There is a fairly large number of varieties of asparagus, but only asparagus is used for food. And they use it not only for culinary purposes, but also for medical purposes. This product is incredibly useful both fresh and canned - it shows a lot of medicinal properties, and due to low calorie content can be included in the diet of a person who watches his figure. Marinated asparagus is found in almost every store, but it's pretty simple to cook with your own hands. Such a home-made product can become an independent dish, and be included in salads or snacks.
. A bit about the benefits of
. The benefits of pickled asparagus are as follows:
- , this product is rich in vitamins, including vitamins B - B1, B2, B5, B6, vitamin PP and C;
- it is famous for its mineral series, which includes calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc, iron, copper, selenium and sodium;
- in addition, the huge benefit of asparagus is achieved due to the presence of a unique substance - asparagine, which plays a key role in the formation and subsequent work of the immune system, as well as in the synthesis of RNA and DNA.
By eating pickled asparagus, you can normalize the work of the cardiovascular system and restore blood pressure. Together, ascorbic acid and asparagine promote the excretion of ammonia from the body, and thanks to the presence of fiber, minerals and folic acid, the body's overall performance is normal.
Marinated asparagus has a small, it is possible to say, insignificant caloric content, which is only 15 kcal per 100 g of product, which makes it an indispensable product in dietary nutrition.
The unique properties of pickled asparagus have been proven by scientists. After the conducted researches it was established that this product takes part practically in all vitally important processes of the human body, therefore its regular use has a therapeutic effect on many organs and systems.
Important! You should remember about the contraindications of this dish. It is not recommended for use with cystitis, rheumatism, prostatitis and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract!
Recipe for cooking
So, we turn to the recipe for pickled asparagus. It is very simple, and the dish at the output turns out to be extremely tasty. Do not be lazy and be sure to prepare it yourself - the result will not disappoint you!
Essential Ingredients
Based on 5 half-liter jars, you need to prepare the following ingredients:
- 1.5 kg fresh asparagus;
- 1.5 cups of apple cider vinegar;
- 1.5 cups of clean distilled water;
- 5 cloves of garlic;
- for 5-7 peas of black and fragrant pepper;
- 3 lemon ringlets;
- 0.5 tablespoon thyme;
- 0,5 tablespoon of flakes of red pepper;
- 0.5 packet of French herbs;
- 1 tablespoon of salt;
- 1 tablespoon mustard seeds.
How to cook?
The cooking process is as follows.
- To begin with, wash the asparagus under running water, drain excess liquid and lay on the cutting board.
- The product is cleaned from the fibrous tips and neatly removes the coarse topcoat.
- Next, the pot should be filled with water about half and bring to a boil.
- Put the asparagus in boiling water and blanch for 1-2 minutes.
Important! Asparagus is prepared very quickly, but in order that it retains all its value, it should be extracted from boiling water before it starts to darken. The color should remain as bright as it was originally!
- The finished product is extracted with a noise and placed in a deep bowl with ice water for a few seconds. This method allows you to stop the cooking process and save the color, and, accordingly, the benefit of asparagus.
- Next, take a lemon, carefully wash it, wipe it with a towel and cut off 3 rings. In each jar put one slice, if they are liter, and half a ringlet in a can of half-liter.
- Add garlic, black and sweet pepper to the containers.
- Depending on the size of the cans chosen for preservation, the asparagus is cut into pieces and only afterwards is distributed among the containers or laid immediately.
Important! Vegetables should lie close to each other, and stack them with slices down!
can be placed. Turn to the marinade preparation:
- fill the pan with water and put it on the fire;
- in the boiling water should be put thyme, flakes of red pepper, mustard grains and French herbs;
- marinade cooked over medium heat for 2-3 minutes;this time will be enough for the spices to give away all their flavor;
- further, add the vinegar and salt, after which they keep the marinade on fire for about 5-7 minutes.
It is very convenient to fill the cans with a fine marinade with a small ladle.
Important! The liquid should cover the vegetables completely, but at the same time be below the level of the neck by 1 cm!
Next, the cans with asparagus are sent for sterilization: put them in a container, pour cold running water into it, the level of which should not reach the neck of the cans by 3 cm, and set everything on a strong fire. After the water boils, reduce the intensity of the gas supply to the average, cover the container with a lid and sterilize the jars for 20 minutes.
After the specified time, we remove the cans from the boiling water from the boiling water, set it on the table and roll it up with lids. Turn the containers with their necks down and wrap them in a warm blanket. After 1-2 days we transfer the pickled asparagus to a cool place for storage - in a cellar or cellar.
As you can see, there is nothing difficult in the preparation of pickled asparagus - anyone can do it, and for this it is absolutely not necessary to have any special culinary skills. Cook with pleasure and stay healthy!