Juicy green spinach leaves are increasingly appearing in our kitchens. It is used in a raw and boiled form, pripuskayut and stew.
Because of the annoying misprint in the medical guide, the effect of this plant on the body was exaggerated: it was believed that it contains a record amount of iron;but the myth is scattered. Of course, iron is present in it, but it will be assimilated only if you consume foods with a high content of ascorbic acid in parallel. Today we will look at the useful properties of spinach, find out how it differs from sorrel, and how it should be used to maximize health and cleanse the body.
Characteristics of the plant
Spinach is an annual herbaceous plant belonging to the family of mammals. This vegetable culture is precocious - from young shoots to full ripeness is no more than 30 days. In the photo above you can see the spinach that has reached maturity.
The flowering period of this plant falls on July month;at this time on it appear small green inflorescences. After the fruits are formed, which are outwardly similar to small nuts, and they need about three months to mature.
Food is consumed by rosettes, which are tied at the beginning of vegetation. From the variety of this vegetable culture will depend on how spinach looks. The classical view is characterized by triangular-spear-shaped leaves. Summer spinach is light. In addition, the leaves of the plant can differ - in some species they are rough, corrugated, others - absolutely smooth.
At first glance it may seem that spinach and sorrel are one and the same. But in fact, this is far from the case. With a more detailed examination, it turns out that the spinach leaf is rounded and dark, while the oxalic leaf is sharp and light.
The difference becomes more apparent if these two plants try. Everyone knows that sorrel is sour, and what is the taste of spinach? His leaves are very delicate and have a slightly bitter taste.
Spinach has a fairly rich composition, which includes:
- vitamins - A, B1, B2, B4, B5, B6, B9, C, E, H, K, PP;
- macronutrients - calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, phosphorus;
- microelements - iron, zinc, copper, manganese, whole;
- dietary fiber;
- organic acids;
- unsaturated fatty acids;
- mono- and disaccharides.
- proteins;
- carbohydrates;
- fats.
Caloric content of spinach is quite small and amounts to only 23 kcal per 100 g of product.
Effect on the body
So, what is useful is spinach. Its regular use will contribute to the following processes:
- normal development and functioning of blood and tissue cells;
- protection against macular degeneration, which is the main cause of visual impairment in old age;
- prophylaxis of cardiovascular diseases;
- prevention of softening and damage to the integrity of bone tissue;
- prophylaxis of strokes;
- normalization of blood pressure;
- strengthening of vessel walls;
- inhibition of the formation of cancerous tumors.
Note! In recent studies conducted by Californian doctors, it was found that spinach reduces the risk of developing neoplasms even in those who after a long period of time abruptly quit smoking.
In addition, spinach is useful for heart health and is actively involved in the process of splitting fats, proteins and carbohydrates. This vegetable culture has a positive effect on the vascular system and helps to strengthen immunity.
. Using spinach leaves in fresh form, you will forget about constipation and normalize the work of the intestine. It is not for nothing that this plant is called an "intestinal broom".Green leaves are very useful for the central nervous system - they drive stress, insomnia and neuroses.
Before spinach, asthma and anemia capitulate. And the sugar reducing properties of this vegetable culture are very important for people suffering from diabetes mellitus.
For men
Spinach shows useful properties that become relevant for men.
- It's no secret that it is the male part of the population that is more prone to strokes and heart disease. And by introducing this plant into your diet, you can significantly reduce the risk of their occurrence.
- Spinach is a natural stimulant for the growth of muscle tissue, which, unlike chemical preparations, allows you to gain the required mass without doing any harm and showing no side effect.
- This vegetable is rich in elements that contribute to the production of testosterone - the main male hormone. Using spinach for food, you can protect yourself from problems with potency and ensure a good blood flow to the genitals.
Note! As experts in the field of medicine have found out, it is useful to use spinach for young men. Since there is a direct connection of this plant with the formation of excellent male health.
For women
Very important is the use of spinach for women.
- The plant contains fiber, which helps absorb toxins, decomposition products and remove them from the body.
- Thanks to its low calorie content, spinach can be used for weight loss. It has a beneficial effect on the entire body, stimulates the work of all systems, perfectly tones and does not increase the fatty layer.
- As you know, every woman dreams of perfect forms, and spinach helps to increase the speed of recovery and to emphasize the beauty of muscles.
Warning! Recent studies have shown that regular consumption of spinach, even with minor physical exertion, significantly improves the relief.
- Spinach is recommended for breastfeeding, as it saturates the body of the mother and child with all the necessary vitamins, macro and microelements. In addition, it exhibits a soothing, mild laxative and anti-inflammatory effect.
Important! Using spinach during breastfeeding, the mother must constantly monitor the reaction of the child, because in this case, in addition to benefit, it can cause harm. To introduce it into your diet should be gradually, and if the baby will not have problems with digestion, then the use of this vegetable can continue.
Spinach has the following contraindications:
- renal failure;
- of the genitourinary system;
- ulcer and other stomach diseases;
- diseases of the liver, bile duct and duodenum;
- gout.
In all other cases, spinach will only benefit the body. Use it daily and stay healthy!