Ginger, being a very popular spice of Indian origin, is used in traditional cuisine of different countries. In ancient times, this amazing root was considered a panacea for many diseases and was valued in weight of gold. He is interested in modern admirers of self-healing primarily because of the surprising effect on the cardiovascular system. And to understand the question - ginger raises or lowers the pressure - you need to study its composition in detail and understand how the individual components affect the body.
are used. Useful properties of ginger
So, let's look at how ginger influences pressure, what it can be useful for hypertensive patients and hypotensive patients. Due to its complex composition, spice improves cerebral blood circulation, dilutes blood, strengthens the heart muscle, eliminates pressure drops and tones up the body. That is why the first to pay attention to ginger people with elevated blood pressure.
Burning root crop contains a huge number of compounds, but the following are especially important for the body:
- B vitamins, ascorbic acid, retinol;
- amino acids - lysine, threonine, phenylalanine, methionine and many others;
- microelements - silicon, magnesium, chromium, phosphorus, potassium, iron, calcium;
- organic acids - caprylic, linoleic, oleic, nicotinic. They restore working capacity and relieve fatigue and nervous breakdowns;
- essential oils.
This is not a complete list of elements that make up ginger, but they all have a very versatile effect on the human body. Part of the ingredients( iron, nicotinic acid) under certain conditions can increase the pressure. Other components, but their majority, have quite the opposite effect. They normalize the work of the heart and blood vessels, eliminate fatigue and tension, which is extremely important for hypertensive patients.
. Attention. The reaction to ginger is always very individual. As with high and low blood pressure, a natural medicine should be eaten gently. Measure the pressure before and after ingestion.
Despite the fact that many confirm the hypotensive effect of the burning root, these qualities are not scientifically proven. Classical medicine does not give any comments about the therapeutic properties of ginger. If you all decided to use it to combat hypertension, you should remember that the root can only be useful at an early stage of the disease.
How to apply ginger at elevated and reduced pressure?
The use of burning spices can be useful at any pressure values. It is important to choose the correct dosage and prescription. The therapeutic effect is achieved by consuming drinks from ginger, dried or fresh rhizomes, the use of trays.
Methods of therapy with increased pressure
We face hypertension much more often than with hypotension. Therefore, traditional medicine can offer many recipes with anti-hypertensive effect based on spice.
Hypertension I degree
With mild illness, the pressure usually ranges from 150 to 95 mm Hg. Art. Failures in the work of the heart occur periodically and pass without consequences. During the remission, the patient feels well.
Warning. Ginger at high pressure in the preclinical stage of hypertension prevents the accumulation of cholesterol plaques in the body, thereby acting as a kind of prevention of the development of atherosclerosis and the transition of hypertension to more severe degrees.
In addition, ginger improves blood supply and nutrition of tissues, minimizing the risk of ischemic stroke, cardiac hypertrophy, nephrosclerosis and other complications of grade I hypertension. Such consequences occur infrequently, but in order to completely eliminate the risk of their development, it is recommended to regularly use a medicinal rhizome.
Ginger drink recipe under increased pressure
Especially popular among patients is ginger tea. The drink is easy to prepare and pleasant to taste. It will require:
- fresh ginger or dry powder:
- cinnamon;
- cardamom.
Ingredients pour boiling water and insist under the lid for 30 minutes. The ready infusion is filtered and taken with sugar or honey twice a day.
You can make tea with pressure and ginger in a different recipe. A small piece of spice should be finely chopped and brewed in a thermo glass of hot water. Use a healing drink is better in the morning, adding honey and a lemon slice. Infusion gives vivacity and tones, strengthens the central nervous system.
Tip. Avoid stress. After all, it is the nervous overload that often causes high blood pressure.
It's hard to call ginger tea a medicine for pressure, but many like it and prefer it to other drinks. Especially appreciate the burning infusion of women. With regular use, ginger not only keeps the pressure, but also activates the metabolism and reduces weight.
Hypertension II and III degree
When developing a moderate and chronic form of hypertension, ginger ingestion is not recommended. At these stages of the disease a person is forced to take medications, many of which are forbidden to use together with spice.
If the blood pressure is constantly above normal, the root can be applied externally, adding it to the foot bath. In this case, ginger lowers the pressure more gently and not so quickly. Prepare a medical infusion so:
- The root of the plant is finely cut and brewed with boiling water.
- Withstand for 25-30 minutes, filter and pour into a basin with warm water.
- The legs are lowered into ginger infusion for 20 minutes.
After the procedure it is recommended to measure the pressure. To the effect of treatment was greatest, take foot baths followed by a course of 7-10 days.
Use of ginger under reduced pressure
Hypotension occurs in the population much less often. Nevertheless, folk medicine knows many recipes for increasing blood pressure. Ginger at low pressure is usually added to hot tea. Prepare the medicine as follows:
- The spice is ground on a grater.
- Combine the gruel with chili and honey.
- The mixture is thoroughly mixed and stored in a refrigerator.
. The product is dissolved in hot sweet tea and taken after a meal. After a week, blood pressure will return to normal.
Another way to raise blood pressure is to eat a pickled or candied ginger root. But this option is not recommended for people with gastrointestinal diseases.
Based on the foregoing, it can be concluded that the effect of ginger consumption largely depends on the individual characteristics of the patient. It should be remembered that spice is not a medicine and its effect on the body is unpredictable. If a burning drink lowers the pressure, then it is suitable and you can take tea regularly. But in any case, it is recommended to get a doctor's advice before starting treatment.
This article is for informational purposes only. Consultation of the doctor is necessary.