Many at the first manifestations of a cold literally attack the garlic, eating it, inhaling the smell. And the relief does not make you wait. This is due to the widely known properties of the plant to strengthen immunity. However, say, with diseases of the stomach spicy vegetable doctors do not recommend. But why? What are the benefits and harm of garlic? Let's try to understand.
Chemical composition of garlic cloves
To understand the usefulness of garlic, and what not, it is necessary to consider the chemical composition of its heads. They contain vegetable proteins, fats and, of course, carbohydrates. In addition, many vitamins, macro- and microelements, essential oils and other substances.
So, if you analyze more specifically, the composition of garlic is caffeic acid, which has a pronounced anti-inflammatory activity. Quite a lot of ferulic acid, the spectrum of pharmacological properties of which is very wide. It is useful for the cardiovascular system, but is dangerous for viruses, pathogens. Has antitumor and antitoxic effects.
Another component of garlic lobules is quercetin. In small doses, it has anti-catarrhal effect, but in large doses it is very toxic.
The benefits of garlic are also pronounced due to the routine that is part of it, which strengthens the capillaries and dilutes the blood. This substance is especially necessary for patients with varicose veins and venous insufficiency, hemorrhoids, thrombophlebitis, lymphostasis.
But saponins in garlic are for the human body both harmful and beneficial. What does it mean? These organic compounds dilute sputum in the bronchi, improve appetite, have a diuretic and laxative effect, help in the fight against sclerosis. But along with this can irritate the mucous of the gastrointestinal tract, cause diarrhea, nausea and vomiting.
Vitamins in garlic, as mentioned earlier, are numerous: these are all the vitamins of group B, as well as tocopherol and carotene. Especially rich in garlic is vitamin C, which actively participates in immunomodulation.
Essential oils in garlic
Especially important in medicine are the esters that make up the plant. What are these substances, and whether it is possible to connect with them the medicinal properties of garlic?
Essential oils of garlic:
- chlorogenic acid is a powerful antioxidant with a pronounced antiviral activity;
- phytic acid, unfortunately, somewhat reduces the nutritional properties of food consumed, not allowing digestible minerals in the body, such as zinc, magnesium and phosphorus;
- is allicin, which has antimicrobial and expectorant action.
Energy value
Fresh garlic is less nutritious than dried garlic;Its calorific value is 149 kcals per 100 g of product. And the dried, chopped denticles, used for refueling food, already contain 332 kcal.
To the question: "The head of garlic - is how many calories?", The answer can be given approximate. From the calculation that on average each head weighs about 50 g, with a part of the weight being husk;by simple mathematical calculations we get the energy value - 50-60 kcal.
Usage in folk medicine
Everyone knows that garlic has beneficial properties for the treatment of colds and flu. And what problems can still be solved by regularly eating it?
The effectiveness of the plant is known in the following cases:
- for antimicrobial, antifungal and antiparasitic therapy;
- for strengthening of intestinal motility;
- in patients with nephrolithiasis;
- for atherosclerosis and ischemia;
- for stimulation of sexual function in men;
- as a regenerative agent;
- for malignant tumors;
- for inflammation in the oral cavity and nose.
Pharmaceutical extract of garlic is used externally to remove warts, strengthen and grow hair, to treat insect bites.
How to eat a fragrant vegetable?
Healing properties of garlic are most pronounced when eating it fresh. Only 1-2 cloves a day with bread or vegetables will help to cope not only with existing ailments, but also serve as prevention of colds, heart and blood diseases, male impotence.
On the question of whether garlic is useful on an empty stomach, you can give an unambiguous answer - no. There is a burning vegetable you can only combine with other foods, otherwise you can seriously damage your stomach.
Recommendation: At the first sign of the flu for a quick recovery. Several cloves of garlic must be crushed and placed in a paper bag. Inhale the garlic flavor alternately with your mouth and nose for 2-3 minutes to 10 times a day.
To whom is garlic contraindicated?
For people with sick digestive organs, the harm of garlic is obvious. But what other garlic has contraindications? Strangely enough, this product can cause an individual intolerance. The fact is that the diallyl disulphide, which is part of the garlic oil, is a pretty strong allergen. Therefore, to treat children and pregnant women with garlic need with extreme caution. In addition, the sharp, burning taste of the plant can cause small children to vomit.
Do not eat fresh garlic and lactating women, as the bitter ingredients of the vegetable penetrate into breast milk, which can lead to a child refusing to eat. When heat treated, the taste of the plant changes. Hence it follows that you can add garlic as a seasoning for hot dishes to women during lactation.
If it is reasonable to approach the use of garlic, its harmful properties can be minimized. And this means that you should not abandon your favorite seasoning, having the opportunity for a long time to save with her your precious health.