How to make, place and pay for an order for Asos in Russian? Asos: what is order processing?

All about registration, payment and order processing from the site of Asos.


  • How to order on Asos in Russian?
  • How do I place an order, fill in the delivery address on Asos?
  • Asos: payment methods
  • In which currency can I pay for the order?
  • Asos: what is order processing?
  • Video: Asos - execution and payment of orders by ruble

How to place an order for Asos in Russian?

The procedure for placing an order on the site of the online store Asos is quite simple and does not require any special knowledge. To begin with, you need to register, or you can sign in with an existing account.

Algorithm for placing an order:

  1. Entering the site.
  2. Product selection.
  3. Registration of purchase.
  4. Waiting for order processing.
  5. Waiting and receiving the order on the hands.
assortment of goods on Asos

Open the model you like and click "Add to Cart".

Adding to shopping cart

Go to your shopping cart and click the "Pay" right button. Pre-select the delivery method( just above the button).

instagram viewer
Your shopping cart

After this you will be taken to the page with the ordering.

How do I place an order, fill in the delivery address on Asos?

When the necessary goods are placed in the basket, it's time to start preparing the order. You can do this on the appropriate page.

Select a country and enter promotional codes, or certificates, if you have any. If not, select the country and scroll through.

country selection and entering promotional codes

Next, check your e-mail, entered at registration. Indicate your contact information: first name, last name, phone number and address. You can specify two addresses. The order will come to the department whose index you specify next.

Tip! All data is to be entered only in Latin letters!

filling forms

Continue to fill out your details below. Repeat their correctness several times in order to avoid confusion in the future. At the end, click "Deliver to this address"

continue to enter your data

Now you only need to choose the delivery method.

Which shipping method do you choose?

After that, go to the payment of the order.

Asos: payment methods

The more ways of payment, the more convenient for users. Asos offers several payment options to its customers:

  • Visa card
  • MasterCard card
  • PayPal
  • transfer American Express
  • Visa Electron
  • Maestro

If you pay by card, you need to specify this when you make the product. Where exactly - is indicated above in the article. You can also change the number of your wallet or card in your account.

Payment methods

More information on payment you can find here.

Everything that concerns PayPal - here.

In which currency can I pay for the order?

You can choose any currency for payment. All prices will be reflected in it, provided that you have chosen it as the main one.

Also when you make an order you can choose, for example, dollars. While the prices on the site were listed in your rubles. Then the site will give you the amount in terms of dollars.

Currency selection on

Asos: what is order processing?

Order processing is the procedure for checking by the employees of the Asos store the correctness and reliability of the data you entered. When everything is confirmed, the operator will contact you in order to make sure that you have actually made the order, and also, probably, will ask some additional questions.

Tip! Do not worry if the order processing is delayed. Asos approach their business very responsibly, so confirmation of payment from the card always passes through the bank. This may take some time.

Video: Asos - execution and payment of an order by ruble

  • Mar 07, 2018
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