Very often, many of us, resorting to improving one's health or strengthening immunity, resort to using unusual, exotic methods. Meanwhile we forget about simple, accessible to each means, one of which is apple juice.
Composition and useful properties of the drink
In apple juice contains many not only nutritious, but also useful substances: sugar, carbohydrates, proteins, fats, starch and organic acids. Also it is rich in minerals: calcium, zinc, sodium, iron, iodine, magnesium, phosphorus and many others. Moreover, the calorie content of apple juice is rather low - 47 kcal per 100 g of product, which makes it one of the favorite delicacies of people watching their weight.
Useful properties of the product
- First of all, apple juice is a drink that benefits our cardiovascular system and helps to raise the level of hemoglobin in the blood of a person.
- Vitamin C as part of this product helps to strengthen immunity and increases the body's resistance to infections.
- Apple juice and smokers are recommended, who usually have vitamin C deficiency in their bodies, as well as people prone to bronchopulmonary diseases because of the positive influence of the drink on the respiratory tract.
- The benefits of apple juice is also in its diuretic and choleretic properties.
- Also it effectively fights with constipation.
Attention! Here you need to be careful, as some varieties of apples can, on the contrary, hamper defecation.
- Apple juice is beneficial for people suffering from frequent migraines. It is believed that a drink from this fruit minimizes the number of attacks and makes them less intense.
- Recommended juice from apples and with restless sleep.
- Substances in the composition of apple juice normalize metabolic processes in the body and break down fats. This drink is very useful for people who are prone to fatness or obese. After all, the number of calories, how many are contained in apple juice, in fact have not so many products.
- And of course, this drink is necessary for maintaining the health and beauty of the hair, for freshness of the skin and for strengthening the nails.
Apple juice in the diet of children under one year and nursing women
This drink is recommended for use by women breastfeeding their babies. But to drink apple juice in women with breastfeeding is desirable at least one month after childbirth, in order to avoid increased gas formation in infants.
As for the use of this product by children for up to a year, modern pediatrics advises to introduce such drinks into the ration of babies no earlier than 6-8 months after their birth. And although on the shelves you can see a wide variety of apple juices for babies, use them at such an early age still need to be extremely cautious.
Making a drink
At home
So, how to make apple juice? First of all, it is necessary to know that for its preparation take ripe, ripe, but in no case rotten or spoiled fruit. This is due to the fact that one small rotten apple can spoil the whole drink. And if you take an unripe apple, in which the content of sucrose is small enough, the juice of such apples will be very little and it will be sour.
At home, apple juice is prepared quite simply. To do this, carefully wash the apples, cut them into small pieces and send them to the juicer, the number of revolutions of which should be at least 20,000 per minute, otherwise, at a lower speed, the output will not be juice, but puree.
In production
In production, apple juice is prepared as follows.
- Apples are collected, plunged into cars and sent to the plant, where the fruit is thoroughly washed and quality fruits are selected.
- Then the apples are sent to the crusher, where they are crushed.
- The crushed apples come under the press.
- After this, the resulting juice is sent to the tubes for ultrafiltration. This is a process in which a future drink under pressure passes through pipes containing a large number of tubules from membranes - a material similar to a fine porous foam. In this case, even the smallest particles of flesh are stuck in the membrane, and the purified beverage passes on.
- After the ultrafiltration process, the juice is sent to a vacuum-evaporator plant where it undergoes water loss, thickens and forms a concentrate, a composition similar to thick honey, which is subsequently restored, that is, water is returned to it.
Preparing the same apple juice for direct spin implies its pasteurization and bottling in sterile containers( most often glass) immediately after passing the apples press.
Like many other products, apple juice also has contraindications and limitations in use:
- primarily freshly squeezed apple juice is not recommended for use by people suffering from certain diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, in particular gastritis, ulcers and pancreatitis;
- also cautiously need to drink this drink to people prone to allergies;
- diabetics should drink juice only from green varieties of this fruit;
- can not be abused by this product, as it can lead to abdominal pain, flatulence and diarrhea.
In conclusion I would like to add that to consume apple juice in order to bring your body benefits, and not the harm you need exclusively direct pressing or freshly squeezed. Since such a drink is much superior to its counterpart, recovered from the concentrate.