History of radish has several centuries. The first to start it was cultivated by the ancient Greeks. She decorated their tables and was presented to the gods as a valuable product. Today, her position has not changed, and people still use it from many diseases, making salads, mixing with honey or squeezing the juice.
Today we will look at the benefits and harm of radish juice and share some recipes.
Chemical "stuffing"
The most popular grades of radish are green and black. The first is more pleasant to the taste than the second, which has a pronounced sound of bitterness and sharpness. In folk medicine, mainly black radish, known for a wide range of medicamentous effects, appears.
The chemical composition of the two varieties is identical. It is presented:
- with vitamins of group A, B, C, E;
- minerals: calcium, potassium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium;
- essential oils;
- with organic acids;
- with glucosides.
Attention! Freshly squeezed radish juice preserves all the beneficial substances contained in the root vegetable.
15 healing qualities of black radish juice
Drinking the black radish nectar is not very pleasant because of the burning taste, however its use is huge, but for health sake one can suffer! It has the following healing properties:
- Has a powerful antibacterial effect, is excellent in viral diseases.
- It is considered a natural antibiotic - absolutely harmless and effective. Eliminates the inflammatory processes in the body.
- Improves digestion, promoting the production of gastric juice and awakening a brutal appetite.
- Black radish juice perfectly helps against cholelithiasis, resolutely dealing with stones in the gallbladder.
- Activates the production of enzymes that disinfect the gastrointestinal tract, and at the same time, the nasopharynx with the oral cavity.
- Accelerates metabolism, binds and "expels" toxins, slags, excess cholesterol, cleans the walls of blood vessels.
- Bitter juice of black radish helps against cough and other cold symptoms, increases the immunity in winter and spring, produces a fortifying effect.
- Has choleretic properties, therefore it is often prescribed for chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis of the liver.
- The phytoncides contained in the root vegetable improve the system of providing the brain with oxygen.
- Useful for people who lead battles with excess kilograms, since it has a low nutritional value - 36 kcal.
- Radish juice is used as an anthelmintic.
- Normalizes the activity of the intestines, fights with constipation.
- Heals joint diseases( in the form of compresses).
- Heals purulent and ulcerative skin diseases( external way).
- Lotion from juice treat bruises and sprains.
- Used for cosmetic purposes: acting as a component of face mask, cleanses the skin, eliminates freckles.
Warning! To black radish does not cause you a persistent dislike, combine it with other vegetables, and dilute the juice with water. This will help drown out her burning bitterness.
Black radish is widely used in folk medicine. Since this variety differs in a firm and rigid structure, it is better to use it in the form of juice.
How to squeeze the juice
To prepare the juice of black radish, draw the juicer. However, you can do without it:
- Thoroughly rinse one small root.
- Do not release it from the peel, grate on a fine grater.
- Squeeze the resulting gum through the gauze fabric.
Warning! A ready-made drink can be drunk pure or diluted with water.
With honey
Delicious, healthy black radish juice with honey helps against coughing, increases lactation in nursing mothers, treats bronchitis and cholelithiasis.
The preparation is prepared according to the following scheme:
- Take one large root crop, cut off its upper part( in the form of a lid), remove the core and put the honey( up to half) into the formed cavity.
- Cut off the top of the "vessel" and take it to a warm place for 5-6 hours.
- During this time, the vegetable will allocate juice, which should be taken at 1-2 st.spoon three times a day after you have had a bite.
With articular ailments( sciatica, rheumatism, arthritis), the juice of black radish with honey is mixed with vodka in a proportion of 3: 2: 1.The mixture is applied to the affected areas.
Warning! Only 100 grams of radish a day provide the body with the necessary amount of magnesium, calcium and potassium.
Harmful radish
Useful properties of the radish juice are impressive, however, the drink can cause harm and harm to the body. He has an impressive set of contraindications.
Radish juice is prohibited for admission:
- for stomach ulcers and duodenal ulcers;
- with gastritis with increased acidity of the digestive juice;
- for colitis and enterocolitis;
- for chronic cardiac ailments;
- for inflammatory diseases of the liver and kidneys;
- in the acute form of chronic pancreatitis;
- with gout;
- with a predisposition to allergic reactions;
- for patients with dental enamel disorders;
- to pregnant women.
Factors such as the benefits and harms of radish juice are due to the ways in which it is consumed. Uncontrolled and excessive reception, ignoring contraindications may turn into serious health problems for the patient. In the case of a reasonable use of the drink will only benefit the body.
Warning! The use of radish provokes bloating.
Radish juice in a child's diet
Children should drink this drink with care. Before taking the juice of black radish it is better to mix with honey. Be sure to watch how the children's body reacts to the remedy.
Warning! To babies up to a year, nectar from a radish is not recommended.
1-3 year old children are allowed to drink no more than 1 teaspoon per reception. After 7 years, the portion is increased to 1 dessert spoon. The standard dose( 1-1.5 tablespoons) is prescribed only after reaching 12 years of age.
Be sure to include the drink in your diet! However, before this consult a doctor. Strictly observe the rules of use, since the benefits and harm of radish juice are separated by a thin border, which is very easy to cross.