On the rules for the use, preparation and storage of freshly squeezed juices

  1. About the benefits and harms of
  2. About the use of fresh
  3. The rules for consuming fresh
  4. About storage

Freshly squeezed juices are rich in biologically active substances that are very quickly absorbed and take an active part in the metabolic processes of the body. They are incredibly useful and tasty, with their help you can quickly restore strength, recharge your batteries and get rid of excess weight. But their incorrect use and storage can harm the body, and in order to avoid mistakes one should know all about the rules of using these drinks.

Freshly squeezed juices are much tastier and more useful than ready-made shop drinks.

. On the benefits and harms of

. The use of freshly squeezed juices is not in doubt - with their regular use in moderate amounts, you can improve the body, clean it of harmful metabolic products and strengthen the immune system. As a result, metabolic processes will be more active and faster, the nervous system will return to normal, and you can feel a rush of vigor and strength every day.

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The use of freshly squeezed juices is, first of all, in a high concentration of vitamins:

  • citrus juice is rich in vitamin C, which helps to overcome colds and is considered the main "friend" of strong immunity. In the winter, it is recommended to drink a glass of this drink every day - it helps to protect yourself from infections and viral diseases;
  • carotene, contained in pumpkin, carrots, apricots and melon, helps prevent the development of eye diseases and is very useful for our skin. In addition, this substance stimulates growth and takes an active part in the formation of bones.

In addition, freshly squeezed juices are characterized by low caloric content, which allows them to be included in diet programs and consumed on unloading days. For example, grapefruit juice has won tremendous popularity among people who want to lose weight, as it helps to speed up the metabolism.

Grape fresh prevents formation of thrombi

Important! Remember that in all things it is necessary to observe the measure. This applies to the use of freshly squeezed juices: firstly, you can not know in what ecological conditions the vegetables and fruits you used were grown, and secondly, as it turned out, some fresh foods contain not the most useful substances that accumulate in the body,can behave unpredictably.

Caution: damage possible!

In fact, the benefits and harms of freshly squeezed juices are quite close to each other. These drinks have the following drawbacks:

  • high level of sugar content, which does not allow to include them in your diet to people suffering from diabetes;
  • fresh fruits promote softening of tooth enamel, therefore it is recommended to use them through a tube;
  • some of them have a pronounced laxative effect, such juices must be diluted;
  • "sour" juices, for example, apple, lemon, orange, are forbidden to drink to people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, especially with increased acidity;
  • allergy sufferers also should drink fresh with extreme caution, so as not to cause a negative reaction from the body.

About the use of fresh

Freshly squeezed juices, as practice shows, many use for a variety of purposes. Some simply enjoy incredible taste and aroma, others use them for medicinal purposes, others get rid of excess kilograms. Let's see if these drinks are able to become something more than just juices.

Treat or not treat?

In fact, the treatment of freshly squeezed juices without the use of medication is impossible. Of course, their benefits are great, but no vegetable or fruit is able to completely cure any disease. Freshies can only be used as natural sources of vitamins, but nothing more. In addition, as mentioned above, some of them may become a threat to your health, so before you include this or that juice in your diet for therapeutic purposes, you should consult your doctor.

Remember that juice, vegetable or fruit is, first of all, a food product, so do not ignore medical prescriptions and replace them with juices. In addition, not every fresh will be compatible with the prescribed medication, so do not engage in self-medication - often this approach only brings harm.

When pregnant

Another rather important topic is the use of freshly squeezed juices during pregnancy. During this period they are also very useful, but in moderation. Vegetable and fruit fresh fruits contribute to the normal development of the central nervous system of the fetus and take an active part in the formation of the musculature. Mom protects themselves from viruses and infections, helps to overcome fatigue and, saturating the body with vitamins, soothe and cheer up.

But, since many products are treated with chemicals, which significantly increases their shelf life, then before thoroughly squeezing the juice out of them, you should thoroughly rinse the ingredients under running water and release them from the peel.

Ideal solution will be the use of vegetables and fruits grown on your own site

It is important to remember! During pregnancy, freshly squeezed juices should be diluted with water and consumed in strictly limited quantities. You can not drink them simply to quench your thirst or at the same time as eating. In any case, it is necessary to consult a doctor beforehand.

For slimming

Freshly squeezed juices help to lose weight with benefit to the body. Of course, do not go on a strict diet consisting only of these drinks, but here to arrange a few boot days or to replace fresh breakfast or dinner - it is entirely acceptable.

Juicy, fragrant, bright and delicious freshness will present the harmony of your figure

By combining vegetables and fruits in one drink, you can achieve amazing results in the fight against excess weight and maintain your body in tonus. The most useful are the juices containing the pulp - they supply the body with valuable fiber and contribute to its purification from the slag. A glass of fresh, drunk before eating, will help suppress the feeling of hunger, which, in turn, will reduce the need for a large amount of food and protect against overeating.

It only remains to select the juice.

  1. Drinks from vegetables are considered the most useful and effective in combating obesity. They saturate the body with useful substances that take an active part in metabolic processes. Some vegetable juices have a mild diuretic effect and excrete toxins from the body. Slimming is most often used: cabbage, pumpkin, beet and carrot fresh.
  2. Fruit drinks are more palatable, but at the same time they are high in sugar, so they are recommended to dilute with mineral still water in a ratio of 1: 1.In order to get rid of excess weight it is recommended to drink juice of pomegranate, grapefruit, apple, kiwi, orange and watermelon.
  3. Berry juices are distinguished by a bright aroma and magical taste. Their only disadvantage is seasonality.

Important! Remember that each fruit and vegetable has in its composition the concentration of certain active components. Therefore, before you start eating, consult a doctor and dietician.

Recipes of freshly squeezed juices suitable for weight loss may include several ingredients.

Carrots, spinach 2: 3
Carrots, beets, cucumber 10: 3: 3
Orange, apple, lemon, honey 10: 10: 1: 1
Carrots, pumpkin 1: 1
Carrots, pumpkin, beet, celery 2: 1: 1: 1
Apple, carrot, pumpkin 5: 3: 2
Apple, pear 1: 1
Cucumber, lemon 3: 1
Grapefruit, lemon 3: 1
Apple, melon, honey 8: 8: 1
Apple, celery, beet 1: 1: 1
Cucumber, celery, kiwi 1: 1: 1

Vitamin cocktails

Here are the recipes freshsqueezed juices, which will help to fill the vitamin supply.

Ingredients Influence on the body
One orange, half a lemon, ¼ cup mineral water General strengthening
Cucumber, 2 celery stems, 1 cm fresh ginger, garlic clove To improve the skin condition
8 large strawberries, a bunch of grapes( blue or green) To improve the skin condition
3 carrots, apple, half beets, a bunch of parsley and celery To maintain the immunity of
2 oranges, 2 peaches, a teaspoon of honey, a couple of ice cubes When depleted body
Cucumber, 2 tomatoes, bunch of dill Fighting oncological diseases and depression
2 carrots, 2 beets, lemon, 3 apples, fresh ginger( 1 cm) For cleansing the body
2 apples, 3 carrots, 3 celery stems, rootginger( 3 cm) To stimulate the metabolism
2 cucumbers, 2 apples, a spinach bunch, a fennel's tuber A charge of vigor

Rules of consuming fresh

Now it is necessary to understand how to drink freshly squeezed juices.

  1. Fresh must be consumed immediately after preparation, as after 15 minutes most vitamins and biologically active substances are destroyed.

    Note! An exception is beet juice, which should stand for about 20 minutes - during this time it will destroy harmful substances on our body.

  2. From juice, you can get the most benefit if you drink it half an hour before a meal, as in an empty stomach it is quickly absorbed and, as a result, its active components immediately enter into biochemical processes.

    Tip! After a meal, drinking fresh food is not recommended, since, combined with food, they will contribute to increased gas production.

  3. To ensure that organic acids can not destroy the tooth enamel, use fresh juices better through the tube, and then rinse your mouth with water.

    Warning! After taking such juices, you should never brush your teeth!

  4. You need to drink freshly squeezed juices moderately. Particular attention should be given to carrot and beetroot, the total volume of which should not exceed a third of the total liquid in the cocktail.

On the storage of

The question often is how much is stored freshly squeezed juice? As it was said above, in the usual way, that is, simply under the lid, it is impossible to keep the freshness of fresh. But if you really need it, you can use the following methods:

  • pour the juice into a glass container, add lemon juice on top, which in this case will play the role of a preservative that does not allow air to pass through. The container should be tightly closed and not opened for 8 hours;
  • after freezing fresh can be stored no more than 2 days, but in this case its taste qualities will be lost;
  • juice can be preserved - boil for 10-15 minutes and add sugar. Naturally, practically the entire vitamin reserve will be lost, but the taste will be saturated.

Now you know almost everything about freshly squeezed juices. We hope that this information will be useful to you. Follow the above recommendations and fresh will necessarily give you good health and help get rid of excess weight.

  • Mar 08, 2018
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