Diet № 5
This diet is prescribed to ensure a gentle liver function in the chemical plan, the normalization of bile secretion and bowel activity, the discharge of fat, cholesterol metabolism.
Foods used: , the following foods should be excluded from the nutritional diet: beef, lamb and pork fat, fat, fatty foods, liver, brains, sausage, fish and canned meat, salted, meat, fish broths, as well as dough.
Adhering to this diet, it should be possible to limit the use of butter, eggs, ethereal substances. Etheric substances are found in the following products: garlic, onion, dill and parsley.
Foods and dishes that are allowed to eat include: yesterday's wheat bread, vegetable oil( 20-30 g), cereals, pasta, lean meat and fish in a boiled form. In addition, flour products are not used, vegetable, milk, cereals and fruit soups, cream, milk, in moderate amounts of sour cream, kefir, yogurt, acidophilus milk, cottage cheese. You can eat vegetables, fruits, dried fruits, various compotes, jelly, jelly, honey, as well as jam and all berries, except for sour.
It is recommended to eat cottage cheese, vegetables and fruits. It is necessary to consume plenty of fluids, but you must take into account the state of the cardiovascular system and kidneys. Vitamins are recommended in the form of fruit and vegetable juices, raw vegetables and fresh fruits, i.e.lipotropic sugars are shown. Consumption of table salt should be moderately reduced.
The chemical composition of the diet: the amount of protein consumed is about 100-110 g, the amount of consumed fat is 80-100 g, the amount of carbohydrates consumed is about 400-450 g, the calories quantity is 2800-3200.
Eat with this diet should be 5 times a day, in small portions.
Indications for the use of such a diet are the following diseases: acute liver and gall bladder disease during recovery, chronic hepatitises benign, compensated with poorly expressed liver function deficiency, chronic cholecystitis, cholelithiasis.
Materials used:
Shilov VN, Mits'yo VP"Healthy Nutrition"