Pecans are one of the most useful and popular nut family. It has medicinal properties and favorably affects the human body. The product improves the performance of almost all systems, and also helps skin rejuvenate.
The history of the
The Pecan is known to the world under several names. In some regions it is known as "Hickory pecan", in others - "Cairo Illinois".However, despite the variety of names, the historical homeland of the product is North America. In states such as Texas, Iowa, Indiana and Mississippi, pecans are one of the main products. The plant is also grown in the Crimea, the Caucasus, Central Asia and Australia. For a normal existence and active growth, the tree needs moist air and relatively hot weather.
The Indians, who settled America long before the discoveries of Christopher Columbus, pecan nut was the main product of the diet. Fruits could be stored for a long time, therefore in each family there was a decent supply of nuts in case of unsuccessful hunting. After harvesting, the Indians selected the best quality fruits and used them to make nut milk. This drink was distinguished by high nutritional value and energy value, so it was given to children, the elderly, the sick to strengthen immunity, restore strength and normal development of the body. The remaining nuts figured in the trade or were consumed in pure form.
Characteristics of the product
How the pecan fruit looks
The fruitiness of the pecan nut lasts 300 years, and the average height of the tree is up to 40 meters. Fruits have a cylindrical shape and brown color. The size of each nut is small enough, only 3 centimeters. Due to the similarity with the fruits of olives, pecans are often called "olive nuts".Its beige core is covered with a dark brown skin and resembles a shape of the brain. The product can be eaten either raw, or fried or dried. It becomes a component of many sweets, sweets and baked goods, and pecan pie is one of America's favorite delicacies.
Attention! Pecan nut taste like a Greek analog, but is characterized by a more gentle and mild flavor.
Nuts are also made from butter, which to taste very much resembles olive. It is suitable for dishes of rice, salads and mushrooms, it is perfectly combined with meat, fish culinary masterpieces and cheese.
Composition. The energy value of
Pecan nut is a saturated product. In 100 grams of fruit contains up to 72% fat. Pecan is also rich in cellulose, carbohydrates, water, choline, phylloquinone, tocopherol, thiamine, beta-carotene, folic acid and ascorbic acid. Mineral substances in the nut contain: copper, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc, sodium, selenium, iron, fluorine, calcium and manganese.
Warning!100 grams of nuts eaten give the human body more than 600 calories.
5 healing qualities of pecans nuts
Medicinal use of pecans:
- Saturation with useful fats. The use of ripe fruits allows you to increase the level of "correct" cholesterol and reduce unwanted. Fatty acids, with which the fruit is rich, have antioxidant properties. They slow the aging of the skin, prevent the development of ischemic disease, cancerous tumors and markedly reduce the risk of problems with the cardiovascular system.
- Active use in gerontology. For centuries scientists and advanced researchers in the field of medicine have tried to deduce a formula for the extension of youth, not suspecting that it grows at hand. To date, gerontologists are actively using the fruits of pecans in medicines.
- Improvement of vision. The pecan nut, whose useful properties are vast, is rich in carotene, which is a vital vitamin. Due to this, the product improves vision and allows to significantly reduce the risk of eye diseases, which are associated with constant stress, excessive stress.
- Blood purification. Getting rid of foreign substances and poisons in the bloodstream is quite difficult, but it is carotene, contained in pecans, that allows to speed up this process.
- Prevention of cancer. Oncology is one of the most acute and dangerous problems of mankind, but scientists are confident that the antioxidant properties of pecan can be a preventive of cancers. Nuts are particularly relevant in the fight against prostate, breast and lung cancer.
Use of nuts in cooking
In addition to the delicious sweets, bakery and garnish ingredients for meat dishes, the pecan nut is used when cooking coffee. These fruits give the drink a slight nutty taste. A lot of modern diets use nuts as the main product, as they are nutritious and nutritious. Lowering the level of cholesterol in the blood, they thereby speed up the process of burning extra pounds.
Pecan oil. Benefits and use of
Oil made from pecans is applied either inside or outside. The remedy is important for colds, headaches and fatigue. It slows down the aging process and increases the body's resistance. Oil also eliminates skin diseases: burns, wounds, bites, irritations and rashes.
Warning! Pecan oil is actively used in massage art, as it perfectly nourishes and moisturizes the skin.
How to store
Pecans, whose use is proven in both medicine and cosmetology, is easy enough to purchase, because the product is popular and popular. When choosing, pay attention to the integrity of the kernel and its "meatiness".In case you take unrefined fruit, the shell should not contain cracks or other damage. To maintain a normal state, the fruit should be stored in a sealed package and in cool places( in the refrigerator or freezer).To prolong the shelf life, they can be frozen, then pecans will be suitable for 6 months from the time of freezing.
Attention! Despite the outstanding useful properties, pecans should be eaten with extreme caution.
Excessive eating of the product can have a detrimental effect on the body. At one time the human stomach can not overpower 100 grams of fruit. If this rate is exceeded, a person begins to feel an acute headache, a painful rash appears on his skin and in the mouth. In addition, the work of the digestive system is disrupted, and repeated abuse of nuts causes the development of allergies.
Not all people are allowed to eat the product. The risk group includes people with liver problems, allergic reactions to nuts and excess weight.
Benefits and harm from pecans go side by side. With dosed use, the product will be very useful for health, and if you ignore the norm, you will get a lot of side effects.