- Weight loss benefit
- Contraindications
- Products containing fiber
- What fiber to choose
- How to take fiber for weight loss
- Usage rules for fiber
Weight loss is often associated with hard diets or grueling exercises. But sometimes to get rid of extra pounds, it's enough just to build a diet correctly by incorporating the right products into it. A special place among them is occupied by vegetable fibers. Fiber for weight loss is not only effective in combating obesity, but also useful for general health.
Weight loss benefit
One of the reasons for excess weight gain is excessive consumption of calories. To avoid this, you need to control the appearance of hunger. It depends not so much on the amount of food consumed, but on its quality, in particular, the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, as well as the availability of fiber.
The inclusion of foods rich in fiber in the diet is useful for losing weight, because it allows the body to saturate faster, with less food eaten. This is due to the fact that such products require more thorough chewing, during which the signal to saturate enters the brain.
Thus, adding vegetable dishes, salads, fresh fruits and vegetables to the menu, you can get rid of extra pounds while not limiting yourself to eating and not suffering from a constant feeling of hunger.
The use of fiber for soft weight loss is due to several of its features. First of all, entering the stomach, its fibers quickly swell and fill it, creating a feeling of satiety. As a result, portions are significantly reduced when the body receives a sufficient amount of nutrients and does not suffer from dietary restrictions.
Passing through the intestines, cellulose restores its microflora, as it is a nutrient medium for the development of beneficial bacteria. They, in turn, secrete enzymes that promote the formation of easily digestible fatty acids, which are a source of energy for the work of the intestine.
Regular consumption of fiber helps to lower the level of cholesterol and sugar in the blood. Connecting with bile in cholesterol, fiber helps to break down fats. In addition, plant fibers are very useful for improving the general condition of the body, because they:
- facilitate the enzymatic function;
- cleans the intestines of slags, which can accumulate up to 20 kg for life;
- improve the work of the liver, spleen;
- absorb salts of heavy metals, prevent the development of colon cancer;
- slows the digestion and absorption of carbohydrates, thereby slowing the increase in glucose levels after eating;
- accelerates the time of digestion of food, thereby contributing to the early saturation.
That's interesting! Cleansing the body, cellulose also contributes to skin cleansing from acne and acne, which is especially true in adolescence.
According to the research, in most cases it is enough to increase the amount of fiber in the diet by 30%, so that excess weight starts to go away. At the same time, daily used fruits and vegetables allow not only to get rid of kilograms, but also to maintain weight at the optimal mark without much effort.
Vegetable fibers have a number of contraindications. Therefore, before losing weight with fiber, it is important to make sure that it will not cause the body more harm than good.
It is recommended to use it with caution during pregnancy, as it can enhance gas formation. In addition, with a large amount of fiber deterioration of calcium absorption. Also, contraindications include:
- flatulence;
- colitis, infectious enterocolitis;
- gastritis, open stomach ulcers;
- permanent problems with digestion, regular bloating.
It is not recommended to take a lot of fiber during the postoperative recovery. In the presence of one or more contraindications, it is better to stop using fiber or consult your physician beforehand.
Products containing fiber
Modern pharmaceuticals offer a large selection of finished fiber in the form of powders, tablets or capsules from different manufacturers. However, the fiber obtained in kind is absorbed by the body better and acts more efficiently.
. The products containing fiber necessary for weight loss and body cleansing are quite diverse, so they can easily be included in any menu:
- peas,lentils, beans, beans;
- seeds of flax, pumpkin, sesame;
- bran;
- oatmeal, barley, whole grains;
- artichokes, broccoli, Brussels sprouts;
- cranberries, blackberries, raspberries;
- pears, apples;
- avocado.
This is not a complete list, it can be supplemented and expanded. In one or another quantity, cellulose is found in most foods that already periodically appear on the table. Slightly increasing their number, you can effortlessly bring the number of plant fibers in the diet to the required level.
What fiber to choose
There are two main types of fiber - soluble and insoluble. The former includes pectin contained in fruits, a resin that is part of legumes, alginase found in seaweed, helicellulose from barley and oats. Absorbing a large amount of liquid, soluble fiber turns into a gel-like substance that fills the stomach, gives a feeling of satiety and well affects the intestine. Pectin also has the ability to absorb bile acids and cholesterol, preventing them from entering the circulatory system.
Insoluble fiber includes cellulose and lignin. It is found in vegetables, fruits, legumes and cereals. Like soluble, this fiber also absorbs a large amount of water, swelling like a sponge, but retains its structure and is not digested by the body, speeding up the process of digestion and food advancement along the tract, eliminating stagnation. Passing through the gastrointestinal tract, it absorbs all harmful substances, toxins, slags and removes them from the body.
To say which fiber is better for health or losing weight is difficult. Both species must be present in the diet, as each of them is useful for maintaining a balanced intestinal microflora. This is due to the fact that the bacteria that provide this balance, prefer a different medium for reproduction - both a gel-like substance of soluble fiber, and undigested fibers. The optimum ratio of soluble and insoluble fiber is 1: 3.
Daily fiber intake for an adult is 30 g. You can repair its deficiency by including suitable products in the menu or with the help of pharmacy products. Pharmacies and online stores present an extremely wide choice of fiber - cereals, nut kernels, pumpkin, fructose, kelp, wheat germ, etc.
When choosing fiber, you need to focus on the composition and the ratio of the two main types of plant fibers in it, as well as the main goal - weight loss or body cleansing. Typically, the packaging indicates why each product fits better.
How to take fiber for weight loss
You can use dietary fiber for weight loss in two ways - by building your diet so that it has enough plant fibers or use fiber in the form of dietary supplements.
In the first case, the menu is made in such a way that the body receives at least 25 grams of fiber daily.
For breakfast it is better to cook muesli or porridge, white bread - to replace with bread. Packing crisp bread can easily cover the daily need for fiber. If you do not have snacks, buns and sandwiches should be replaced with an apple or orange.
Gentle diet
The requirements of this diet suggest the construction of a diet in such a way that the menu contains 70% of foods rich in fiber. Otherwise, you can follow the usual regime, but if during the diet to give up sweet, alcoholic, fatty and fried foods, pickles, the result will be much better! Following such a diet, you can lose up to 7 kg per month.
Important! The transition to a diet rich in plant fibers should be gradual, otherwise unpleasant side effects may arise - bloating, upset stomach.
The second way to maintain a diet on fiber involves the use of a drug product in the form of a powder. Several spoons are bred in liquids, added to ready meals or simply washed down with water. In this case, you can both limit yourself in the diet, and observe the usual regime. The use of fiber will reduce the feeling of hunger in the first case and reduce appetite in the second.
The last option is the most soft, since it does not require any restrictions or effort. It is enough to introduce into the diet 2 tsp.fiber for half an hour before eating, leaving the menu in its usual form. Such a method is rather aimed at a mild cleansing of the body, rather than on effective weight loss, although several kilograms can also go along with slags and other harmful accumulations.Strict diet
This method is designed for two weeks and assumes a strict dietary restriction. Two teaspoons of pharmacy fiber is mixed with a glass of kefir and taken 4 times a day in 3.5-4 hours. The daily norm of kefir in this case is not more than 1 liter. Between meals you can make snacks from raw vegetables and fruits( 100-200 g).
If you do not want to follow a strict diet, you can once a week arrange unloading days on its basis. The rules will remain the same - 1 liter of kefir is divided into 4 doses and mix each glass with 2 tsp.cellulose.
The rules of eating fiber
Choosing fiber as a means of losing weight, it is important to know how to properly take it, so as not to harm the body. The main and mandatory condition is a sufficient amount of water. During the period of consumption of fiber, the amount of liquid drunk should be at least 2 liters in the essence. This will ensure normal operation of the digestive tract, the effectiveness of plant fibers and relieve the unpleasant consequences: with a lack of liquid, the fibers do not reach the desired consistency and provoke constipation.
It is not recommended immediately to start with a strict diet or include in the diet too many foods that contain fiber. An organism that is not used to such a quantity simply can not cope and can give unpleasant and painful reactions. To bring the amount of fiber to the recommended daily rate of 25-30 g is better gradually, starting with 10 g, watching the sensations and gradually increasing the dosage, if everything is in order.
Important! If, after starting the diet, bloating and heaviness lasts more than 2 days, it is worth replacing food, perhaps some of them cause an individual reaction of rejection.
Daily norm varies depending on sex and age:
- for men from 18 to 50 - up to 40 g;
- for men from 50 years old - 30 g;
- for women from 18 to 50 years - up to 25 g;
- after 50 - to 20 g.
Observing the rules and dosage can achieve remarkable results. However, it is worth being prepared for the fact that losing weight with fiber is not a quick process. However, this can not be called a full flaw, as quickly departed kilograms have the property also to return quickly. Gradual weight loss gives the body time to adapt to new conditions, does not cause him stress and a desire to "store" food in case of hunger.