Other diseases associated with salt consumption
Excess sodium in food is one of the most important causes of fluid retention in the body, which increases the volume of circulating blood. And this, in turn, is the cause of obvious and hidden swelling in the elderly, the elderly, weakened people of a younger age, especially if their water-salt metabolism is disturbed. For a long time there is no doubt the connection between alimentary obesity and salted food. If obese people are prescribed only a low-salt diet, they quickly lose 5-7 kg of body weight with the liquid.
While retaining excessive liquid in the body for one or another period, sodium as an integral part of table salt causes not only an increase in blood pressure, but also pressure of the intraocular, intracranial. Therefore, patients with glaucoma, with diseases and injuries of the central nervous system shown malosolenaya food. The same diet is considered an integral part of the treatment of almost all diseases of the cardiovascular system, kidneys, pancreas, liver and bile duct and a number of stomach diseases. Unsalted food is useful in many diseases, complicated by inflammatory processes. It contributes to the more effective action of drugs prescribed for the treatment of rheumatism, pneumonia, diabetes mellitus.
Pickles are reasonably considered to be one of the important causes of urolithiasis. Their use reduces the solubility of monosodium salt of uric acid, which, precipitating, is involved in the formation of stones( stones) in the urinary tract. Alaskan Eskimos almost always nedosalivayut their food. It is possible that for this reason, none of them suffer from hypertensive and urolithiasis.
With the natural feeding of an infant, the physiological need for it in sodium chloride is provided in half by the mother's milk. The artificial feeding of the baby, especially the so-called unadapted mixture, sometimes contains twice as much salt as it is necessary. As a result, it detains excess fluid in the body, there may be some other serious violations. For example, such nutrition adversely affects the state of the endocrine system, kidneys, in some cases, it is the cause of allergic diseases.
Sometimes this breaks the thermoregulation system, because the excess of salt in the food serves one of the reasons for the increase in body temperature, and not only in young children. Therefore, until now, the conclusion remains, which was made as far back as 1804: "Spicy, salted, pickled, poisonous for a baby poison."