Drink beetroot juice and your health you will be happy!

  1. Health properties of the drink
  2. Application for medicinal purposes
  3. Benefits for women
  4. Usage rules
  5. Contraindications

In recent years, the treatment with freshly squeezed juices has gained quite a lot of popularity. But the thoughtless use of freshes often leads to undesirable consequences for health. Today we will talk about beet juice - a product familiar to everyone. From this article you will find out what is the benefit and harm of beet juice, how to properly take it and in what cases it can have a curative effect.

Beet juice is a potent agent, therefore it should be taken according to certain rules.

. Drinking properties of the drink

. Beet juice can exhibit the following medicinal properties:

  • due to the content of beta-carotene, which, when ingested, is converted to vitamin A, strengthens the immune systemand takes an active part in the vision process;
  • protects against diseases and helps to quickly restore lost strength during the rehabilitation period;
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  • cares for the skin, hair and strengthens the nail plate;
  • beet has the ability to absorb nitrite from the soil, which subsequently helps the muscles to suck in useful substances, remove toxins from the body and generate energy;
  • treatment with beet juice can be indicated in hypertension - a small amount of drink helps to lower blood pressure and improve oxygen movement throughout the body;
  • helps to supply all parts of the brain with nutrients and oxygen, activates the transportation of blood and increases endurance;
  • is an excellent prevention of heart disease and prevents the risk of developing circulatory disorders in the brain;
  • with its help can rejuvenate the skin and the body as a whole, since the antioxidants that make up its composition successfully fight free radicals;
  • has a purgative property, beet juice helps to eliminate intestinal problems and is considered effective in disorders of the spleen and liver;
  • exhibits tonic, refreshing and diuretic properties, so it can be indicated for congestive urinary tract problems;
  • helps to overcome rheumatism, arthrosis, arthritis and gout;
  • is used for blood purification and takes an active part in the formation of red blood cells;
  • facilitates the condition in painful menstrual and menopausal periods;
  • normalizes the work of the central nervous system - relieves stressful conditions, helps with insomnia and nervous overexertion;
  • improves memory;
  • prevents the development of atherosclerosis;
  • with a cold has an anti-inflammatory effect.

But as the beet juice in its pure form is quite heavy for our body, it is recommended to mix it with carrot juice. Carrot-beet juice will bring a double benefit, since, combining in one drink, the components strengthen each other's action. This product can be recommended for:

  • cardiovascular disease;
  • blood thickening;
  • hypertension;
  • dilated veins;
  • for cleansing the liver, kidneys and bladder.

Application for medicinal purposes

Treatment of beet juice can be shown in a number of cases, but it can be used only after consultation with your doctor.

Important! Remember that every human body is individual and requires a special approach. Therefore, self-medication is not worth it.

With a cold

Difficulty breathing, discharge from the nasal cavity, headache and weakness are all signs of a cold. In this case, you can apply beet juice - it will relieve the cold and ease breathing.

In this case, you can use juice from raw or cooked beets. In the first case, the drug will be effective at the first symptoms of a cold and minor nasal congestion. Drops from a boiled vegetable will help to eliminate even thick discharge.

The recipe for the preparation of beetroot juice from the common cold is as follows:

  • beet peel;
  • squeeze the juice with a juicer or grate the vegetable on a fine grater and give the liquid through the cheesecloth;
  • nasal cavity flushed;
  • in each nostril to dig in 2-3 drops of juice three times a day.

Tip! If there is a burning sensation, it is recommended to dilute the juice with boiled water in the same ratio or to combine with liquid honey - 3 parts of juice per 1 part of honey.

You are predisposed to runny nose - keep beet juice always at hand

Beet juice shows antibacterial and disinfectant effect, which allows you to get rid of a cold in a short time. Treatment in this case occurs only externally, so in the absence of individual intolerance, this product can be used boldly.

With sore throat

Beet juice is a fairly strong remedy that relieves inflammation, pain and swelling in the throat, which contributes to the treatment of sore throat. And since this vegetable is always in the kitchen of every mistress, the remedy for the disease can be prepared in a matter of minutes:

  • combine 20 ml of apple cider vinegar and 200 ml of beet juice;
  • leave for 4 hours;
  • gargle during the day every 3 hours.
With a complex approach, beet juice shows high efficiency in the treatment of sore throat

With hypertension

Beet juice helps reduce high blood pressure by 10 points. In this case, its effect lasts for about a day, which allows the patient to be sure of his normal state of health during this period and not be distracted from important cases.

Beet juice with hypertension can be used as follows:

  • to drink on an empty stomach before eating;
  • a single portion of beet juice should not exceed 50 ml;
  • begin treatment with a beverage consisting of 1 part beet and 10 parts carrot fresh;
  • every day the proportion of beet juice increases, and carrot is reduced;
  • treatment course should not exceed 60 days.

Tip! In order not to harm other organs of your body, it is recommended to take a break between the courses.

Beet juice will normalize the pressure and restore strength

For the liver

Beet juice is incredibly useful for the liver. Betaine, included in its composition, activates the work of cells of this organ and prevents fatty degeneration. With regular use of this drink, the basic functions of the liver come back to normal, and proteins coming from food begin to be absorbed much better.

For liver diseases, it is recommended to drink half a glass of beet juice daily, mixed in the same proportion with the juice of cucumber and carrots, three times a day for 25 minutes before meals.

Benefits for women

Beet juice is very useful for preserving women's health and beauty. It can be used for the treatment of dandruff and minor skin lesions, and this simple tool helps not worse than expensive cosmetic care products.

To rejuvenate your body and take care of the health and beauty of the skin, beet juice is recommended to drink daily, combining it with the juice of carrots and pomegranate. And it should be taken in small sips - this method will eliminate the problems associated with the menstrual cycle and menopausal syndrome.

In addition, beet juice will help with mastopathy. Traditional healers recommend mixing it with honey and applying the mixture on a cabbage leaf. The finished compress is applied to the chest and tightly attached to the body with a bandage.

For losing weight

And, of course, what kind of woman does not care about the problem of excess weight? This drink also comes to the rescue. Beetroot juice for weight loss is used in combination with other vegetable juices.

Important! Remember that in its pure form it is not recommended to drink, as the active components of the drink can cause dizziness, severe palpitations and nausea.

This product will clean the walls of the vessels, remove the slag, and also normalize the work of the thyroid and gastrointestinal tract. The complexion becomes even and healthy, the condition of the whole organism will improve. Beet juice is low in calories, but at the same time it is rich in nutrients. It will have a diuretic and mild laxative effect, will reduce appetite, which, in turn, will promote weight loss. For slimming, this cocktail should be taken 30 minutes before meals.

For greater efficiency, combine beets with celery or carrots in one cocktail.

Usage rules

Now you should talk about how to drink beet juice.

  1. It is desirable to combine it with other vegetables and fruits.
  2. If consumed in its pure form, then no more than 50 ml at a time.
  3. Increase the dose gradually to 125 ml at a time.
  4. Immediately it is not recommended to drink - juice should be kept in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours. Beetroot juice should be prepared for a combined cocktail in advance and only after a few hours it can be combined with other fresh fruits.
  5. In its pure form it can be drunk no more than 14 days, in cocktails - no more than 3 months.


And do not forget that beet juice has contraindications:

  • hypotension;
  • urolithiasis;
  • increased gastric acidity;
  • susceptibility to diarrhea;
  • pyelonephritis and nephrotic syndrome.
  • Mar 08, 2018
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