- Fineness of preparation
- Buckwheat yeast pancakes
- Pancakes without yeast
There are a huge number of recipes for pancakes, each of which will have its own set of ingredients. But at the same time absolutely all of them, regardless of the formula, contain flour. Without it, pancakes are impossible. However, flour can be different: wheat, which is the most familiar for us, as well as rice, corn, oatmeal, rye and pea. Today we want to share recipes of traditional Russian pancakes - from buckwheat flour. How to cook buckwheat pancakes?
Thinness of preparation
Buckwheat pancakes are not something new, recently invented - in those countries where buckwheat often appears on tables and is called not cereal, but groats, this dishknown for quite some time. But only in spite of the fact that the recipe for its preparation is already "with a beard", few people are able to prepare such pancakes today. And the reason lies in the grain itself - unlike wheat, buckwheat does not contain gluten. This is very good in terms of maintaining health, but as for the preparation of pancakes, then there are considerable difficulties. Because of the lack of this very gluten, they are very brittle, and therefore turn them in a frying pan and do not damage very difficult.
Note! The problem is solved as follows - in the dough wheat flour is added, sometimes it is equal to the amount of buckwheat flour, sometimes somewhat more. Everything depends on the skill and experience of the hostess, as well as on how strong the taste of buckwheat you want to get.
But even if you can knead an ideal dough for buckwheat pancakes, you can not do without a good frying pan. The ideal pancake pan will be quite heavy with a thick bottom. Previously, the most popular were, of course, cast-iron, but today they can be absolutely any. The main thing is to keep the material warm evenly and keep the heat well. If you prefer to cook buckwheat pancakes on a cast-iron frying pan, then remember that it is better not to wash it, but just wipe it with a clean cloth or paper towel.
And lastly, about the way of frying. It is not necessary to add too much fat and as a whole it is better not to use vegetable oil;The bottom of the frying pan is preferably lubricated in the old way - a piece of potato moistened in melted fat. Then, as a result, pancakes will turn out to be incredibly appetizing: their edges will be crispy and crunchy, and the central part is soft, literally melting in the mouth, and loose enough to soak up those additives that you want to wrap them in.Buckwheat yeast pancakes
This dish can be cooked both unpaired and odorless, but the classic recipe for yeast buckwheat pancakes still involves cooking the spoons. In other words, first of all make a small batch of "live" yeast, water, flour and sugar and leave for a while, so that the mass is approached. Then add the rest of the ingredients, but the flour is usually not injected whole. And only after the dough is again suitable, put the rest of it and start baking pancakes.
There is another option for making yeast pancakes from buckwheat flour, when hot water is introduced into the adze. Such pancakes are called custard. But this process can not be carried out in a hurry - it takes a lot of time and the output is a rich portion of the test. Custard pancakes are usually prepared for a large company, when all family members and close friends gather at the table.
Note! Certainly, yeast buckwheat pancakes are incredibly tasty, but at the same time such food is very heavy!
Pancakes Lenten
So, we will cook lean buckwheat pancakes with a free-flow method on water with the addition of yeast. For the dish we will need:
- buckwheat flour - 2 cups;
- wheat flour - 2 cups;
- cold water - 200 ml;
- hot water - 700 ml;
- "live" yeast - 20 g;
- granulated sugar - 50 g;
- salt - ¼ teaspoon;
- butter or fat for baking.
In a deep container we sift through half a glass of flour of each kind and add the indicated portion of cold water. We carefully mix the mass with a wooden spatula, breaking all the pieces.
Add all the hot water, once again thoroughly mix the mass and leave it for a quarter of an hour. After this time, we introduce yeast and sugar into the dough. Stir, cover with a clean cloth and leave in a warm place for 30-35 minutes.
On medium heat we heat the frying pan, grease its bottom with fat and proceed to baking pancakes. Using a ladle, pour the dough into a frying pan and distribute it evenly on the bottom. We brown the pancake on each side and spread it on a wide dish. So we do with the whole test.
Tip! Separately, you can prepare a vegetable stew with fresh herbs, which will become a perfect filling.
Pancakes with
For baked pancakes made from buckwheat flour, you need to prepare such products:
- buckwheat flour - 300 g;
- wheat flour - 300 g;
- water - 750 ml;
- "live" yeast - 25 g;
- sugar - 1 teaspoon;
- vegetable oil - 15 ml;
- salt to taste;
- fat for baking.
Pour water into a saucepan and bring to a boil, then separate a small part - about 150 ml and let it cool to about 38. .. 40 ° C.
Note! You can check the temperature by putting your finger in it - it should be very warm, but not hot!
Cut the yeast into small pieces, fill them with warm water, put the sugar and mix everything thoroughly. Leave the opaque fit.
Sift each type of flour into a separate container. Pour half a boiling water and add wheat flour into it, carefully breaking the lumps. Leave the mixture for a while, so that it cools off a bit, then add it to the douche. We mix everything with a whisk, transfer it to a warm place and leave it there for an hour.
Bring to the boil the remaining portion of water and pour it buckwheat flour. Leave to cool at room temperature. We add a warm mass to the douche, salt, pour in the vegetable oil, mix it well with a whisk, cover it with a clean cloth and leave it in the heat for another hour. After the specified time, a lot of bubbles should appear in the test.
We heat the frying pan on the fire, grease its bottom with grease and ladle carefully, so as not to disturb the bubbles, pour out the first portion of the dough and evenly distribute it. After about two minutes, turn the pancake and brown it on the other side. Fold the finished pancakes with a pile on a large dish and serve.
Pancakes without yeast
Recipes of pancakes made of buckwheat flour without yeast are the simplest and fastest in execution. Dough for them can be varied: on milk and yogurt, on fermented milk and yogurt and even yoghurt. There are also more interesting options, for example, on mead and on beer. At the same time, the latter are especially delicious, only use preferably not light beer, but dark, then, which has a sweetish taste and is stronger.
Recommendation! Yeast and soda in such pancakes do not usually put, but to make them more lush, you can add protein, whipped in a lush foam.
If the adze turned out too thick, and you already fully used milk or kefir, then it can be diluted with mineral water. Thanks to this additive, the dough acquires a surprisingly airy texture.
Pancakes on kefir
To prepare buckwheat pancakes on kefir you will need:
- buckwheat flour - glass;
- wheat flour - 2 cups;
- egg - 2 pieces;
- kefir - 750 ml;
- sugar - half a cup;
- vegetable oil - 50-60 ml;
- soda - a couple of pinch;
- salt - to taste.
We break eggs into a deep bowl, add salt, add sugar and mix with a fork or a whisk. We introduce kefir into the mixture, mix again, add the sifted buckwheat and wheat flour. We knead the dough thoroughly, breaking all the lumps.
Add vegetable oil and soda to the test. Once again, stir and set aside for about half an hour.
We spread the frying pan over medium heat, grease it with fats for baking and fry pancakes for a couple of minutes on each side. This dough allows you to get very ruddy pancakes with beautiful openwork holes.
Simple pancakes on milk
Pancakes made from buckwheat flour in milk are prepared on the basis of such ingredients:
- for 4-5 tablespoons of buckwheat and wheat flour;
- half a liter of milk;
- a pair of eggs;
- 60 g of butter;
- half a cup of sugar;
- a quarter teaspoon of salt;
- fat for baking.
Pour the milk into the saucepan and warm it up a little over a small fire. Prisalivaem, add sugar and mix.
In a deep container we sift buckwheat flour, then wheat flour, drive in eggs, add milk with sugar and salt and thoroughly mix everything with a whisk. We close the bowl with food film and leave it for half an hour, so that the dough rests.
Melt the butter, chill and add it to the rested dough. Once again, mix everything and, if necessary, slightly dilute the dough with milk or mineral water.
Fry the bottom of the frying pan with grease and heat it. We mix the dough and with a ladle and pour the part into a frying pan.
Buckwheat pancakes nourishing
You can cook pancakes not only from buckwheat flour, but also from ready-made cereals. Pancakes made of buckwheat porridge turn out to be more dark and have a very original taste: rich and slightly sweet. So, to prepare a pancake test you will need:
- two glasses of boiled buckwheat;
- two tablespoons of sugar;
- two eggs;
- 300 ml of milk;
- 80 g of wheat flour;
- a pinch of soda;
- 30 g of butter.
We combine buckwheat porridge with sugar, pour everything into the bowl of the food processor and carefully interrupt. The result should be a homogeneous mashed potatoes. We add eggs, pour in the milk and mix everything. Sift flour, add soda and also enter into the dough. We mix everything.
We warm the frying pan well, lubricate it with a thin layer of smaltz and pour the dough onto the ladle. Evenly distribute and bake for two minutes, turn and fry for another minute.
Note! In the times of ancient Russia buckwheat porridge was milled only slightly, because of what the pancakes turned out to be very lush and high!
Breton pancakes - on
beer. For preparation of such pancakes you will need:
- buckwheat flour - 120 g;
- wheat flour - 190 g;
- a pair of eggs;
- milk - 300 ml;
- beer - 300 ml;
- butter - 40 g;
- a pinch of salt;
- grease for baking.
So, first you need to sift each kind of flour and combine them in a deep bowl. We add a small pinch of salt. In the center of the hill, make flour from the flour, drive in the eggs and infuse pre-heated milk.
Using a whisk carefully knead the dough, leaving no lumps, then gradually, with a thin trickle, pour beer into it. As a result, the dough should become like liquid sour cream. We cover the bowl with the dough with a clean towel and leave it for an hour.
Melt a piece of butter, let it cool and pour into the dough. We spread the frying pan, lubricate its bottom with a thin layer of fat and pour the dough onto the ladle. Fry pancakes until they get a ruddy crust on each side.
Recipes of pancakes made from buckwheat flour are varied, but each dish turns out to be incredibly tasty, fragrant and also very useful. And if you choose a healthy diet, then such pancakes will be a suitable addition to your diet.
In general, if you have a good proven recipe at hand, then when cooking pancakes on buckwheat flour there should not be any special problems. Be sure to try to cook them yourself - ruddy buckwheat pancakes will greatly expand the menu. After all, they can be served with both sweet and salty stuffing!