As a general rule, during the gestation period, many medications are undesirable. But how to restore your health, if the disease still caught up with the future mother, and do not harm the child? Alternative means can be found by contacting nature.
Cowberry during pregnancy can be used as a medicinal and preventive preparation. She solves a lot of health problems that arise during the period of bearing the child, and helps the expectant mother to maintain an excellent state of health throughout this period.
What is the benefit of this plant?
Only natural products ways with full and without damage to health provide the body of the future mummy with all the necessary vitamins, minerals and other important substances. For this reason, representatives of both folk and traditional medicine recommend paying attention to cowberries, which provide invaluable benefits to pregnant women, while being absolutely safe.
Healing properties show both berries and leaves of the plant.
Juice, squeezed from ripe cranberries, is hypoallergenic, so its use is recommended for all pregnant women, even with a tendency to allergic reactions.
Important! With individual intolerance, cranberry juice is strictly forbidden to use, no matter how valuable properties it possesses.
Fresh juice and the fruit of the plant itself can help in such situations:
- thanks to the content of copper, manganese and chromium salts, freshly squeezed cowberry juice helps to overcome diseases of the cardiovascular system. It is highly effective for heart problems, and is also recommended for use when heart attacks occur;
- many women during pregnancy are concerned about blood pressure jumps. Normalize it will also help this tool. Cowberry juice will reduce the pressure to a normal level, providing an opportunity to avoid taking medications that can adversely affect the fetus;
- berries cranberries will eliminate swelling, which quite often occur during the last period of pregnancy. Fruits are rich in vitamin P, which contributes to the removal of excess fluid from the body, and, accordingly, puffiness disappears;
- cranberry juice is an excellent remedy for anemia. It saturates the blood with iron and other essential minerals, preventing the development of this disease;
- Morse from the fruit of cowberry shows a diuretic effect and helps with kidney diseases;
- high content of vitamin C makes berries an indispensable assistant in the fight against viral and infectious diseases, and also strengthen the immune system.
Recommendation! When preparing berries, remember that they are able to remain usable only when stored in water, which must be changed every other day.
From the leaves of cowberries prepare a healing broth, which is also quite useful in pregnancy. It exhibits the following properties:
- is an easy laxative that helps cope with constipation and normalize stools;
- antipyretic, used for colds. Unlike medicines, which do not always show the necessary effect, cowberry broth becomes simply irreplaceable - it lowers the body temperature and restores the strength of the body;
- anti-inflammatory properties of cranberry leaves are used in the treatment of such an unpleasant disease as cystitis. The broth helps to remove urea and nitrogen from the body and helps to avoid the use of antibiotics;
- skinny cowberry leaves are highly effective in the fight against nephritis and pyelonephritis;
- infusion of cranberries is also used for heartburn, which during pregnancy is not uncommon. But at the same time this remedy is forbidden to use with increased acidity of gastric juice.
Recommendation! Cowberry leaf shows its medicinal properties only if they are properly prepared. Remember that raw materials must be collected only in the spring and autumn, and during the flowering and ripening period of the fruit it has no healing power. Collected leaves must be dried in a shaded well-ventilated place and do not allow direct sunlight to fall on them.
As you can see, this is a unique plant, and the answer to the question - is it possible for pregnant cranberries to be obvious - of course, it is possible. But it will benefit only if there are no contraindications.
Possible harm to
First of all, it should be noted that the abuse of this berry is undesirable, since side effects can occur in the form:
- headache;
- dizziness;
- severe diarrhea;
- dehydration of the body;
- swift drop in blood pressure;
- a breakdown.
In addition, cowberry in pregnancy has contraindications. It categorically can not be used with:
- ulcer of the stomach and duodenum;
- urate in the urine;
- cholecystitis;
- susceptibility to bleeding;
- reduced blood clotting.
And remember that lingonberry preparations and aqueous solutions are recommended to be consumed only before meals.