Light jelly from fresh berries of gooseberries is an ideal option for a summer holiday!

Jelly from gooseberry is an easy and at the same time very tasty variant of dessert, which can not be better looked in the festive menu. When a lot is eaten, and you do not want to load an organism with heavy baking, but there is still a desire to try something sweet, then this blueberry comes to the rescue. It can be prepared in various ways and supplemented with other berries and fruits.

Jelly from gooseberry will amaze you with a variety of cooking options

Small fineness

  1. Jelly can be made from juice of gooseberry, from its puree, based on milk, water and even wine.
  2. The composition of this dessert necessarily includes a gelling agent - gelatin or agar-agar.
  3. If you use gelatin in plates, it must be previously soaked for 15-20 minutes in water, and heat treatment only after it swells.
  4. Gelatin in powder should be soaked for a bit longer - about 30 minutes.

    Note! Today on sale you can find gelatin, which freezes faster than usual. On the shelves, it is in packages of 10 grams and for one such sachet it is necessary to take about 300 ml of water.

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  5. If it is overheated, it will lose its gelling properties, so heat the liquid until the substance dissolves.
  6. When using agar-agar, it is soaked in cold water for 40 minutes, after which it is boiled directly in the future jelly.
  7. The dessert form should be cooled and moistened with cold water, and to ensure that the jelly can be easily extracted, the molds are immersed in hot water for a few seconds.

Recipes of

There are an infinite number of jelly recipes from gooseberries, and everything can be limited only by your imagination. Today we will provide you with some basic variants of this amazing dessert, based on which you can create your own original culinary masterpieces.

From fruit puree

Prepare ingredients:

  • 210 g of berries;
  • 80 g of sugar;
  • 10 g of gelatin.

The cooking process.

  1. We sort fruits, well mine them in several waters and grind them to a puree-like consistency.

    Tip! Grind the gooseberries can be different methods: in a blender, using a meat grinder or a wiper. Choose the one that is more convenient for you!

  2. Gelatin soak in cold water.
  3. Add a little bit of water to the berry mass, sugar and bring it to the boil, remove it from the plate.
  4. Do not stop stirring the mashed potatoes, add swollen gelatin into it and wait for its complete dissolution.
  5. We pour out the dessert by forms and send it to a cool place.
Serve this treat with fresh berries and whipped cream

With gooseberry and milk

Prepare ingredients:

  • 510 ml of milk;
  • 310 g of sugar;
  • 150-175 g of berries;
  • 50 g of gelatin;
  • 50 ml of water.

The cooking process.

  1. Pour gelatin with water and wait for it to swell, heat it on fire until completely dissolved and leave to cool.
  2. Mix milk with sugar and bring to a boil.
  3. Add gelling agent to the milk.
  4. We blanch gooseberries for 5 minutes, wipe them through a sieve and add them to the milk mass.
  5. Pour the jelly into molds and send it to the cold for thickening.
Serve milk-berry jelly with fruit syrup

On milk with fruits

Prepare ingredients:

  • 500 ml of milk;
  • a glass of sugar;
  • 4 teaspoons gelatin;
  • 10 g of vanilla sugar;
  • 400 g of berries.

The preparation process.

  1. We connect two types of sugar, pour milk and bring everything to a boil.
  2. Gelatin pour water and after it swells, add to the milk.
  3. Mix everything thoroughly until the gelatin is completely dissolved.
  4. We cut the gooseberry berries into halves and put them in molds, fill them with a milk mixture and put it into the cold.
Delicious dessert that looks rather original

Gooseberry with wine

Prepare ingredients:

  • 400 g gooseberries;
  • 250 ml of dry wine;
  • 1 tablespoon of sugar;
  • 25 g of gelatin.

The cooking process.

  1. In a saucepan add sugar, pour it with wine and bring everything to a boil.
  2. Pure berries are added to the wine syrup and continue to boil for about 3 minutes.
  3. We extract the fruits from wine and arrange them on glass forms or glasses.
  4. In the wine we lower the gelling powder, the mass is heated to 60 ° C and left to cool.
  5. Liquid wine syrup pour the fruit and send it to the refrigerator.
This dessert for adults will be appreciated by your guests

With oranges - option number 1

For jelly from gooseberry and orange it is necessary: ​​

  • 300 g of gooseberries;
  • 450 g of oranges;
  • 160 g of sugar;
  • 35 g of gelatin;
  • 1 g of citric acid;
  • 700 ml of water.

The cooking process.

  1. Oranges are thoroughly washed, use a sharp knife to remove the zest and squeeze the juice.
  2. Gelatin soaked in water.
  3. Mix the water with sugar and cook the syrup.
  4. In hot syrup, add zest and gelatin, stir until the latter dissolves completely.
  5. Add the juice of oranges and citric acid.
  6. Berries are mine, cut into two or four pieces and add to the rest of the ingredients.
  7. Mix the mixture and pour it on cooled molds.

With oranges - option number 2

Prepare ingredients:

  • 1 large orange;
  • 150 g of gooseberry berries;
  • 2 cups of water;
  • a glass of sugar;
  • 1 tablespoon gelatin.

The cooking process.

  1. Orange carefully washed, remove the zest and cut out the fillets.

  2. Filet of orange fall asleep half a glass of sugar and leave until the juice is released.
  3. Blanching berries, rub through a sieve.
  4. The remaining sugar is combined with water, zest, berry paste and brought to a boil.
  5. Add pre-soaked gelatin, mix the mass until it dissolves completely and pour in the juice that has emerged from the pulp.
  6. In the form of spill jelly, leaving ¼ of its part in a separate bowl.
  7. We send the molds into the cold.
  8. On the frozen jelly, lay out the fillets of orange and pour the remaining syrup, regain it again in the cold.
Decorate the jelly with mint leaves and enjoy

From the juice of gooseberries

  • 5 glasses of gooseberries;
  • 25 g of gelatin;
  • 100-150 g of sugar.

The cooking process.

  1. The berries of gooseberries to pass through the juicer or through a meat grinder, then from the resulting mass with the help of gauze to squeeze the juice. It should be about 3 glasses of juice.
  2. Gelling powder soaked in cold water and leave for 30 minutes.
  3. We bring the juice to a boil, dissolve sugar in it, remove it from the heat and add gelatin, stirring constantly with a spoon.
  4. Filter the mixture through a sieve and dispense into molds.

Cooking jelly from gooseberries is extremely simple. We gave you only a small push for flying fantasy - the rest is yours! Dilute recipes with new ingredients and please yourself and your loved ones with the taste of new dishes!

  • Mar 08, 2018
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