Groats with useful properties - kinoa

Homeland cereals are considered to be South America. It more than once saved the Indian tribes from starvation in dry years. The plant that produces this herb is sufficiently resistant to unfavorable weather conditions and is characterized by high yield.

The appearance of the groats is very similar to all known buckwheat, but it differs in a variety of shades. To taste it looks like rice. It is used for cooking a wide variety of dishes, from porridges to salads. From flour, obtained from kinoya, they make pasta, bake bread.

Appearance and useful properties

Kinoa - groats, useful properties of which have long been known to the native inhabitants of America. However, in our country it has appeared relatively recently, and very few people know how it looks. Even less people are aware of its properties, while scientists have already established the fact of its nutritional value.

What does the movie look like?

As already noted, outwardly the grain of a movie reminds buckwheat. But its color can vary from almost white to practically black. The plant looks even more exotic. In height it can reach more than a meter, has rounded leaves and fruits, forming large bunches.

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The appearance of the movie is so unusual that scientists even rank it as pseudo-grain crops.
. On the shelves you can meet white, brown or even black groats.

The porridge from the movie looks like rice, but it can have a slightly bitter taste because of its high contenther saponins - substances that have medicinal properties. From bitterness get rid of, rinsing croup in a lot of water, but at the same time lost some of its useful properties.

Health Benefits of

Kinoa is an incredibly useful cereal that will be superfluous to include in your diet for both adults and children. It has a number of qualities that equate it with medical products with a fairly wide spectrum of action. In particular, kinoa has the following useful properties:

  • lowers cholesterol in the blood;
  • increases the production of bile;
  • normalizes blood pressure;

  • strengthens the bones;
  • improves the condition of hair, nails, skin;
  • cures migraines;
  • is easily digested;
  • supplies the body with protein, vitamins, minerals.

In addition, the croup does not contain gluten, which reduces the risk of allergic reactions. Also, no cereal has as much vegetable protein as kinoa. And it can replace the proteins of meat, because it contains in its composition essential amino acids. This quality allows you to actively use cereals in a vegetarian way of life.

Important! Kinoa has its own contraindications. So, for example, you should not use it for people with kidney disease. Use it with caution when breastfeeding. It is not recommended to introduce it into the diet for children under 2 years.

Chemical Composition

The cereals have high caloric value, about 370 kcal per 100 g of product, so people with excessive weight should use it with caution. However, a high protein content makes it a valuable product for athletes, people engaged in heavy physical labor, adolescents and pregnant women. There are also vitamins and minerals in its composition.

Chemical composition of the film:

  • proteins - 14 g;
  • fats - 6 g;
  • carbohydrates - 57 g;
  • cellulose - 7 g.

Contains kinoa also vitamins of group B, A, C, E, choline. From mineral substances there are iron, potassium, calcium, magnesium, manganese, copper, sodium, selenium, phosphorus and zinc.

Cooking recipes

Dishes from the movie are different in their nutrition and satiety. Groats are used for cooking garnishes, soups, salads. Tasty vegetables are also obtained, stuffed kinoa and milk porridges.

Which products are combined with the movie, how to cook it with vegetables? For housewives it will be interesting to know that this crop is combined with almost all types of vegetables. Excellent taste qualities, it also shows when preparing the second course. We present to your attention several recipes from the movie.

With Vegetables

Very delicious turns kinoya with vegetables. The recipes are simple enough, and the ingredients can be found in any store. You can use a wide variety of vegetables for cooking with a movie. Recipes can contain cabbage, root vegetables, peppers, cucumbers, tomatoes, zucchini. We suggest you try to cook one of the easiest, but very tasty options with zucchini.

Very good movie as a garnish

You will need:

  • a glass of cereals;
  • zucchini - 1 piece;
  • 2 cloves garlic;
  • carrots;
  • onion;
  • pepper and salt to taste.

Pre-zucchini and root vegetables should be cut into cubes, and chop garlic. Then boil the rump, and ready to loosen the fork. Benefits kinoa increases, if it is not washed before cooking. Fry the onion in a frying pan. Add garlic, carrots with zucchini, salt, pepper, then lay out the movie and mix.


Soup with a movie is the more delicious, the more vegetables it includes. Very interesting recipe with cabbage, tomatoes, celery and pepper.


  • quarter of a glass of cereals;
  • 200 g white cabbage;
  • half of sweet pepper;

  • tomato;
  • celery - 1 piece;
  • onion;
  • garlic;
  • carrots;
  • parsley.

Vegetables, cut into cubes, then fry in a frying pan carrots, onions, peppers, celery and garlic, in the end add kinoa. Transfer to a saucepan and pour 400 ml of water, pour cabbage and tomatoes into it. Brew for about half an hour. Vegetables should become soft, and the groats are fully cooked. Put chopped parsley in a bowl of soup.


Salad from the movie can be both cold and hot. Consider the option of warm croup.

With the movie you get very tasty and hearty salads

For a salad you will need:

  • movie glass;
  • sweet pepper;
  • 2 stalks of celery;
  • carrots;
  • half a lemon;
  • 50 g of Adyghe cheese;
  • a bunch of spring onions;
  • thyme, basil, black pepper.

Pre-boil the croup in two glasses of water. At the same time, carrots are cut into rings. Celery and pepper are cut into strips. Olive oil is poured into a frying pan, carrots are put there and stewed for 5 minutes. Then celery and pepper are sent there. All sprinkle with dried herbs and cook on a small fire until softening. A minute before the readiness to put the frying pan in the pan and mix. Serve the salad warm with green onions, olive oil and grated cheese.

You can also learn more about the useful properties of movies from this video:

  • Mar 08, 2018
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