Water and water-salt exchange( IV)
The water hardness value is determined by the total content of calcium and magnesium in it. Rigid water is not very suitable for household needs. It is poorly boiled meat, vegetables and legumes. There are data on the negative impact of hard water on human health. So, increased water hardness is an etiological factor that causes the development of urolithiasis.
The standard of hardness of drinking water is at the level of 7 mmol / l.
From 1 to 10% of the daily demand for trace elements such as iodine, iron, zinc, magnesium, molybdenum and cobalt is covered by drinking water, and for fluorine and strontium it is the main source of intake.
Fluoride belongs to important biogenic elements. It takes part in the mineral metabolism of the body, and also plays an important role in the formation of solid constituents of bone tissue of the skeleton and especially the teeth. In the case of excess fluoride in the consumed water endemic fluorosis may occur, which affects the population of areas that are endemic for fluoride. Fluorosis in the early stages is manifested by the appearance of brown spots on the enamel of the teeth, after which the dentin lesion develops, as a result of which the teeth become brittle and easily destroyed. Concentration of fluoride in consumed water more than 2 mg / l already causes damage to the teeth and bones of the skeleton.
But the reduced content of fluoride in drinking water( 0.5-0.6 mg / l) can cause destruction of tooth enamel, lead to loss of strength in the teeth and increase the likelihood of caries formation.
The optimal concentration of fluoride in drinking water is 0.7-1 mg / l.
Iodine is a chemical element that is the most important halogen with many specific properties. Its biogenic properties are manifested in various biochemical processes occurring in the body. So, its presence causes the intensification of various oxidative processes and the change in the flow of enzymatic processes. The bulk of iodine contained in the body is concentrated in the thyroid gland and muscles.
In case a person lives in a biogeochemical province with insufficient iodine content in soil and water, he may develop thyroid hypofunction, as well as its compensatory increase. This disease is called "endemic goiter".More severe cases can cause a delay in growth, as well as physical and mental development. Disorder of coordination of movements, tongue-tie, deaf-mute and mental retardation may appear. This complex of symptoms is characteristic of cretinism.
The daily norm of iodine for humans is 200-220 mcg. Under normal conditions, about 120 μg of water enters the body. ...more
Used materials:
Shilov VN, Mits'yo VP"Healthy Nutrition"