- What is coarse fiber or fiber?
- What can be the health if there is no fiber products in the diet?
- Fiber support to our health
- How to make up the deficit of fiber or products with its content
If we compare our present age and past centuries, life has changed dramatically and dramatically. The rapid development of science and technology has made human life different from what our ancestors had. Yes, time does not stand still, but what has always been and will be relevant? That's right, health and beauty, and now the tendency to take care of yourself has become popular. And one of the frequently asked questions is, what foods contain fiber, why is it irreplaceable for us? And if you came for answers, then find them further, the article promises to be interesting.
So, in recent years, many diseases have become much younger, so to speak. Scientists are sounding the alarm, everywhere we hear about the fact that nutrition and stress can ruin our health. Haste has become a habitual way of life. The marketing plan for promoting semi-finished products, fast food and other products, from a number of "warming up in a microwave oven for a couple of minutes and you will be full", brought a huge profit to shopping centers. Well, what about our health? And it's shaken, because we'd rather eat something harmful, if only quickly, and then you have to run to work, it's better to buy children a quick-cooking porridge than to boil out natural milk with your own hands or choose products with fiber for the intestines and so on.
What you understand very well, because most of us live and think about that it's time to change, when anxious signals from the stomach, intestines, and the whole gastrointestinal tract have already begun. Well, what to do, our mentality is like this: "Until the thunder strikes, the man does not cross himself," many will say. But after all, life is priceless and one, and time - an irreplaceable resource, because food should be chosen wisely, the main thing is to develop a good habit. Have you heard about coarse fibers in food? Something somewhere, like, but you just can not explain what's what? It's time to expand your horizons and find out everything that concerns this issue, and at the same time and in the tablet at the end of the article, look, there is a list of fiber, what products it contains and how much.
What is coarse fiber or fiber?
We know that vegetable food is much more beneficial to our body than animal products. Our ancestors knew about this thousands of years ago, have knowledge and healers of folk medicine in our time. Vegetable products can not only give us food, but also heal from a number of diseases. Sometimes healers say that every sickness has its own grass, and it grows next to a person. Nature gives us fruits, plants, there are many different macro- and microelements, vitamins and, of course, fiber. What is it and how does it work?
Fibers in products of plant origin that have a hollow structure, this is what we are talking about today, that is, fiber. These fibers intertwine, form a certain mass, which for our body is an indispensable component. This is a rough part in plant products, and our body does not digest it. Assimilation also lasts a long time, after which these fibers are deduced naturally. Foods rich in fiber should be in our diet in the required amount, otherwise the body will fail over the years. There are two kinds of fiber:
- . Soluble. These substances, getting into our body, take a lot of water, after which they become like jelly. It is pectin, resins, alginates.
- Insoluble. These fibers do not disintegrate and do not change their structure. They simply swell from moisture, like a spongy material, after which they are removed from the body. It is lignin, cellulose, hemicellulose also refers to insoluble fiber.
What can be the health if there is no fiber products in the diet?
Let's start with the main thing for all of us - it's appearance. We can not notice pain in the side, unpleasant sensations in the stomach, but if the skin is covered with pimples, inflammations, then this is a problem. Wrong approach, but still if you are such a person, for whom appearance is always on the first place, it is worth considering that all skin rashes, earthy color, acne and other troubles appear in those who have a "dirty" body. We hope you understand that dirty is meant slagged, filled with toxins, undigested food.
For information! Eating harmful and heavy food before bedtime, you do not allow the body to rest, it can not cope with digestion, digestion is minimal, and large remains remain. Further, they are not deduced - food rots, wanders, emits inside a fetid smell, which can often be felt in the morning from the mouth.
An unpleasant situation, but it's true, and yet it's necessary to eat right so that nothing rot and do not wander in your body. Fiber helps us in this, it removes these residues, displaying them in a natural way. Then the toxins will not come to the surface, covering our face and body with ugly pimples and inflammations.
But that's not all. Stagnation of food leads to constipation, and they are, in turn, even more unpleasant problem - hemorrhoids. Again, food remains in the body, its intoxication begins. A person can vomit, it is bad, the body does not feel energy, no strength. Against this background, our nervous system suffers, because life performance is reduced both at work and in everyday life. Appearance suffers, the skin grows dull. Of course, the person is stressed against this background.
Warning! It will not be easy to just start eating a lot of fiber, if you all also eat junk food, alcohol, nicotine. Work on your health and appearance is necessary in a complex - useful food, sports, a good moral and spiritual state.
Important products that contain fiber, and for pregnant women. Their body should be clean, and it's not just about appearance. The child should develop in a supportive environment. Also during pregnancy, often there are problems in the intestine, and after childbirth, it is often added with constipation and all the same hemorrhoids. The question is delicate, but it is necessary to talk about it. The fibers contained in the products, in the right products, will help to quickly recover and make life easier for mom, and her condition of the gastrointestinal tract will be good.
Of course, in the slagged organism multiplies pathogenic microflora, and it, as has long been known, causes various diseases, and the most terrible oncology. It is also often possible zhelchekamennaya disease, diabetes mellitus, increased gas formation, swelling, odor from the mouth, atherosclerosis.
Important! Do not dramatically increase the intake of fiber, it needs consistency and gradualness. Due to a sharp excess of cellulose, diarrhea and other effects may begin. Daily fiber norm per day - 20-30 grams, you can take and slightly more - up to 50 grams.
Fiber care for our health
By listing the harm we do to our bodies without eating high fiber foods, we have given you information about the consequences, but that's not all that fibers in plant foods can.
Products in the amount of 100 grams | Fiber, gr. | Products in the amount of 100 grams | Fiber, gr. |
soy beans | 13 | Pistachio | 10,6 |
Peas fresh | 10.3 | Wheat bread flour 1 grade | 3.3 |
Walnuts | 7.5 | Meal, corn | 4.4 |
| 2 | Buckwheat Flour, wheat grade 2 | 6.7 |
Dried mushrooms White | 26 | Pasta flour1 grade | 5.1 |
Figs | 13 | wheat flour / s | 3.5 |
apricots | 18 | Buckwheat flour | 10 |
Chanterelles | 7.5 | Mash | 11.1 |
Almond nut | 12 | Oatmeal | 4.5 |
| 12 | flour, rye wholegrain bread | 6.8 |
Oatmeal | 12 | Pine nuts | 3.7 |
Nuts | 10.5 | Oatmeal | 4.8 |
oat bran | 15 | Corn sweet | 2.7 |
Wheat bran | 43 | Canned corn | 0.5 |
of rice | 10.5 | Wheat bread from wholemeal | 8.3 |
Fresh mushrooms | 12 | Pasta flour | 3.7 |
Beans | 12.5 | Wheat Flour 1 grade | 4.9 |
Prunes | 6 | Chickpeas | 9.9 |
Lentils | 11 | Filings | 6 |
Barley cereal | 9 | Flour with bread | 2.6 |
Products in the amount of 100 grams | Fiber, gr. | Products in the amount of 100 grams | Fiber, gr. |
Ginger | 2 | Broccoli | 2.6 |
Apricots | 0.8 | Tangerines | 0.6 |
Pineapples | 0.4 | Carrots | 1.2 |
Oranges | 1.4 | Seabuckthorn | 4.7 |
Watermelon | 0.5 | Cucumbers | 0.7 |
Eggplant | 1.3 | Peach | 0.9 |
Bananas | 0.8 | Bulgarian pepper | 1.4 |
Grapes | 0.6 | Tomatoes | 0.8 |
Cherry | 0.5 | Beet | 0.9 |
Pears | 0.6 | Plums | 0.5 |
Melons | 0.8 | Blackcurrant | 3 |
Blackberry | 2.9 | Brnoplodnaya Rowan | 4.1 |
Cabbage | 1.4 | Currant red | 2.5 |
Potatoes | 1.2 | Persimmon | 0.5 |
Cilantro | 2.8 | Lemon | 2 |
Lemons | 1.3 | Cherry | 0.3 |
Onions | 0.7 | Apples | 0.6 |
Raspberry | 3.7 | Papaya | 1.7 |
Mango | 1.6 | Rowan red | 5.4 |
Plum | 1.5 | Parsley | 2.1 |
Currant white | 3.4 | Pomelo | 1 |
Currant red | 3.4 | Pomegranate | 0.9 |
- The work of the digestive tract is being adjusted.
- The metabolism is normalized.
- Fiber can help get rid of excess weight, and often nutritionists prescribe products with its content during a diet.
- Struggling with a sense of hunger, a person eats less.
- The blood sugar level is normalized. It can also decrease.
- Cleaning from harmful substances.
- Normalization of peristalsis.
- Cleans lymph and blood from harmful cholesterol.
- Is the prevention of a number of diseases, including the cardiovascular system and oncology.
- Improves the external state, fills with energy, vitality.
We hope you understand the whole usefulness of such irreplaceable and inconspicuous, at first glance, components of plant food for our health. Whether you are a man or a woman, vegetables, fruits and not only should be in priority on your table. Just what foods contain fiber, read in the next section, also below you will find a table where you will see how many fibers are contained in what, and how much you need to eat this product. Remember that a minimum of 20 grams per day is required.
How to make up deficiency of fiber or products with its content
Dried fruits
All this large group of products is very useful, there is a lot of fiber. If you include dried raisins, prunes, dried apricots, figs and others in the diet, for example, adding a handful to the morning porridge, your GIT "will thank you".Dried fruits have great benefits, in general, for the whole organism, but remember that there are a lot of calories in them and those who lose weight do not need to get carried away by this delicacy.
Vegetables rich in fiber
Just like dried fruits, vegetable cultures are rich in fiber. But the most useful here are greens, pumpkins, zucchini, lettuce, cucumbers and cabbage, carrots, beets. Of course, there are fibers in potatoes, broccoli, asparagus, radish, radishes and favorites are legumes. Tomatoes also have fiber in the composition, the quantity you can find in the table below.
An important rule in the use of food rich in plant drags is good chewing and repeated chewing. Also worth noting that vegetables, as well as fruits, after heat treatment lose a lot of useful components, including fiber. Therefore, try to eat more fresh, raw products.Nuts
With regards to nuts, there is a lot of fiber, as well as other useful components. Nuts can replace, like legumes, meat for those who decided not to eat it. They are nutritious, tasty, and the record holders for vegetable fibers are almonds, walnuts and hazelnuts.
Fruits rich in fiber
Most natural products, be it herbs or berries, mushrooms, vegetables and, of course, fruits carry a storehouse of everything that is necessary and useful for us. To have an excellent digestion and cleansing of the intestines, eat more grapes, raspberries, apples, pears, peaches and bananas. All of them contain fiber in one way or another.
For information! Often people ask themselves, what about juices? Are they also useful? The fact is that if the juices were processed, the fiber in them is no longer preserved. Also there is no it in milk, eggs. Food of animal origin does not contain plant fibers.
About cereals we all know since childhood. People who watch their food, figure, health know that cereals are necessary. And if we talk about cellulose, then it is also there. Oatmeal, rice, buckwheat, pearl barley are full of all that we need, but there is an important rule here. Recycled cereals lose, like vegetables, most of their benefits. The most useful cereals are those that were made from whole grains.
In general, you understand, vegetable fiber is found in products of different types. You should include in the diet vegetables and fruits, cereals, snack not harmful chips or sandwiches, and nuts. Changing the food, you will feel that the strength and energy becomes more, and you will no longer have the desire to use something unprofitable, and even more so alcohol. Also in your life must enter the activity. All this is a matter of habit, they are harmful or useful, but they can be secured by a daily recurrence. Well and further see the table of the maintenance of a fiber in various sorts products and fruits.