Areas of application
Nettle juice is now widely used both in the field of medicine and in cosmetology. Such popularity he deserved due to his unique properties, among which:
- anti-inflammatory;
- anticonvulsant;
- immunomodulatory;
- wound healing;
- restorative;
- regenerating;
- hemostatic;
- choleretic;
- antiseptic;
- is a diuretic;
- is multivitamin.
Now let's look at each area of its application in more detail.
Nettle juice in medicine
With this plant nectar, metabolic processes can be improved. It is recommended to be used to accelerate the ripening of red blood cells and to lower blood sugar, which makes it especially useful for people suffering from diabetes mellitus.
Nettle juice perfectly removes fatigue and helps with spring vitamin deficiency. Its use is advisable for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract of a chronic nature, as well as for rheumatic pains, urinary tract diseases and pulmonary diseases.
. Its haemostatic property becomes relevant for skin disorders. To treat trophic ulcers, wounds and burns, it is enough to moisten a piece of gauze in the juice of nettle and apply the received compress to the damaged area. In addition, this remedy is used externally for rheumatic polyarthritis, myositis, gout and radiculitis - the affected area is simply rubbed with the juice of a fresh plant.
In addition, it positively affects carbohydrate metabolism, stimulates the respiratory center, tones the vascular system, the uterus and intestines, and can also be shown to be used in anemia.
Note! In the course of laboratory studies it was found that nettle juice can increase the hemoglobin content on a par with modern iron-containing preparations!
He perfectly copes with bleeding: uterine, hemorrhoidal, renal, pulmonary, intestinal. Accordingly, before starting treatment it is necessary to find out the cause of bleeding, and for this it is enough to undergo a medical examination.
Important! Bleeding an unknown etiology is not allowed to be treated with this remedy!
Nettle juice can be used to prevent the following diseases:
- atherosclerosis;
- peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum;
- cholecystitis.
It helps to restore the menstrual cycle, promotes the treatment of uterine fibroids, epilepsy, neuroses and enterocolitis, both acute and chronic. With stomatitis and sore throat, rinsing with a nettle juice diluted in water in equal proportions is shown. The juice of a young plant, harvested in the spring, shows itself well as a means to improve the functioning of the kidneys and helps to remove harmful substances from the body.
Important! Be careful, since nettle juice is categorically contraindicated in thrombophlebitis, varicose veins, increased blood clotting and malignant formations!
And to start treatment it is enough to know how to squeeze juice from the nettle. Everything is very simple! For the preparation of medicinal preparations, leaflets and shoots of a young plant will be needed. They are collected in May or June, put in a bag of gauze and squeeze the juice. Further squeezes must be passed through the meat grinder, add a small amount of water and squeeze the juice again. The first and second juices are connected.
The extracted elixir must be stored in a common compartment of the refrigerator, but not more than 3 days. For a longer period of storage, it is pasteurized in glass jars for 15 minutes at 70 ° C, then capped with capron and transferred to a cool place.
You can also use a juicer to prepare nettle juice;while squeezing through a meat grinder is not necessary to re-pass.
Hair Benefits
In addition to the field of medicine, nettle juice is well known in cosmetology, and it has been used for a long time to apply it to beauty and health. It helps to strengthen hair follicles, stimulates growth and eliminates excessive greasiness.
- To strengthen and stimulate the growth of .In this case, it is necessary to squeeze the juice from the leaves of the plant and rub it into the scalp. Cover the hair with a plastic cap and wrap it in a warm towel. The product is kept for about 2 hours, after which it is washed off with water and shampooed with a shampoo. This procedure is desirable to be carried out at least once a week for 2-3 months.
- For oily hair .To normalize the work of the sebaceous glands of the scalp, it is necessary to prepare a mixture of juice of nettle and sea salt. Half a glass of young leaves to pass through a meat grinder or a juicer, add a pinch of sea salt and mix. The received means to rub into a skin of a head, hair to wrap up. After half an hour, wash the mask off.
Nettle juice is incredibly important for both our health and hair beauty. Use it competently, and it will surely bring you benefits!