Useful properties and contraindications of cardamom entirely depend on its chemical composition. It turns out that this spicy spice contains a huge amount of biologically active substances that have a toning and healing effect on a person. There are also other healing properties that have long been known to the Oriental peoples.
What is this spice?
Cardamom is called a spicy seasoning, obtained from the seeds of a herbaceous perennial plant, originating from India. This spice has a rich enough, burning taste and belongs to a number of the most expensive seasonings. According to the legend, before appearing to the world, cardamom grows in semi-mythical gardens of Semiramis. His seeds were called "the heavenly grain" and were valued in weight of gold.
We are accustomed to seeing this spice already in the form of powder, packaged by sachets. And what does cardamom look like before processing? Externally, the fruits that are harvested from the plant are similar to green trihedral pods, ranging in size from 1 to 1.5 cm, inside which are stored burning seeds. They look like wrinkled golden brown grains and have a strong spicy aroma. For more information on what cardamom looks like, see the photo below.
The cardamom plant has a thick, massive trunk, wide pinnate leaves and fruit-boxes, which contain seeds. It can be cultivated well and grown in many countries of the world - India, America, China, Vietnam, Africa. The plant is unpretentious and afraid only of negative temperatures.
Tip! When buying cardamom in pods, you should choose only green fruits with tightly closed flaps. Only in this way can you be sure of the high quality of the seasoning.
Cardamom is a seasoning with a very high content of essential oil. It is this that is responsible for the spicy flavor and taste of the grains. It also contains substances that have a therapeutic effect - limonel, terpineol, borneol, cineole, amidone, vitamins, minerals.
Chemical composition of cardamom:
- essential oil - 8%;
- vitamins - groups B1, B2, B6, PP, C;
- mineral substances - phosphorus, calcium, iron, magnesium, zinc, sodium, potassium, manganese;
- protein;
- fats;
- carbohydrates.
The energy value of cardamom is quite high and amounts to approximately 311 kcal. This is due to its high content in the seeds of fat and carbohydrates. However, this should not worry people who want to lose weight, since a lot of it can not be eaten because of the acute taste.
An interesting fact! Seeds of cardamom are unripe. Only in this way is it possible to preserve the flavor of its grains and sharpness.
Useful qualities and therapeutic properties
Cardamom is widely used in cooking for flavoring and flavoring of food. It is added to almost all dishes, both vegetable and meat. Very flavorful with this seasoning are baked goods, desserts. However, not only with its culinary virtues is famous for cardamom. Its useful properties have long been used in folk medicine of the Eastern nationalities. They are treated with gastrointestinal disorders, used for general health promotion, raising immunity. There are this spice and other medicinal properties. In particular, they treat the following diseases:
- epilepsy
- paralysis
- rheumatism
- obesity
- asthma
- bronchitis
- neuroses
- skin diseases
- cardiovascular diseases.
In the composition of herbal preparations, cardamom is also often seen. The healing properties of this seasoning are so wide that in the Middle Ages it was used as a panacea for all diseases. In modern medicine the following medicinal properties of cardamom are most often used:
- anti-inflammatory
- diuretic
- diaphoretic
- analgesic
- expectorant
- toning
- restorative
- immunological
- antidepressant.
Cardamom helps to get rid of the pain and improve the mood of women during menstruation. Also known is the exciting effect that cardamom has. The properties of this spice to enhance potency have long been known to eastern women. In the East it is put literally in all dishes and pastries. In ancient Rome, infusions of cardamom were taken after festive feasts, feasts, to help your stomach cope with such an abundance of food. Apply this spice also for cosmetic purposes to increase the tone and skin rejuvenation.
An interesting fact! Cardamom is often included in various magical infusions for a love spell.
All medicinal plants have both beneficial properties and contraindications. Seeds of cardamom, in particular, are not recommended for eating the following categories of persons:
- to pregnant women;
- people with peptic ulcer of the stomach, duodenum;
- allergy sufferers.
It is also not advisable for these people to use herbal preparations and tea containing cardamom. The benefits and disadvantages of using this spice depend not only on the way it is used, but also on its quantity. For example, there is a rule that the dosage of ground grains should not exceed a quarter teaspoon. In the rest, when calculating the amount of grains used, the age and condition of the patient are guided.
Interesting information about the useful properties of cardamom can also be learned from this video: