we bring all up to boiling and there and then we remove from fire. We cover the container with a lid or a towel and leave it for the night( 6-7 hours).
  4. After the specified time we return the jam to the fire and after it starts to boil, cook for about a quarter of an hour. In the process, it is desirable to stir the dessert with a wooden spoon, so that it does not burn out, and remove the foam as it appears.
  5. Hot jam is poured on cans, which were previously sterilized and dried, and immediately rolled up with metal covers.

Thick jam

The jam in the honeysuckle, cooked according to the following recipe, is very thick, and therefore can be used as a filling for home-made pies and other pastries. Ingredients remain the same, only the proportions change: for a kilo of ripe fruit we take a half kilogram of granulated sugar, we do not add water here.

  1. Pure berries are placed in a cooking bowl, covered with sugar and left overnight( for 10 hours).During this time, honeysuckle should give juice.
  2. Install everything on the fire and with the smallest gas supply we let the mass boil, removing foam from time to time.
  3. Cook the dessert for about 40 minutes, after which we pour hot over the prepared jars and immediately cork.

You can also make this jam in the multivarquet. All the preliminary stages look similar, after which the mass is transferred to the bowl of the device and cooked for an hour in the "Quenching" mode.

Thick, spicy, fragrant. .. a little time and one of the best desserts is ready!

Raw jam

Prepare jam from honeysuckle without cooking, you get just two bonuses: a delicious treat with a long enough shelf life and at the same time all vitamins, minerals and other useful substances will be stored in it.

For this dessert you will need honeysuckle in the amount of 1 kg, one and a half kilograms of sugar and a couple of grams of citric acid. And now we turn to cooking:

  1. We connect berries and sugar. We interrupt them to the state of mashed potatoes. Thoroughly knead it with a wooden spatula, until the sugar completely dissolves.

    Important! You will have to stand in for a long time, but it's necessary, because otherwise the jam will soon be sugared!

  2. As soon as you notice that the sugar is practically dissolved, you can add citric acid, then mix everything up to homogeneity.
  3. We store the finished dessert in the main compartment of the refrigerator.

Fastest treat

The five-minute recipe allows you to make jam from honeysuckle in record time. Here for a kilogram of berries we take a half kilogram of sugar and proceed.

  1. Pure fruit of honeysuckle is combined with granulated sugar.
  2. We rub everything to a homogeneous state.
  3. The resulting mashed potatoes are transferred to a container and cooked on low heat until the sugar is completely dispersed.
  4. We spread the boiling dessert on sterile jars and cork. Here you can use conventional nylon caps. We store the prepared jam in the refrigerator.
Honeysuckle + sugar and useful jam can be sent for safekeeping!

Aromatic variations on the topic "Assorted"

And now we turn to the preparation of special desserts, in which we will combine the honeysuckle with other ingredients.

Adding an orange

For jam from honeysuckle with orange, we need to prepare 1 kg each of them, the same portion of sugar and about 200 ml of water.

  1. Honeysuckle and a little dried on a paper towel, the orange is released from the peel, seeds and white partitions.
  2. In this amount of water, dissolve all the sugar and cook for 10 minutes on the resulting syrup on low heat.
  3. Add honeysuckle and fillet of orange. We wait until the mass boils and continue cooking for another five minutes, after which we remove the container from the fire and cool its contents at room temperature.
  4. Again, return our jam to fire and cook after boiling for about 5 minutes, do not forget to mix it with a wooden spoon and remove the foam. The process with cooling and five-minute brewing is repeated once more, after that we pour boiling dessert on jars and cork.

If you want to make jam from honeysuckle not with orange, but with lemon, then in this case you need to take the latter half as much as honeysuckle. If you put a lemon the same as recommended to add an orange, then your dessert will turn out too sour. At the same time the process of cooking will be similar.

Put the strawberry

Jam from honeysuckle with strawberries surprisingly with their taste: the first gives him a pleasant tart note, and the second gives him an enveloping sweetness. The recipe for this dish includes 500 g of honeysuckle, 500 g of strawberries and 1 kg of sugar.

  1. Berries are sorted, mine and we rub with a blender or we pass through a meat grinder.
  2. We put the mass in a saucepan, add sugar and leave it on the table for about a day, covering it with a towel.
  3. Berry puree with sugar put on the fire and cook for about half an hour from the moment of boiling.
  4. We put the hot dessert in jars, which were previously sterilized, and roll them up with lids.

Note! Honeysuckle is rich in vitamin C and has a powerful antibacterial effect. For this reason, jam from such berries will be an excellent preventive remedy for colds in the fall and winter periods!

In a similar way, you can make jam from honeysuckle and raspberry. All the processes will look absolutely identical. And if you want to get rid of small seeds, which are very much in the fruits of raspberries, then before brewing the berry puree should be passed through a fine sieve.

Honeysuckle behaves beautifully in combination with other berries and fruits

We connect with the rhubarb

Perhaps this is the most successful combination. Jam from honeysuckle and rhubarb is a gourmet dish, which has already grown to be liked by quite a few. Let's try and cook it. So, for a kilo of honeysuckle we take a kilo of sugar and a half a kilo of rhubarb.

  1. Honeysuckle is washed and ground to a puree state, add sugar and put the mass on the fire.
  2. Juicy petioles of rhubarb are washed, removes a thin layer of cuticle and cut into cubes.

    Important! For jam it is necessary to select only young shoots of rhubarb - leaves on them will be unrevealed, and the structure of petioles is very soft. If you collected rhubarb only at the end of the season, then it must be treated more carefully, removing rough streaks along the entire length of the shoot!

  3. After the honeysuckle mass boils, cook it for about five minutes, then add the rhubarb. Bring it to the boil and cook for another seven minutes.
  4. Jam we remove on the table and leave for a couple of hours. Then we return it to the fire and after boiling we cook for another seven minutes.
  5. Hot dessert is distributed on sterile jars and sealed.

Trying the honeysuckle jam one time only, you can not abandon it any more. The delicacy turns out very tasty with pleasant tart notes. And if you want to do something unique, then just add additional ingredients to your recipe to your taste.

  • Mar 08, 2018
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