Features of the diet( non-recommended products - III)
( sodium chloride) salt dissolves vitamins during cooking, particularly during cooking vegetables. The salt dissolves the mineral metabolism, which leads to excessive deposition of calcium salts in the joints, and also increases the tendency to hypertension. Balanced composition of the plant diet covers the daily requirement for table salt. Cooking salt, at the first stages of dieting, is replaced by marine. In the future, you should completely stop adding salt to your food.
Dairy products and milk .A natural product for feeding infants up to 3 years is milk. Milk contains a protein easily assimilated by the body, which contributes to the growth of the child. In adults, this protein interferes with the metabolism, especially in people older than 40 years. This protein also has the property of reducing immunity, and also leads to weight loss or vice versa excessive weight gain. Because of protein there is a predisposition to viral diseases. In addition to humans, none of the living creatures in natural conditions does not consume milk.
Alcohol , artificial stimulating drinks, coffee, tea, chocolate and cocoa can lead to overexcitation of the nervous system. They also disrupt the functioning of the liver. The use of these products in order to give freshness and strength instead of a natural rest, is reminiscent of whipping the driven horse, which, under the whip's blows, may be able to take a few more steps, but then it will necessarily fall off its feet.
To the disease of the gastrointestinal tract can result canned products of , in particular marinated and salted. The only exception is natural juices and sugar-free compotes.
Hot and cold food , and especially its alternation, promotes the development of diseases of the digestive system and leads to the destruction of teeth. More common are diseases such as cancer of the stomach, esophagus and lower lip in areas where people are used to eating very hot food. The occurrence of angina, sinusitis, catarrh of the upper respiratory tract leads to the consumption of cold food, due to the weakening of immunity due to its consumption.
From the culinary point of view in the daily menu, the use of medicinal plants , which are used to treat many diseases, is undesirable. Medicinal plants irritate the mucous membranes of the digestive and bronchial organs, and also lead to unnecessary excitation of the nervous system. The phytoncides found in medicinal plants are destructive to the normal intestinal microflora and therefore contribute to the development of dysbiosis, which is especially dangerous. At the same time, the synthesis of enzymes, amino acids and vitamins necessary for the body is disrupted. In some cases, the development of a pathogenic flora is possible, which under normal conditions is destroyed by E. coli and other microorganisms.
There are widely known cases where a person, despite severe disorders in the diet, feels well and at the same time his health remains intact. Such examples demonstrate rather not the dependence of health on the quality of nutrition, but the latent capabilities of the human body, which staunchly resist the effects of adverse nutritional factors. Such cases are an exception to the rules, which says that only by observing a natural, normal diet, you can achieve longevity and get good health.
Materials used:
Shilov VN, Mits'yo VP"Healthy food"