שזיפים, הרכב שלה וערך תזונתי

The fruits of cherry plum are loved by many for their juiciness and pleasant sweet and sour taste. They are gladly used fresh, and also used for making various drinks, desserts, jams, jellies, jams and sauces. In addition, those who are interested in their own health, well know the useful properties of cherry plums, which, incidentally, quite a lot.

Alycha is very tasty and useful

The chemical composition of cherry plums

To understand what good cherished plum is, what is the use and harm of its beautiful and fragrant fruits, it is worth considering their composition in more detail.

So, a close relative of the plum contains a lot of potassium, which is necessary, first of all, for the muscles and heart of a person. Enough in it and calcium. But it is his deficiency that increases the risk of osteoporosis in adults and rickets in children. Phosphorus in juicy charms allows you to keep bones and teeth strong and healthy, magnesium perfectly strengthens the nervous system, and iron promotes the normal course of cellular respiration. Pectin substances have a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract, remove toxins from the body.

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Delicious fruits, of course, are rich in vitamins, namely they contain:

  • vitamin A, needed by a person at any age in order to see well;
  • vitamin C, which reduces the fragility of blood vessels, increases the immunity and vitality of the whole organism;
  • Vitamin PP, without which normal cerebral circulation is impossible;

  • vitamins of group B, in particular B1 and B2;their deficiency is fraught with a number of severe disorders, for example, a violation of carbohydrate and fat metabolism;
  • beta-carotene, which reduces the risk of cancer.
In cherry plum many vitamins and microelements

Nutritional value of

Alycha is a dietary product, its caloric value is only 34 kCals. And all because it has a lot of water, dietary fiber and organic acids, but few natural sugars. Carbohydrates, which are contained in it, refer to the so-called correct. They are well absorbed, they give nutrition to the brain, they improve the mood and at the same time are not transformed into hated subcutaneous fats. All this indicates that it is quite possible to eat cherry plum even during slimming.

The benefits of cherry plums

Regular consumption of ripe fruits, thanks to the substances in their composition, contributes to the fight against insidious atherosclerosis, not allowing cholesterol to be deposited in blood vessels. It is also known that Alycha gently slackens, and the benefit of this property is evident in the treatment of chronic constipation, including in children. It is also able to improve appetite and digestion in general.

There is marked diuretic effect of plum, which indicates its ability to remove from the body excess fluid in swelling and obesity. It is useful for people suffering from hypertension, kidney disease and the cardiovascular system. It is irreplaceable for anemia, as it contains iron and vitamin C, and in the ratio necessary for raising hemoglobin.

If in the season of ripening of plum trees there is daily at least 100 g of fruits with a yellow color, you can get rid of the dryness of the skin, from cracks in the hands and in the corners of the lips. And their frequent use will be an excellent cataract prevention, which is very important in the elderly. But the flavonoids are those substances, what is rich and useful is red plum, slow the processes of aging in tissues. Anthocyanins in dark-colored fruits prevent the formation of life-threatening cancerous tumors.

Application in cosmetology

From the seeds of cherry plum are obtained the most valuable cosmetic oil, which is a part of many hair care and body care products. Also it can be used in its pure form for the following purposes:

  • moisturize, nourish and soften the skin, maintain its tone;
  • strengthen hair or nails;
  • to fight stretch marks during pregnancy;
  • heal cracks and small wounds;
  • to eliminate discomfort during intensive massage.

Effectively cherry plum oil for preserving and maintaining beauty because it contains vitamin E, numerous minerals, unsaturated fatty acids and phytosterols.

How to choose the right cherry plum and save it?

Buying a cherry plum in the market or in a store, first of all, you need to evaluate its appearance. Fruits should not be crumpled, not cracked, without signs of rot. At the same time, they may have a white coating, and this is absolutely normal.
Ripe cherry plum to touch a little soft. However, do not get upset by buying hard and sour-tasting fruit. They just have not arrived yet. Such a cherry plum should be left on a paper napkin. For a couple of days, she will necessarily ripen, will become sweet and delicious.

Tip! Ripe soft a cherry tree keep no more than 1 week on the top shelf of the refrigerator. Keep it in a dry glass container under the lid. So it will not rot and become moldy.

In which form is the most useful plum?

In dried plum, a lot of potassium, reducing pressure and eliminating edema. After heat treatment, for example, only useful minerals are stored in the jam. And all vitamins are contained only in fresh plum. And it is in this form that it is best used. You can eat it at lunch instead of dessert or during the day as a snack.
Alycha is very useful in the famous sauce for meat and fish - Tkemali. For its preparation use fresh dark-colored fruits, crushed in a meat grinder, to which garlic, cilantro and red pepper are added to taste. In the original sauce, there should be neither salt nor sugar. It does not cook on fire, which allows you to keep all the best qualities in cherry plum.

Tkemali - the famous Georgian sauce

The difference between plum blossoms and plum

It is interesting to many people why plum diverges from plum. In fact, cherry plum is one of 250 kinds of plum, loved by gardeners for high yields. It grows in the wild mainly in the mountains, where it was first discovered many years ago.

If we consider the chemical composition and nutritional value of fresh fruits of both cultures, the draining is more caloric. It has more sugars, but less calcium. However, for the sake of justice, it should be noted that the plum contains several more vitamins and trace elements than in the alycha. In addition, the sink is better dried. But despite this, plum and plum are like sisters. Each in its own way is good, tasty and useful.

Alycha is one of the types of the

plum. To whom is it contra-indicated?

Like other products, cherry plum has not only useful properties, but also some contraindications. For example, it can not be eaten by people who often suffer from diarrhea. It is necessary to limit its use with exacerbation of gastritis, pancreatitis, cholecystitis or gastric ulcer. You do not need to eat it for three days after food poisoning or vomiting.

But allergic reactions of cherry plum practically does not cause, therefore it can be eaten in reasonable quantities to children, as well as pregnant and lactating women.

In a word, cherry plum is another wonderful gift from Mother Nature, combining a great taste and many useful properties for a person.

  • Mar 08, 2018
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