Fish oil and cholesterol: the features of applying dietary supplements

  1. Cholesterol use for heart and blood vessels
  2. Harm to cholesterol for veins, arteries of capillaries
  3. When to take fish oil
  4. Features of application of

Fish oil and cholesterol have similar physicochemical properties that are actively used in the prevention of strokes and heart attacks, and alsoin the therapy of atherosclerosis. A natural product derived from liver and muscle tissues of ocean fish, cardiologists recommend taking patients who have cardiovascular pathologies. Fish oil reduces the level of harmful cholesterol in the bloodstream while simultaneously increasing the concentration of beneficial lipids in the human body. To take capsules or thick oil fluid did not cause undesirable complications, it is necessary to take into account some features of the treatment.

Thanks to its unique balanced composition, fish oil quickly and effectively cleans vessels from cholesterol blocks

Cholesterol for the heart and blood vessels

Cholesterol is an indispensable substance that is produced in the human body or enters it with food. According to its chemical structure, it belongs to the group of fat-soluble alcohols and is a steroid. In the body, it performs the following functions:

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  • is involved in the synthesis of ergocalciferol necessary for the formation of tooth enamel and bone tissue;
  • strengthens and forms cell membranes;
  • circulates in the systemic circulation as part of lipoprotein complexes.

Cholesterol becomes a precursor of bile acids produced by liver cells. And in the ovaries and adrenal glands from the fat-soluble alcohol, steroid hormones necessary for the regulation of all vital activity systems are formed.

Fish oil contains useful cholesterol, which has a positive effect on the rate of metabolism of triglycerides. Due to this effect, the functional activity of the cardiovascular system is increased due to an increase in the diameter of the veins and arteries and optimal circulation of blood. Cardiologists recommend that patients take fish oil for the following purposes:

  • prevention of a sharp rise in blood pressure;
  • decreased severity of symptoms of hypertension;
  • prevention of strokes and heart attacks;
  • prevention of arrhythmia.

Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids from the composition of fish oil not only prevent the formation of cholesterol plaques, but also contribute to their gradual dissolution and excretion from the blood vessels.

It's interesting: High concentration of cholesterol is found in meat, fish, milk and eggs. To avoid its accumulation in blood vessels, you should eat these foods in limited quantities.

Fish oil is an effective preventative against the formation of cholesterol plaques in veins and arteries

Harm of cholesterol for veins, arteries of capillaries

Harm to the cardiovascular system is caused not by cholesterol itself, but by lipoproteins( a complex of proteins and fats) responsible for its transportation. If the body contains an excess of low-density lipoproteins, then a person will eventually be diagnosed with vascular insufficiency. And in the presence of high-density lipoprotein fractions, the risk of developing pathology is minimized, due to their rapid elimination from soft tissues, veins, arteries and capillaries.

Fish oil contains not only fat-soluble vitamins, but a huge amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids:

  • arachidonic;
  • is eicosapentaenoic;
  • oil;
  • valerian;
  • palmitic;
  • is docosahexaenoic;
  • is oleic;
  • caprylic.

It is these organic compounds that are part of the high-density lipoproteins that release the cholesterol of their blood vessels. Course intake of fish oil in any dosage form becomes an excellent prevention of blood clots in veins and arteries. Such plaques are formed as a result of deposition on the inner walls of low density lipoproteins, which eventually change their structure, accumulate calcium. Entering the human body together with fish oil polyunsaturated fatty acids become the main source of transportation of cholesterol.

Fish oil in liquid dosage form lowers cholesterol level in the systemic circulation after a month of application of

When to take fish oil

The accumulation of cholesterol in the blood vessels is not only diagnosed in a number of laboratory and instrumental studies. Reduction of the functional activity of the cardiovascular system is reflected in clinical manifestations. What to look out for:

  • pain in the legs after a long walk or sports training;
  • formation on the legs of vascular "mesh" and "stars";
  • paroxysmal pain in the cardiac region;
  • increased dizziness, especially after a sharp rise.

It should be clarified that such a symptomatology is typical for many pathologies, but most of them are associated with the deterioration of the state of veins and arteries due to the accumulation of cholesterol in them. The doctor will conduct differential diagnosis to determine the cause of the disease. If the deterioration in well-being provoked cholesterol blocks in the blood vessels, a therapeutic regimen will be made. As a rule, the cardiologist includes statins( Atorvastatin, Simvastatin, Rosuvastatin), which show serious side effects. As a prophylaxis and as a means of additional therapy for patients, it is recommended to take fish oil intake with high cholesterol in capsules or in the form of a thick liquid.

Indirect signs of plaque formation are microscopic formations of a yellowish hue on the eyelids. On them the blood vessels are located very close to the surface of the skin, so the pathological condition is well visualized. Inclusions of yellow color can appear on the legs, near the ankles.

Tip: It is worth paying attention to the early appearance of gray hair, especially if there is no hereditary predisposition. A sharp change in the color of the hair often serves as a symptom of an elevated cholesterol level in the systemic circulation.

Fish oil capsules are used to prevent cardiovascular diseases associated with the deposition of cholesterol in the vessels

Features of the application

For the removal of harmful veins and arteries of harmful cholesterol, cardiologists recommend eating fish oil for 1-2 months. The duration of the therapeutic course depends on the diagnosed disease, the general health of the patient, the presence of chronic pathologies in the history. After the initial intake of fish oil, it is required to take a break for 2-3 weeks. At this time, it is advisable to donate blood to the laboratory to assess the effectiveness of the treatment. Depending on the results of the tests, the cardiologist may recommend the continued use of fish oil or prescribe pharmacological preparations. It is also possible to adjust single and daily dosages in the direction of decrease or increase.

Liquid form of the preparation

How to take fish oil from cholesterol will tell your doctor. But usually therapeutic doses do not differ from those that are prescribed for the prevention of cardiovascular pathologies. How to properly consume fish oil:

  • drink natural remedy only after eating because of the likelihood of disruption of peristalsis and digestion;
  • daily dose should not be taken immediately, it should be divided into 2-3 parts;
  • fish oil can be washed down with clean water or simply eat a piece of bread.

The natural product should be introduced into the diet gradually, starting with a teaspoon per day. If the fish oil has not caused uncomfortable sensations( nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, dizziness), then the dose can be increased to 1-1.5 tablespoon. For people involved in sports or hard physical work, cardiologists recommend bringing the daily volume to two tablespoons.


There is a wide range of capsules with fish oil of various shapes and sizes on the drugstores. The quantity of polyunsaturated fatty acids is also different. The greatest therapeutic activity is shown by such biological additives:

  • concentration of Omega-3 and Omega-6 acids should not be less than 40%;
  • daily dosage of fish oil is 1-2 capsules.

If after the use of capsules on the skin there were rashes and redness, there were difficulties with breathing, then the medication should be stopped immediately and take any antihistamine to eliminate the symptoms of allergy.

Recommendation: You can not take fish oil in larger quantities than the doctor appointed. Neglect of medical recommendations provokes an overdose of polyunsaturated fatty acids, will cause hypervitaminosis and accelerated formation of cholesterol blocks.

  • Mar 08, 2018
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