Irga - a low shrub with small fruits of dark blue color. This unpretentious plant is found practically in all corners of the globe, steadfastly enduring even the most severe frosts. Berry has a pleasant taste, for its sweetness, it even got the nickname "northern grapes".
In medicine, it is used in the treatment of many diseases. Dry and fresh fruits are used to strengthen immunity and prevent avitaminosis.
Irga - description of
Irga belongs to the genus of the Apple family Roses. There are 19 species of this plant. It is noteworthy that all of them produce edible fruits. In Russia, this shrub is more often used for decorative purposes and for rootstocks of stunted fruit trees.
Distribution of
Where does the igra grow? This shrub quite unpretentious to the conditions of growth. This property allowed it to spread almost all over the world. It occurs in North America, North Africa, the Caucasus, the Crimea, Japan, Central and Southern Europe. In Russia, the benefits of its berries are underestimated, planting it as an ornamental plant.
In the forest, you can often find feral bushes grown from seeds. Peculiar "sowers" are birds. Rigid seeds without harm to themselves pass through the intestines of birds and thus spread over fairly long distances. Migratory birds are even more conducive to this.Appearance
In Russia, the most common is the round-leaved igra. She is one of the tallest in her family. Has dense, broad leaves of rounded shape, straight branches. Fruits are blue with a bluish tint and a sweetish taste.
This is what the igra looks like on the photo:
. The flowers focus mainly on the shoots, they are collected in a brush thathave up to 10 inflorescences. Abundant flowering begins in late April. It ends already in mid-June.
Fruits Irgi - useful properties and application
Berries are used as a remedy. They are harvested in late July, early August. Their fruit is preserved even after heat treatment, so they make jam, make a pastille, dry, squeeze out the juice. Let's consider in more detail, where the igra is used, its useful properties and contra-indications.
Health Benefits of
So, what is the famous yorga berry? Than it is useful for health? This question is best answered by looking at its composition.
Berry Chemical Composition:
- B vitamins;
- ascorbic acid;
- carotene;
- flavonoids;
- glycosides;
- copper;
- lead;
- cobalt;
- pectins;
- organic acids;
- tanning agents;
- sugar.
Such a rich content of biologically active substances provided the glory of berries to the multivitamin product. Pectins help to remove toxins and decomposition products from the body, reduce cholesterol. Carotene favorably affects the eyesight. In the period of colds and epidemics of influenza, ascorbic acid, which in large quantities contains the igra, will help. Its useful properties for humans have long been known. This increase in immunity, increased regeneration of damaged tissues, strengthening of the nervous system.
Useful berries properties:
- antimicrobial
- antioxidant
- antitumor
- immunostimulating
- restorative
- soothing
- toning
- astringent.
Also, the fruits of irgi are able to lower arterial pressure, preserve acute vision, strengthen the nervous and cardiovascular system.
Application of
Berries are used in the treatment of the following diseases:- sore throats;
- of stomatitis;
- vitamin deficiency;
- of insomnia;
- atherosclerosis;
- varicose veins;
- myocardial infarction;
- of vegetovascular dystonia;
- depression;
- diarrhea;
- of kidney and liver diseases.
As a rule, berries are consumed inside in the form of broths, infusions, jams. Locally used lotions of juice. It is also taken orally in intestinal disorders by a quarter of a glass 3 times a day, having previously dissolved a spoonful of honey in it.
Before using any medication, consult a medical professional. Otherwise, be ready to experience the consequences that can be brought about by the improper use of such a medicinal plant as the irga. Benefits and harm from the use of this berry are taken into account when appointing a doctor. Self-medication is fraught with a digestive disorder, allergy, hypotension, poisoning.
Contraindications for use:
- hypotension;
- acute period of infection;
- individual intolerance.
Side effects from an overdose are not revealed, however, considering the sedative effect of berries on the body, there may be drowsiness, lethargy.
Tip! Before taking the juice as a medicine, talk to your doctor. Perhaps it is contraindicated to you.
Recipes for the preparation of
The berry of irga is rich in sugary substances, so it is well preserved. Here we give the most popular methods of harvesting, to which the igra is exposed, recipes for its preparation.
The compote from irgi has a pleasant sourness and tones well. For its preparation, the berries are scalded for 3 minutes.boiling water, then spread over sterilized jars and pour sugar syrup. The finished compote is covered with a lid and sealed with a special machine.
For preparation of jam berries are taken in equal proportion with granulated sugar. To ensure that it does not burn, add water. Brew periodically stir, checking the readiness for a drop of syrup. In the prepared jam, it does not spread on a smooth surface. This kind of workpiece does not require a sealed blockage, but it is still recommended to store it in the refrigerator to prevent fermentation.
For berries, the berries are washed and kneaded using a fork. Then squeeze out the juice from them. The resulting squeezes are used to prepare the broth, boiling them over low heat for 15 minutes. A glass of sugar is dissolved in a liter of boiled water, add the juice and strained broth. After 12 hours, the mors is ready.