Flebosclerosis has another name - sclerobliteration or sclerotherapy.
The method consists in the non-surgical control of varicose veins .
Affected vessel is transformed into a fibrous cord under the action of a special drug - sclerosant. This substance contributes to the obliteration of the veins.
Thus, thanks to the non-surgical method and low traumatism in general, this method does not require hospitalization.
This treatment is suitable for people suffering from reticular varicose veins and "vascular asterisks".
But it is well established as an auxiliary procedure for the removal of small vessels after surgical removal of larger affected veins.
There is a newer technique that uses a special foam that can be used to control varicose veins with a diameter of up to 1 cm.
About how the prophylaxis of thrombophlebitis should be organized will tell our material. Methods, tips and warnings.
- essence
- procedures Who appointed
- procedure How is flebosklerozirovanie
- Testimonials
- cost in Russia
- Conclusions
procedures essence flebosklerozirovaniya( compression flebosklerozirovaniya) is the introduction of a special drug ( sclerosant) into the lumen of the veins and subsequent compression usingelastic bandages or compression jersey.
The sclerosant causes destruction of the inner wall of the vein, which is affected by varicose dilatation. Due to the compression effect, the lumen of the vessel lends itself to obliteration( gluing).
Thus, only the affected veins are removed, and healthy vascular sites remain, the circulation of the legs generally improves.
To whom the procedure
is prescribed. Flebosclerosis is intended for people suffering from varicose veins at the initial stage, as well as loose and main forms. In addition to this, this procedure has a good cosmetological effect of .
Sclerotherapy is prescribed by a doctor individually, only after examination - dopplerography and duplex scanning of veins.
If, as a result of these procedures, no contraindications are found, then it is possible to perform phlebosclerosis.
The main contraindications are:
- allergic reactions to drugs;
- pregnancy;
- lactation;
- marked atherosclerosis of the lower extremities;
- Inflammatory or infectious skin diseases in the area of injection;
- thrombophlebitis;
- previously transferred thrombosis and some heart defects.
The number of sessions is individual and depends on the disease and its stage.
How does the phlebosclerosis of
? After receiving the results of all necessary tests, the doctor prescribes the time of the procedure for phlebosclerosis. Since this technique does not bring strong pain sensations, general or local anesthesia is not done.
The skin is treated with a disinfectant solution to prevent infection. After this, the sclerosant is inserted into the lumen of the veins. In one session, from 3 to 20 injections of this drug are done.
After this, the limb is compressible with the same knitwear or elastic bandages around the clock for 7 days.
The number of sessions required depends on the disease and its stage, as already mentioned. On average, 2-3 sessions are required, in some cases their number may increase to five.
Patient Reviews
Let's study the responses of patients who have gone through phlebosclerosis.
From childhood I suffer from varicose veins. Every year it becomes more and more large-scale. And in the last few years, I started to have pain in the evenings and severe fatigue. Then the husband advised to be treated.
But as it turned out the only option, for me, was surgery. Operations I was very afraid, therefore I found a minimally invasive method - phlebosclerosis. Everything went smoothly. The result is satisfied.
Oksana, 35
Cost in Russia
Prices for phlebosclerosis depend on many factors - the number of sessions and injections, the stage of the disease, etc.
This procedure can be done in specialized medical centers, clinics, phlebology centers, atprivate specialists.
Centers for phlebology and clinics are located in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kaliningrad, Nizhny Novgorod, Yekaterinburg, Kemerovo, Orenburg and other Russian cities.
The cost of one session of phlebosclerosis for one limb costs from 4000 to 7500 rubles. The cost of the full course depends on the disease, its stage, part of the leg and the technology used and ranges from 14 to 30 thousand rubles.
Flebosclerosis is an effective method for controlling varicose veins at the initial and intermediate stages. Its main difference from the operation is the very small injury , the possibility of application for cosmetic purposes.
In addition, this procedure can be used effectively combined, together with surgical intervention.
But phlebosclerosis is not a panacea, its main drawback is the lack of a 100% guarantee of recovery, because this procedure eliminates only the manifestation of the disease. Because of this, problems with other vessels may appear.