Features of the diet( non-recommended products - II)
Animal fats and margarine .Yogis recommend adding only a small amount of vegetable oil( olive, sunflower, etc.) to food. Animal fats are not recommended to use because they are able to cause the development of atherosclerosis, worsening of the liver, pancreas, gallbladder and, ultimately, the whole body.
Sugar and products prepared with its use .Sugary products are recommended to replace sweet fruits, berries, dried fruits and honey. Sugar has the ability to prematurely destroy the tissue of the teeth, and also causes a metabolic disorder, due to the lack of important micro- and macro elements, including zinc. Zinc enhances the action of the hormone of the pancreas( insulin), which leads to a decrease in the permeability of most cells for glucose and amino acids.
In order for sugar to be better absorbed, a large amount of vitamin B1 is required. This vitamin is necessary for the activity of the nervous system. Many articles and publications have been written about the harm of sugar, in which it is recommended to reduce the consumption of sugar with age. When sugar is contained in ice cream, compote, jam, kissel, jam, cookies, gingerbread, bread it can be very difficult to calculate its quantity in grams.
It is recommended to conduct the following experiment in order to give up sugar. Try not to put sugar in coffee or tea for 10 days. After 10 days, put in coffee or tea as many spoons of sugar as you usually put and try to drink it. We think that you can drink this coffee or tea with great difficulty.
Try to eliminate from the diet concentrated products , such as butter, condensed milk, cheese( except for unsalted and low-fat varieties) and others, as these products lead to overstress of the digestive system. They cause a disproportion in metabolism. In principle, eggs, meat products, fish, caviar sugar and others also refer to concentrated food in terms of fat content and protein content. In small quantities, butter can be added to the ready-made food, but it is better to abandon it altogether.
The contents of the ration of flour products, which are made on yeast, should be limited as far as possible. These products suppress the intestinal microflora, and therefore lead to hypovitaminosis, in particular B12, impairment of the nervous system, anemia, excessive cholesterol retention in the body, and a decrease in immunity.
Instead of bread, in India, locals buy grain of wheat. It is grinded at home and baked from it thin cakes made from unleavened dough, which are called hepatitis. Bread, which is baked from wholemeal flour, is more useful than white bread, a western person should know about it. Of course, it is desirable to reduce the use of various cakes, cakes, whites, pies and other flour products, the preparation of which uses yeast. ...more
Used materials:
Shilov VN, Mits'yo VP"Healthy food"