Coconut juice is included in the food, it will heal all the ailments!

Coconut juice is one of the most delicious and healthy drinks in the world. Regular use of it heals illnesses, rejuvenates the appearance, cleanses the blood and gives tremendous performance. Miracle coconut nectar is called a natural energy and healing elixir. Consider its medicinal advantages in more detail.

Chemical Composition

Coconut water( juice) is obtained from young fruits, up to 5 months old. The liquid has an interesting sour-sweet taste with invigorating, refreshing notes and a delicate aroma. This soft drink includes an impressive set of vitamins and minerals.

Valuables with coconut juice:

  • vitamins A, B, C, E;
  • organic acids;
  • dietary fiber;
  • pectins;
  • proteins, fats, carbohydrates;
  • lauric acid;
  • minerals: phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, iron, zinc, sodium, selenium, calcium, copper, etc.

Attention! In a small coconut fruit contains up to 300 ml of nutritious juice. As the nut ripens, the liquid gradually thickens and turns into milk first, and then into the pulp.

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Coconut juice is cholesterol-free, low-caloric( about 20 kcal / 100 ml) and includes a small number of carbohydrates, therefore it has earned itself the fame of an effective diet drink.

Coconut juice is the effective diet drink

Healing qualities

Life-giving coconut juice is used for the prevention and treatment of an entire army of ailments:

  • Thanks to the high content of potassium, it stabilizes blood pressure, while lauric acid heals cardiac diseases and removes excess cholesterol from the vessels.
  • Has antibacterial, antipyretic properties, normalizes the salt balance.
  • Heals nephrolithiasis, osteoporosis, pancreatitis, Crohn's disease( inflammatory disease of the gastrointestinal tract), alleviates the symptoms of diabetes.
  • Saturates the body with energy, increasing efficiency and endurance.
  • Treats diseases of teeth and gums, as well as fungal skin lesions( mycosis, parasitosis, etc.);
  • Healing coconut juice is a favorite drink of athletes. He normalizes the water-salt balance, restores strength and increases the endurance of a person with an active lifestyle and professional sports.
  • Strengthens the immune system, resolutely dealt with pathogens and fungi.
  • Removes from the digestive system slags and toxins, improving its work.
  • Clears blood from harmful substances and improves the circulatory system.
  • The drink can be safely included in the diet of baby food.
  • This is a magnificent cosmetic preparation of natural origin, a real salvation for withering and dry skin.
  • It is considered a natural aphrodisiac.
Coconut nectar is a powerful natural energy source.

Attention! With regular intake of coconut water, noticeable results will appear after 10-14 days. The well-being will improve considerably, the body will pour in strength and vivacity.

How to drink

The drink is characterized by a rather peculiar taste, which can be unpleasant for someone. However, this is not an excuse for rejecting it, since the benefits of coconut juice are truly extensive. The level of its electrolyte balance is identical to that of human blood. With daily use of the drink, blood is purified naturally, blood circulation is greatly improved.

To direct the healing power of the juice in the right direction and not to overdo it, two 200-250 ml per day will be enough( the total daily norm should not exceed 500 ml).The first portion is desirable to drink in the morning. This will help to fill the deficiency of water in the body and start the process of metabolism. The second dose should be taken during a snack or after a workout.

Several recipes

From worms

Coconut juice and pulp effectively and in a short time eliminate all kinds of parasites( worms, ascarids, tapeworms).To deal with them as quickly as possible, the drink should be drunk daily: once a day on an empty stomach. Optimum norm - liquid and flesh of one coconut. The duration of the course is 1-2 weeks.

Warning! You can sit at the table only 4 hours after receiving the funds.

From viral and respiratory ailments

Coconut nectar is a perfect match for heat and alleviates cold symptoms. With flu, ARVI and inflammation of the upper respiratory tract, it should be drunk 3 times a day for 100 g until complete recovery.

Daily consumption of the drink will benefit the whole body

From dehydration

Coconut juice perfectly helps with dehydration, replenishing the moisture deficit in a few days. To do this, drink a liquid of 3-5 fruits a day, dividing it into several methods until you feel better. Coconut juice is used for dysentery and other ailments, which are accompanied by severe diarrhea. In these cases, it is used in the form of injections in conjunction with glucose.

When combating excess weight

Coconut water accelerates the metabolism process and cleanses the gastrointestinal tract from carcinogenic substances. Owing to this, fatty masses are actively eliminated. In addition to everything, the drink refreshes the body and gives cheerfulness, which is very necessary for a person who is dieting.

Recipes for weight loss:

  1. Mix in a blender: coconut nectar( 120 ml), grated ginger( 1 tsp), half a lemon( without peel), spinach( 3 handfuls), one green apple. This cocktail( or smoothie) will supply your body with strength, and the skin with antioxidants and moisture.
  2. Put in a blender: coconut juice( 1 liter), pulp of pineapple and melon( 400 grams), green apples( 2 pcs.).If desired, you can add a little spinach and blueberries - for the density of the drink. This ultra energetic smoothie should be drunk during the day. In summer, you can freeze and consume in the form of sorbet.

In cosmetology

Coconut water is often included in facial masks. After such cosmetic procedures, the skin acquires a silky softness, tenderness, elasticity, fine wrinkles are smoothed out. In addition, the medicinal juice eliminates pigmentation spots, acne, rash and other irritations.

To prepare the mask, mix half a finely chopped banana with coconut nectar and honey( 1 teaspoon each).Blend the mixture on your face, wash it off after 30 minutes. Periodicity of the procedure - 2 times a week.

Coconut drink can be drunk to everyone, without exception

Side effects and contraindications

The most useful coconut juice has no side effects or contraindications. Therefore, it is called one of the best and safest natural drinks. He is allowed to receive pregnant women, nursing mothers and small children.

Warning! Coconut water can replace preparations containing potassium, since this element is abundant in it.

The only contraindication of the drink is individual intolerance to coconuts, but it is very rare.

Coconut nectar is not accidentally called the "juice of life".It is a powerful source of vital energy and strength, incomparable to any factory power engineers. The benefits of coconut juice is great and multifaceted, so be sure to include it in your diet!

  • Mar 08, 2018
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