Smoothies - 13 recipes for all occasions

  1. What is the use?
  2. What harm can there be?
  3. Basic rules for cooking
  4. Smoothies for 2 minutes!
  5. For children
  6. For breakfast
  7. For dinner

Smoothies are a thick drink from mashed to a pure state vegetables, fruits and berries. Such cocktails are quite popular all over the world, as they represent a real vitamin bomb, which also has a delicious taste. After reading this article, you can choose recipes for smoothies, which are suitable for breakfast and dinner, and some of them can be offered even to children.

Smoothies - this is cheerfulness and a great mood for the whole day.

The smoothie drink turns out to be quite thick and more reminiscent of its consistency of mashed potatoes. It is accepted to serve in a cooled form, often for this purpose use ice. You can prepare smoothies on the basis of milk and kefir, yogurt and cream, ice cream and fruit juice. Additional ingredients are often nuts or greens.

What is the use?

Freshly made smoothies are much more useful than juices, because they are made from whole foods. Together with vitamins and microelements, the body receives valuable fiber, which helps to improve the functioning of the intestine.

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Smoothies are a multicomponent cocktail, so when you use it, the effect of each ingredient increases. Due to its structure, it is very quickly digested, and all valuable substances can be easily absorbed, and this, in turn, greatly facilitates the work of the stomach and establishes the basic functions of the body.

Smoothies are useful for children of any age.

Calorie smoothies will directly depend on the components of which it consists. For those who want to lose weight, you can advise you to use more vegetables, natural yogurt or mineral water as a basis, as well as berries and greens.

Important! Remember that the presence of nuts, fatty cream and a banana will promote weight gain.

What harm can there be?

But remember that eating only smoothies, you will bring your body more harm than good. Quite often, those who want to lose excess weight in a short period of time do this. But this is fraught with unpleasant consequences for a number of reasons:

  • fiber, which is contained in this drink, is not enough for a full load for the stomach. Prolonged absence of solid food will lead to constipation, as the intestinal peristalsis will be weakened;
  • for dental health also requires a certain load. When chewing food, saliva is released, which is a natural antiseptic and takes an active part in the processing of food. Liquid food reduces the process of salivation, which can lead to tooth decay, the occurrence of plaque and digestive disorders.

Basic cooking rules

How to make smoothies at home? Very simple!

  1. It is enough to put selected ingredients into the blender bowl and grind them to a puree state.
  2. If you choose vegetables and fruits that contain little juice, then the cocktail is recommended to dilute with water, yogurt, kefir or milk.
  3. Hard vegetables should be cut into small pieces or grated.
  4. To make the drink as aromatic as possible, it is worth adding fruit or berries with a juicy pulp - mango, pear, banana, raspberry, black currant.

So, go to the smoothies recipes, which are easy to prepare at home.

Recommendation! Try to give preference to seasonal products. So you not only save on the preparation of the drink, but also will be able to maximize your body. In winter, you can use frozen berries, which will be no less useful than fresh ones.

Smoothies for 2 minutes!

First, let's look at the simplest smoothie recipes that even a child can cook.

Kiwi and banana

Kiwi is a source of vitamin C, which is very important for strong immunity, and the banana will make the structure of the cocktail velvety and give a tender fragrance.

  1. Banana peel and cut into slices.
  2. Kiwi is also cleaned and cut into slices.

    Tip! To quickly clean the kiwi, divide it into two halves and use a tablespoon to separate the pulp from the rind.

  3. Prepared ingredients put in the bowl of the blender and rub.
  4. If desired, dilute the drink with mineral water.
Tasty and nutritious!

Apricot and carrots

Apricot is a help to digestion, and carrots are a large portion of beta-carotene, which monitors the health of your eyes.

  1. Remove the carrots from the peel and grind them on a large grater.
  2. Apricot wash and remove the stone.

    Tip! If you want a more homogeneous cocktail, then with apricot also need to be freed from the peel.

  3. Add a teaspoon of honey and mix everything.
Useful, bright and fragrant!

Forest berries and peach

This combination will not leave anyone indifferent. The aroma of ripe berries will cheer up, and the substances contained in the pulp pulp stimulate the work of the brain and heart.

  1. Empty the peach from the rind, cut the flesh into slices.
  2. The berries are washed and cleaned.
  3. Add a handful of hazelnuts and 50 ml of milk.
  4. All to shake.
The taste of this cocktail will take you to a sunny forest clearing and will give a charge of energy

For children

The following smoothies recipes are ideal for a children's menu. As the child grows, these cocktails can be enriched with additional ingredients.

Important! Berries and fruits of red color must be introduced into the baby's diet gradually and always monitor if an allergy occurs. Also, be careful with honey and nuts: the first is a strong allergen, the second is too fatty for a child's body.

Banana with kefir

This drink can be introduced into the baby's diet from the first year of his life. Kefir must be used at home or for children. Bananas choose ripe, with an even, even peel.

  1. Banana peeled and cut into slices.
  2. Add 50 ml of kefir.
  3. All to shake.
Your baby will love this drink

Banana and blueberries

Blueberries are very important for a growing child's body. It is rich in vitamin C, calcium, potassium and manganese.

  1. Bilberry rinse and peel.
  2. Add one banana to the berries.
  3. Pour 50 ml of natural yogurt or kefir.
  4. Ingredients to beat.
Blueberry smoothies take care of your baby's intestines

Apple and pear

In this recipe, it is advisable to use a baked apple, as its pulp will bounce the intestinal microflora and gently clean it. Pear should be added in small portions, as it can provoke diarrhea.

  1. The apple should be baked in the oven and cleaned of seeds.
  2. Pear loose from peel, seeds and cut into slices.
  3. Add 100 ml of milk.
  4. All to rub.
Apple-pear cocktail is a healthy heart and lungs

Cottage cheese and raspberries

Does your baby not like cottage cheese? Do for him this cocktail and be prepared for the fact that you will be asked to additives.

  1. Put 50 grams of curd into the blender bowl.
  2. 60 g raspberries rinse and peel.
  3. 1/3 part of a banana cut into slices.
  4. Pour in 70 ml of kefir.
  5. Add a teaspoon of sugar if desired.
  6. All to kill.
Thanks to this smoothie your child will eat curd every day!

For breakfast

These smoothie recipes can be prepared for breakfast. Start the morning with a vitamin drink, and throughout the day you will be guaranteed high performance, clarity of mind and excellent mood.

Banana and avocado

Start the morning with a full hearty breakfast. The main product in it is avocado, which slows down the aging process and stimulates the process of oxygen saturation of the body. Banana is a source of magnesium and potassium, which, working in tandem, significantly improve the work of the cardiovascular system and normalize the water-salt balance.

  1. Avocado clean, remove the stone.
  2. Banana peeled off.
  3. Ingredients chop and fold into the blender bowl.
  4. Pour 100 ml of milk.
  5. Whatever.
Add a small amount of orange juice and enjoy the

Pumpkin and oatmeal

Prepare this smoothie for breakfast, and the feeling of satiety will not leave you until dinner itself. Dietary pumpkin is perfectly complemented by nutritious oatmeal, which take care of the state of your gastrointestinal tract.

  1. 100 g pumpkin peel, cut into cubes and bake in the oven until soft.
  2. Spoon a tablespoon of oat flakes in 100 ml of hot milk.
  3. Fold the cooled food into the blender bowl.
  4. Add a tablespoon of honey and a little cinnamon.
  5. All to shake.
Oatmeal-pumpkin cocktail is the best start to the day

Berries with almond milk

Almond milk is a very useful and nutritious product. Do you go to the gym in the morning? This smoothie will perfectly cope with filling your body with the necessary energy and restore the lost strength after.

  1. Pour 100 ml of milk into the blender bowl.
  2. Add 100 grams of natural yogurt.
  3. Handful of any berries peel and rinse.
  4. 50 g oat flakes soak in boiling water and send to the rest of the products.
  5. Put a tablespoon of flaxseed.
  6. All to shake.
This drink will cheer you up in the morning and give you a huge supply of energy

For dinner

To prepare smoothies for dinner, you need to carefully select the ingredients for it. It is very important not to overload your body with heavy food before bed.

Banana and almonds

Banana-almond smoothies are the perfect solution for those who are in the kitchen after a busy day. It is prepared very quickly and is also well absorbed by the body.

  1. Banana peel and cut into slices.
  2. Add 100 ml of mineral water, half a teaspoon of cinnamon and a pinch of salt.
  3. All to shake.
  4. Add a small handful of almonds, previously soaked in water.
  5. Kill again.
Refresh cocktail with a mint or spinach leaf and enjoy a delicious supper

Avocado and greens

This drink will make up for a lack of fiber that will reduce the intensity of absorption of fats by the walls of the intestines, purify the body and lower the cholesterol level.

  1. Avocado should be emptied of peel and bones.
  2. Banana cut into slices.
  3. Pour in the juice of lime.
  4. Add a bunch of greens: spinach, parsley, mint.
  5. Pour 100 ml of mineral water and whip the ingredients.
Green smoothies - this is a great solution for a late dinner

Dinner in the tropics

Prepare yourself a drink that will replace the pharmacy vitamin complex. And adding a small piece of chili into it, you can improve digestion and increase blood circulation.

  1. Ripe mangoes and cut into cubes.
  2. Add a glass of coconut milk.
  3. Pour in the juice of lime.
  4. Optionally put a piece of chili pepper.
  5. All smash to a homogeneous mass.
This tropical cocktail will allow you to perfectly finish your day.

. What will taste of smoothies, depends only on you. Experiment, create new original recipes and be healthy!

  • Mar 08, 2018
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