Plantain - a habitual plant with amazing properties

Each of us in my childhood, at least once applied mashed leaf plantain to the wound, because he knew that this plant quickly heals the damage to the skin. Juice of plantain really has unique properties, the application of which will be discussed in this article. This inconspicuous grass is widespread throughout the planet and has about two hundred species. Most of them are common weeds, but the rest are highly valued in folk medicine and used to treat various diseases.

Juice is the most effective dosage form of plantain

. On the territory of the countries of the former Soviet Union, you can meet about thirty varieties of this plant. The most widely distributed lanceolate, large and medium plantain. In Transcaucasia there is a widespread variety called Flea, which has the appearance of a climbing plant.

From the very name of this herb - plantain, it is not difficult to guess about the place of its growth. It is sown near pedestrian roads and paths, and its seeds are carried by the people on their feet.

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That's interesting! Even in the sixteenth century, the inhabitants of America did not even suspect the existence of a plantain. In this country, his seeds were brought on the boots of the Spanish conquerors, and, thus, the plantain became a full-fledged resident of the New World.

Pharmacy juice of plantain is a malfunction of alcoholic infusion, so it is not recommended to take it during pregnancy and lactation, and its use is not allowed for children. But a similar remedy can be done at home, using an ordinary juicer or mortar.

Useful properties

It would seem, what kind of benefit can it be, if the plantain grows mainly at highways, where air has a high concentration of harmful substances. But in fact, this amazing plant practically does not absorb carcinogens, remaining environmentally friendly and incredibly useful.

Plantain has found wide application in medicine, cosmetology and even cooking

The juice of seeds, roots and leaves of this inconspicuous grass contains a huge amount of very valuable biologically active substances that help the human body overcome many ailments. In the juice of plantain are:

  • pectin - in leaves 20%, in seeds 40%;
  • organic acids;
  • amino acids;
  • is the most valuable vitamin U;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • iron, zinc, calcium and potassium;
  • tanning agents.

Juice of plantain is able to exert a tonic, bactericidal and wound-healing effect. It is used for colds and heart diseases, for normalizing the work of the gastrointestinal tract and as an external means for healing wounds. On its basis, you can prepare face masks and lotions that are effective in eye diseases.

Application of

The most effective dosage form of plantain is its juice, as it, "turning" into a medicinal product, does not undergo any heat treatment. Get the juice at home is very simple:

  • outlet rinse and dry;
  • squeeze juice through a juicer or crush the raw material with a mortar and filter through gauze;
  • the juice is poured into a container of dark glass and placed in a refrigerator.

Home-made plantain juice can be stored for several months.

Tip! Rosette plants are best collected in June and July, and it is recommended to dry them in a shaded place. The most valuable juice is a flea and a large plantain, which is mixed in equal proportions.

The use of this drug is quite versatile - from skin diseases to oncological

But remember that the plantain juice is not a panacea, so in serious cases it can not replace conventional therapy.

With stomach diseases

Juice of plantain is used to treat peptic ulcer of stomach and duodenum, with dyspepsia, dysentery, inflammations of mucous membranes and low level of acidity of gastric juice. It is highly effective in chronic enteritis, gastritis and colitis.

For the treatment of the gastrointestinal tract, only the ground part of this plant is used. Use it is recommended for 15 ml three times a day for half an hour before meals. The duration of the course is a month.

Skin Diseases

Plantain juice is often used to heal wounds and inflammations of various origins. It helps with furunculosis, smallpox, wounds and abrasions, effectively eliminates traces after injections, insect bites and vaccinations.

For the preparation of medical applications it is necessary to combine in equal proportions the juice of the plant and petroleum jelly. The cotton disc is wetted in the resulting ointment and fixed on the problem area of ​​the skin. The finished product can be stored in the refrigerator and used as needed.

When coughing

Juice of plantain is good for cough. But before starting treatment it is necessary to determine the nature of the disease and the cause of its occurrence. Most often cough is a symptom of laryngitis, bronchitis and tracheitis. Distinguish between wet cough, which is accompanied by sputum discharge, and dry, when coughing mucus causes difficulty. The resulting irritations in the larynx and bronchi cause a lot of unpleasant sensations and cause a person to quickly look for an effective medication. And many know that the juice of plantain is able to help both with wet, and with a dry cough.

Recommendation! Treatment of plantain juice should be started at the first signs of the disease, which will be signaled not only by cough, but also by fever, sweating and chills. The faster you take action, the faster recovery will come.

When coughing, you should combine the juice of plantain and honey in the same ratio. The received product is taken 15 ml three times daily before meals. It promotes the rapid excretion of mucus from the bronchi, facilitates the overall well-being and exerts a restorative effect.

Remember that the juice of plantain is a medicine, so it should not be consumed too often and in large quantities. It is contraindicated in people with high blood coagulability and with thrombosis. And in order not to harm your health, before using it, you should consult your doctor.

  • Mar 08, 2018
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