Withdrawal from fasting
With allergies, bronchial asthma, bile evolving disorders, other chronic diseases, it is advisable to carry out 2-3 courses of 4-5-day fasting in the year.
The withdrawal from starvation requires the most serious attitude in connection with the threat of development of serious complications( the most dangerous is acute pancreatitis).It is desirable that the way out of starvation happened on weekends.
During the release it is forbidden: salt, meat, fish, eggs, mushrooms, meat broths, coffee.
With one-day fasting, the output is simple: juices, vegetables, fruits, cereals with a little oil, cottage cheese, a little hard bread.
We recommend the following exit from the 3-day fasting:
First day:
- In the morning - a glass of water or diluted( 1: 1) water juice. After 15-20 minutes.- prunes soaked from the night or figs( 4-8 pieces).
- Breakfast: grated carrots( 100 g) with kefir or curdled milk( 150 g), a little cereal - 100 g( buckwheat, oatmeal) or 1-2 crispy loaves. After 2 hours broth of dogrose, mint, St. John's wort or other herbs with a spoon of honey.
- Lunch: salad of grated carrots and cabbage( 150 g), vegetable soup( 150 g), vegetables stewed in milk, or mashed potatoes( 150-200 g).
- Dinner: 1-2 apples, a glass of curdled milk. In between meals, in addition to eat 3 more apples.
The second day:
- In the morning - the same. Breakfast: grated carrots, buckwheat or oatmeal, crispy loaves( stale bread) - according to the same scheme as on day 1, 10 g of butter.
- For lunch: same as on the first day, but add a little garlic, 10 g of butter.
- For dinner: same as on the first day, plus 2-3 walnuts.
The third day:
- Breakfast is the same as the 2nd day, add 10 g of butter( up to 20 g), 4-6 walnuts.
- Lunch: vegetable soup, fresh vegetable salad with sunflower oil, stewed vegetables( 100 g), bread( stale) - 100 grams, cottage cheese - 30 g.
- Dinner: salad with fresh cabbage, cucumber with sunflower oil, cottage cheese( 30-50 g).Prostokvasha, kefir, nuts.
Remember the most important rule of getting out of starvation: it takes as many days as the fasting itself!
When fasting for 4-5 days, spend 1-st and 2-nd days on diluted juices, vegetable broths, herbal decoctions, small amounts of grated apples, gradually increasing( on the 2nd day) their number. The remaining 3 days - according to the above scheme.