When a patient has been diagnosed with ethmoiditis, the doctor prescribes to him a treatment whose purpose is to reduce unpleasant abstinence and to stop the cause of the inflammatory process. The therapy is divided into several groups - medicamentous, surgical and folk. Each of them complements each other, thanks to which it is possible to bring the process of recovery closer. All drugs and procedures should be prescribed only by a doctor after passing the diagnosis.


  • 1 Medical treatment
    • 1.1 Antibiotics
    • 1.2 Anti-inflammatories
    • 1.3 vasoconstrictive drops
    • 1.4 Physiotherapy
  • 2 Treatment folk remedies
  • 3 Features of the treatment of acute catarrhal diseases
  • 4 Features of the treatment of chronic polypoid disease

Medical treatment

The goal of drug therapy - is to eliminate the fundamentalfactor and prevent the disease from passing from the acute phase to the chronic phase.


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Most often, ethmoiditis occurs against a background of a bacterial infection, which can cope with only antibacterial therapy. If the disease is viral, then antibiotics do not make sense, since they will be absolutely useless.


In the photo, the etmoiditis

looks like. To understand the type of pathogen, the doctor sends mucus from the nasal cavity for examination. In the meantime, the laboratory will determine the type of bacteria, the patient can take antibiotics that have a wide range of effects.

Among the most effective are:

  • Amoxicillin( can I drink Amoxicillin for colds, this article will help me understand)

    Photo-amoxicillin for treatment of etmoidite

  • Cefazolin,

    On photo-cefazolin

  • Cephaloridine,
  • Roxithromycin.

When the type of pathogen has been detected, the doctor may prescribe antibacterial drugs of directional action in the therapy regimen. The duration of administration of antibiotics is set individually.

Anti-inflammatory drugs

The rapid inflammatory process can be stopped with the help of such preparations:

  • Fenspiride,
    fenspiride for the treatment of ethmoiditis

    On photo-fenspiride

  • Chloropyramine,

    On photo-chloropyramine

  • Ebastin.

    On a photo-preparation ebastin

Positively influence the process of recovery with etmoiditis immunomodulators. Their action is aimed at regulating the work of the immune system. The most effective is Azoxymer.

Vasodilating drops

To facilitate nasal breathing, the doctor prescribes to the patient preparations with a vasoconstrictor effect. They are released in the form of drops and sprays. If, after a 7-day treatment, there is no relief, the doctor replaces the vasoconstrictor drugs with others that have a stronger effect.

The most common medicines of this group are:

  • Dimethinden,
  • Nafazoline,

    On the photo-spray naphazoline

  • Naphthysine,

    On the photo-naphthysine

  • Xylometazoline.

    On the photo - xylometazoline

Vasodilating drops effectively cope with edema. Use drugs for more than 5 days can not, because there is an addiction, resulting in the causative agent of the disease develops resistance to the components of the drug.


It is possible to cure ethmoiditis without the use of antibacterial drugs if the following physiotherapeutic procedures are used:

  1. Electrophoresis .To obtain the maximum result, this type of therapy should be combined with antibacterial drugs. With the help of electrophoresis, the effect is exerted on the anterior wall of the paranasal sinus.

    On the photo - electrophoresis

  2. Phonophoresis .This treatment procedure involves influencing the affected sinus with ultraviolet light. To obtain a guaranteed effect, it is necessary to apply a therapeutic solution or emulsion to the skin first.
    phonophoresis of nose

    On photo-phonophoresis of nose

  3. Helium-neon laser .It affects the nasal mucosa, while actively suppressing mucopurulent discharge.

Treatment with folk remedies

With the help of non-traditional methods of therapy, it is effective to fight with exacerbation in case of chronic ethmoiditis. To feel the first signs of relief the patient will be able in a few days. In addition, folk therapy is actively used with combination with antibacterial to strengthen the influence of the latter.

Traditional medicine involves the following procedures:

  1. Inhalation .It is necessary to inhale vapors of oils or broth obtained from dill. And here is how hot inhalations are made with genyantritis, this article will help to understand.
    inhalation of the nose

    On the photo - inhalation of the nose

  2. Washing .It is necessary to combine in an equal proportion onion juice and honey. Wait 2-3 hours, used to wash the nasal passages. But how is the washing of tonsils at home, is very detailed in this article.
    nasal lavage

    On the photo-wash of the nose

  3. Instructions for the .To eliminate inflammation of the nasal mucosa, you can use a decoction of herbs such as chamomile, St. John's wort, sage and oak bark. Why there is pain when instilled drops in the ear, you can learn from this article.
    instillation of the nose

    Photo-instillation of the nose

Use a saline solution to remove puffiness and destroy pathogenic microorganisms. Perform washing as often as possible, 6-7 times a day. Do not worry about your health, because a solution of salt is an absolutely safe remedy.

At home, chronic ethmoiditis can be treated with a tincture of white lily. It is a garden flower that has a curative effect. You can prepare the tincture yourself or buy at the pharmacy. Bury the nose with self-made drops 2 times a day, one drop in each nasal passage.

Features of treatment of acute catarrhal disease

The acute form of the catarrhal disease is well suited for conservative therapy. At the same time it can be carried out at home. If after 3 days there is no positive dynamics, the patient is sent to a hospital. At the first stages of therapy the patient should use vasoconstrictive drops, compresses with adrenaline to stop edema and normalize mucus waste.

In addition, acute catarrhal etmoiditis is treated as follows:

  1. Use of drops that have mucolytic effects. Here you can include Rinofluimacil, Sinuforte( and this is the price of drops in the nose from sinusitis Sinuforte, indicated in this article)

    On the photo-rhinofluucimil for the treatment of sinuses of the nose

  2. Use of antibacterial sprays - spray for the throat Bioparox, Isofra( and here is how Isfrawith nasal congestion in children, described in this article) Polidex.

    On photo-bioparox

  3. Reception of antibiotics , which can be administered intramuscularly or intravenously. In addition to antibacterial therapy, electrophoresis may be prescribed.
  4. Antihistamines - Zirtek, Suprastin, Ebastin.

    On photosynthesis

  5. Anti-inflammatory and antipyretic agents - NSAIDs, Paracetamol.
  6. Immunomodulators , having local or systemic influence - IRS-19, Taktivin, Imunofan, Timogen.

    On the photo-drug tactile

  7. Flushing of the nasal passages of the with a cuckoo or a sinus catheter Yemim. Antiseptic and antibacterial solutions are used for these purposes.
    flushing of the cuckoo

    Photo-washing of nasal passages by cuckoo

  8. UVH and laser.

What are the best and effective nasal drugs and nasal congestion for children, is indicated in this article.

Why there is nasal congestion in a newborn without a snot, and what can be done with this problem, will help to understand this article.

And here is what folk remedies for nasal congestion without a runny nose, it is worth applying in the first place, is indicated here in the article.

Features of treatment of chronic polyposis disease

The chronic form of the disease is considered quite dangerous, since it is impossible to completely defeat the disease. In addition, against the background of chronic etmoiditis complications occur.

If the disease is not accompanied by the presence of polyps in the nasal passages, the treatment is based on the following:

  • vasoconstrictor drops;
  • antibiotic therapy;
  • rinsing of the nasal sinuses;
    nasal lavage

    On the photosynthesis of the nasal sinuses

  • physiotherapy;
  • traditional medicine.

If chronic ethmoiditis is accompanied by the presence of small polyps, then they do not give a normal mucus release. The only way to treat is surgery. The main goal of this therapy is the extension of the nasal passage and removal of the tumor, so that the mucus will improve.

The whole operation is under local anesthesia, so that no one feels any pain. After such treatment, the patient is prescribed antibacterial drugs to prevent the spread of a new infection.

Treatment of ethmoiditis is a complex of measures that relieve the symptoms of an ailment and stop inflammation. For each patient, a scheme of therapy is developed, taking into account the stage of the disease and the causes of its occurrence.